Some more inspiration.: - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Some more inspiration.

nsd_user663_7750 profile image
16 Replies

Pretty shocking to me.

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nsd_user663_7750 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_7674 profile image

It doesn't really shock me - even though I know it should! I think we all have different triggers.

I'm a woman, so show me a picture of someone with deep smoking lines and aging skin and missing teeth and it freaks the life out of me. As shallow as it sounds, vanity is more of a motivation for me.

nsd_user663_7750 profile image

This is for you.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Now that was awful..... thanks for nothing, Kermit :eek:

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Ok then I'm not going to look then

nsd_user663_7674 profile image

This is for you.

Kermit - cheers, and I mean that. That link is unpleasant, but the problem I had as a smoker was to keep myself in denial and not look at this sort of stuff. If I'm going to stop I need to be constantly reminded of what is going to happen to me otherwise.

The state of that poor woman works for me and has just got me well and truly over another craving.

I also read alot of WhyQuit which I think you do too Kermit, I've seen you post stuff from that site. I'm half way through reading "Deborah's" diary at the moment, she can't stand up at work because of the Chemo and is about to lose her job, can't pay her medical bills and is slowly dying. It's blo*dy harrowing but I need this sort of wake up call to keep me on track.

Keep stuff like this coming. I'm not offended. It really helps!

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

that first vid is very similar to how I used to smoke on a cold day :)

nsd_user663_7769 profile image

After loads of reading it would seem that chewing tobacco is the main cause for mouth cancer. What is worrying is that it is being promoted as a safe way to stay addicted to nicotine. Most american prison only allow chewing tabacco. packs of normal cigs sell for hundreds of dollars in LA prisons where they have a total ban on all tabacco products.


nsd_user663_7675 profile image


Yup, strange I know but one of biggest fears isn't lung cancer (think i'm in the "won't happen to me" denial world) but loosing my teeth. I guess because it is so visual and I can see that my teeth are no longer pearly white. No getting away from the fact that a smokers mouth looks and smells yuk!!

For any first few day quitters, you will be amazed how quickly your teeth clean up. I'd been blaming the staining on black tea for years but I guess that was also denial.


nsd_user663_7750 profile image

Howdy Polster and all,

Yeah I go on the 'Whyquit' alot because like you I need to keep my strength up, because I was definitaley one of those that used to LOVE smoking.

I think I might turn into one of those really horrible anti-smoking people:rolleyes: but if it keeps me off the weed for the rest of my life I don't care.

I have to keep reminding myself with visual images also, even though I watched my grandfather die panfully from lung cancer, he actually brought up soft tissue at the moment of death which I think was lung matter.

My mother came to my house today, she lives quite far away. She smokes 20 a day. I asked her when she first tried a cigarette, she said she was 7 years old. She got a good whack from my grandfather she said. I do not know a single member of family that does not smoke. (A learned behaviour).

My mother lives in a community care home as she cannot look after herself. The carer was here with her. I said to mum,

"I will send you an inhalator kit and we can ring each other every day and you can try to quit like me", (now approaching week 3).

"Ok" she said.

The carer then said,

"You've been smoking for fifty years, why bother":mad:

Then they both stood outside my front door and lit up while I brought them a cup of tea.

Nan stopped smoking about 1 month ago. She is getting the onset of dementia. She smoked for nearly 70 years, her lungs are ok, which is astounding, but she has suffered mini strokes. She started forgetting she had already lit cigarettes and sometimes would have 3 going at once in the ash tray.

Once she had finished the last packet, I asked the care home that I would prefer her not to smoke anymore, they said how cruel it would be. I got her patches. Today she asked me for a cigarette, I said,

"Blimey nan, you only had one five minutes ago"

"Oh yeah" she said.:D

This strengthens my belief that most of it is in the mind.


I think my waistline is starting to expand a bit:o

nsd_user663_7750 profile image

10 minute video

It's hard to know what to say about this one.

nsd_user663_7674 profile image


Hay Nessy - With you on the teeth thing. I had to have root c**** treatment in one of my front bottom teeth 2 years ago and it had a slight wobble. My Dentist assured me that I have great teeth, straight and white (especially for a smoker) but warned me that if I carry on smoking it causes the gums to receed more (restricts the blood flow) and teeth WILL fall out. ARGH ARGH! I really look after myself, eat well, work out etc etc.. but having no flippin' teeth isn't going to be a good look!

Kermit - I'm at work so can't look at today's link, but will do when I get home - I hope it's suitably horribe. Just wanted to pick up on where you said you "LOVED smoking". You never loved smoking, you're addicted, I said this to someone else last week, here's an example of what I mean...

"You might love chocolate cake, but you don't need to eat it 5, 10, 20 times a day. That's the difference between enjoying something and addiction.."

I have to remind myself of that, because if I tell myself I "Loved" smoking (which I used to think I did) then I'll be back smoking them at some point.

Top work with your Nan!

nsd_user663_7750 profile image

Hi Gary,

Yeah the chewing tobacco thing is really terrible, the cosmetic damage does seem much worse. Do they still put all the chemicals in like they do cigarettes? Or is it just the nicotine that does it?

nsd_user663_7674 profile image

It's hard to know what to say about this one.

Just watched this one. "Mom" being wheeled out of the hospital to have a fag said it all. Reminded me of my ex boyfriends Nan. She was dying of lung cancer and asked me to go outside with her while she had a smoke. She said "Who care, it's too late now anyway"

Kermit - I think you should do "Kermits video shocker of the day" - it works for me.

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Ewwwww Kermit,

Thanks... kinda enjoyed in a sick sort of a way... totally gross though!!!

You've just spurred me on to am hour and a halfs YouTube surf.... when i really should have gone to snoozeland... bad kermit... but thanks for sharing... :)

Well done on your quit too... stay strong young warrior!


Zozie x

nsd_user663_7750 profile image

I found this:

Hope you like it Zo.

nsd_user663_7750 profile image

I liked this from Tales from the quit

Not what you're looking for?