Feeling a bit Strange today?..... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Feeling a bit Strange today?.....

nsd_user663_7254 profile image
14 Replies

Cannot put my finger on how or why I am feeling like I am today, if that makes sense?...

Have a muzzy head, no appetite which for me has been quite normal since quitting unlike the other times where I have eat at every oppurtunity plus feeling slightly emotional.

It this beacuse I'm well into my terrible week 3?......

Not feeling as positive about my quit, however NOT craving one, so what's it all about.....

Sorry to seem very strange with what I am writing but it's how i'm feeling at the moment.


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nsd_user663_7254 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi hunnie

I'm with you on that one. I am still stong with the quit but feel so bloody emotional and unloved, etc, etc.

Keep strong Shazzie - you're doing great


nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Hi Sharon, sorry you're feeling a bit strange. It's hard to put your finger on it isn't it. I was thinking about this this morning and when you think about it, it's not so suprising considering all the different things you are having to adjust to. As a smoker we would smoke when we are happy, sad, annoyed, bored etc. It was either a reward, or something to do whilst we were 'thinking' about what to do next. Now all those times have to be dealt with in another way and although for the most part, we deal with them quite well, mentally re-inforcing why we feel like that, sometimes it's just overwhelming.

Do something nice for yourself, give yourself a reward of some kind, whether it is food, buying yourself something, seeing a move, whatever would make you smile. Even better if you can have a laugh about something, some silly clip on YouTube or something. If you're in a position to, put some music on and have a dance around if you like it. If you find things to make you smile enough times it works a treat.

Lorraine :D

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Thanks Tinks, sorry to hear you feeling the same as me. I cannot beleive that I'm nearly at 16 days and by other pepoles posts have done really well untill now, anyway like you still on the quit and will just have to deal with how I'm feeling today. How's the CT going hun?..

Lozza, thanks for your post and different ways to take my mind off feeling like this, and you are so right you smoke through every emotion and now life is dealing with every emotion without a ciagarette and it's hard!!!!!. I'm at work at the minute and I suppose being in the office on my own today I have nobody to keep my mind occupied so that isn't helping. I finish in less than 2 hours and have my 8 yr old daughters friend coming for tea after school so I'm sure that they will both keep my mind of things........:eek:

Thanks again girlies, don't know what I'd do without you and everyone else that posts, I think you are all amazing!!!!!!!!!!!


jackieinv profile image

Hi I searched for a link I saw the other day about the emotional side of quitting but no luck, think it might have been put on by Jase, so if you are around Jase maybe you could post it again, thanks. This link is also about emotions, hope it helps, you are doing so well, keep strong. ffnicotine.com/FFN_10_Emoti...


nsd_user663_4367 profile image


Ha ha, strange!!, well trust me what I have done today will take your mind of feeling strange...... ( Will let u know later)... Anyway u would have all these emotions as a smoker Sharon (we blame everything on not smoking). Stick with it my friend u have done fantastic so far, and as I've said many times am very proud of you.

P.S. Good old Tevez, game on its only half time ...... Kaz xx :p

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Thanks Jackie I'll read the attachment later when I have more time, I'm sure this will help me through today.

Kaz, You know I wont let you down mate, I should be on top of the world today after the match last night. I don't think we will succeed not at Old Trafford but it's nice to see them ahead. Did i see another 6 minutes of injury time added again what is it with the derby and extra time. I actually woke Emilia up with my shouting at the telly last night.

Will phone you tonight and you can tell me what you have been doing????, intrigued......

Thanks again girls for your valued support and encouragement and I mean that.


nsd_user663_4256 profile image

Hi Shazie

How are you doing this afternoon? Hope the strange feelings have gone away... keep going honey - you're doing fab... it's such an odd thing this addiction admittance - I can honestly say that I didn't think I was an addict when I was smoking - and now that I've stopped - I know that I am one!

Anyway - hope you've got those positive vibes back :)

Rachael x

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Hi Rachel,

Feeling a little better this afternoon but still feeling emotional and a little anxcious, I just want it to be the end of the day and bedtime and wake up to hopefully a much better day.

This nicodemon is sure playing hell with me today but he wont beat me that's for sure!!!!!!!.....

Looking forward to getting away from week 3 that's for sure as haven't felt as upbeat as I had on week 1 & 2. Day 17 just started so not long to go now till day 21 and achieving my 3rd milestone.

Hope you ok hun?, you are doing fantastic.


nsd_user663_7318 profile image

hhhmmm are you sure it's the nicodemon? Are ya? eh? eh? Could be something else like....

...erm didn't think that through but it could be.




Could be the change in seasons. Full moon...in the water...who knows dammit! Could be the washing powder you're using (I blame most things on the washing powder. When I was at school I didn't have a dog...it had to be something).

Either that or you may just have a point. Whatever it aint gunna beat ya!

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

PS...Sorry. May have had a little too much sugar today

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Shazie, Hmm week 3 eh. I think thats when I started the I don't know who I am anymore feeling and like I was living a different life and was not me. I went through a bad time just wanting it to go away. It did go away but just so you know I still get it coming back now and then but it is nothing like it was. Hold on there babes it will take a few days and pass and as they all say on here it may hurt a little but won't kill you. I think this is the brain trying to work out what is going on all this time you have been feeding different things into your body. Now you have suddenly taken them all away so the brain and body are asking why.

Week 3 is brilliant so keep on going it will get easier.:cool:

Love Jack xx

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Stav - have you been drinking this evening?....(hahaha) whatever your post was about it made me smile and mad me forget about feeling so pants today, Thanks.x

Hey Jack how you doing today?. Read your post and your on 7 weeks, that is brilliant, you are doing fantastic, so proud of you. I'm friends with Kaz( outside of forum) and she mentioned this evening that she posted you some books I hope they help you continue with your great work. When I think Jack you have smoked for 50+ years and you cannot expect that after 7 weeks you will be completely free of it, i think my quit is hard but you have been smoking double the length of time I have. Remain strong Jack, i know you will and keep us updated on your progress.


nsd_user663_4256 profile image

Hi Shazie

Hope today is a better day for you :) - you're nearly over week 3 and you're still here - so that's fab... I tend to have a pants day on Friday - because it's the thought of going through the weekend... not that I smoked any more than I did on a week day (15-20 too many, but not any more!) - but it's the pschological thing of enjoying myself and associating smoking with that!)... so we'll see tomorrow whether I'm feeling as damn cheery!!!! may need your help then!

Keep smiling - you're doing great.:D

Rachael x

nsd_user663_4256 profile image

Hey Kingpin... well done you for going cold turkey... you've got to try and distract yourself from thinking of the fags - it's weird how a normal un-related thought can turn into the thought of having one - but you can do it! I was a tea-oholic before giving up, but now I can't stop drinking it - I think I've well and truly substituted it for the fags! (which is difficult when you're driving!) - but then again, I've also had help with patches and they've taken most of the cravings away....

Keep going - you're doing fab... another thing is to log on here when you're thinking of smoking and read some of the quit tips and advice because it'll help. :)

Rachael x

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