Fed up...: I don't like to post negative type... - No Smoking Day

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Fed up...

nsd_user663_5972 profile image
13 Replies

I don't like to post negative type posts as I don't want to put anyone else in bad moods so I always try to be positive but today I am fed up and I need to give you all my sob story.

I have a very very sore throat and tonsils like golf balls. My body aches as though I have been in a fight with Mike Tyson. I feel as though everyone and everything is against me. Feel emotional and unloved. Basically I want to hibernate for the next 11 months.

Don't worry I'm not going to smoke, my quit is strong (NOPE) although the last couple of days it's as though there is a voice in my head trying to talk me into smoking. Its him I know, the nicodemon and I won't give in.

Please can you get your violins out for me and give me some sympathy - please just to make me feel better...

Tinks xx

P.S. I also fed up with my job and I don't want to work no more. I want to work from home and be my own boss - any ideas... Do any of you want to employ me but let me work from own. Go on... :rolleyes:

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nsd_user663_5972 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hi Tinks,

Sorry to hear you feeling like this, hate to say it but for most of us it is just part of the quit process-and it will pass.

I work from home, and trust me it is not all it is cracked up to be. These four walls can get pretty boring. However if you want a job, I have a huge pile of ironing that needs doing!

Remember that every day you do is a day you will never ever have to do again, do some reading to reinforce everything you already know, and maybe treat yourself to something-nice bath smellies, new book, new cd?

You must never worry about posting anything negative, that is why we are all here, to celebrate the ups and help with the downs.

Chin up, keep strong, hope you are feeling better soon.

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Hi Tinks, sorry you're not feeling too good. Bev is absolutely right, working for yourself isn't all it's cracked up to be, can be a very lonely place sometimes, I do miss the banter I used to have with work mates.

Sounds like the virus demon has got you, nothing to do with the nicodemon. Get some paracetamol down you, nice warm bed and chill. Warm honey and lemon, hot bath, all those nice warm things.

If it carries on for more than 48 hours without feeling any better, i'd get down the docs!

Now go run that bath and get the hot water bottle ready. Chocolates good, just let it melt (in your mouth, not the bath), won't be too difficult to swallow then!

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Hey Tinks

Chin up, sorry to hear about your gloom, but it is January and I think a lot of people get a dose of the fedupness at this time of year, Christmas gone, still getting dark early etc, etc. And you got a sore throat and golfballs for tonsils as well...... but you've got the right attitude, NOPE.

As for being your own boss - your imagination and ambition is way too limited. For example, my ambition is to win the lottery and not have a boss ever again :D So, think big - what do you really want to do?

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Hope you feeling better soon...

Hi Tinks,

Sorry you feeling out of sorts, it sounds like your coming down with something, poor you, I hope you feel better soon...... A bath and early night tonight should help. I think because you aren't feeling so well, you are feeling emotional too, but like I said in my post earlier I'm feeling the same, emotional and not myself at all today. I'm sure we will both come through this.

Again I agree the other guys working by yourself isn't great, I've been in work on my own today and yesterday, (there is only myself and my mum anyway) but it's boring and as I've had no company I think more about cigarettes, so I'm all for working in a larger office and keeping your mind occupied.

Keep your chin up hun, you are doing so so so well


nsd_user663_4256 profile image

Oh Tink - you're coming down with something and that's making you feel very low... no wonder you feel crap....

You're doing this, and remember, you're doing it without any aids so you should be so very proud of yourself.

Remember when you did smoke and had a sore throat and felt crap -somehow you would force yourself to feed the addiction by having a ciggie - and then you'd feel even worse... that's not something that you'll have to face again - the nicodemon isn't working this time...

I've worked for myself too - and after a year I decided to work for someone else because I was lonely - I'm a people person and it didn't suit me to be stuck at the top of my house without anyone to natter too!

Beechams cold n flu tablets, a lovely cup of tea (or milky coffee) and a snuggle down time on the sofa with good TV - thats what you need...

Keep strong - even though you feel like your body's giving up on you - your mind isn't...:)

Rachael x

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hi Tink.

Sorry you are feeling down at the moment. I think I agree with Dave 2707. It's the time of the year. Horrible weather, dark mornings and evenings. It's just a depressing couple of months. Also you are probably feeling worse because of the quitting.

I feel like you at the moment. Tired, irritable, argumentive (big time!!) tearful etc!!.

But never mind we will pull through this with the support of this forum and our friends. You have done so well, keep it up.

Speak soon.

Ju x :)

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Thanks guys for your replies. Thank you.

The pain is going to me ears now and my tonsils are now all white and spotty. Me thinks its more than a sore throat!!

My job is quite a lonely one anyway. I have me own office and if I'm not in the office then I doing extensive travelling. I just wanted to be able to work for myself so I can watch daytime tv :D

Dave yp lottery win would be amazing. However I don't do the lottery I always said it was a waste of money. How stupid I used to spend £5+ a day on fags but thought £1 on the lottery was a waste of money. Maybe I should start doing it. It wouldn't be a waste if I won ;)

Bevyorks - I would come an ddo your ironing. Apart from I cant iron. I iron creases into things, hence I always buy clothes that don't need ironing.

Take care peeps


nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Sorry to hear you're feeling like that Tinkerbell, sounds like a touch of flu or something, take care of yourself and hope you will feel better very soon. Hugs. xxxx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Ohhh, sounds like it may be tonsillitis, just might though, don't hold me to it ;)

Mind you don't put up with it toooo long esp with the ear problems, see a doc if need be.

Hibernate for 11 months? And wake up having to rush around for Christmas without any money? :D No thanks ;)

A lovely wistful but cheering bit of violin for you :).

Look after yourself Tink, being unwell and then getting better may test your resolve and quit.

Wishing you health and strengh and continuing quit

Pol x

nsd_user663_6991 profile image


White spotty tonsils sounds like tonsilitis so I would get down to the docs. It certainly can make you feel quite rotten. I wish you better.

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Sounds like a good dose of SAD to me. Chin up...soon be Christmas and that means you'd have done a year :)

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Tinks you need wine and a large bar of chocolate firstly!!

I'm sorry you are not feeling very well and obviously the quit thing is hard without added complications of bad jobs and illness. However you do need some TLC and you need to pop to your doctors.

Giving you a hug.


nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hope you start to feel better soon, sounds like a great need for ice cream and wine, rest lots.

Stay strong sending you a big hug.

Im crap at ironing as well, thats why I need to find someone I can employ to do it!

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