Grumpy Day 11: Day started OK, but as it's... - No Smoking Day

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Grumpy Day 11

nsd_user663_3910 profile image
19 Replies

Day started OK, but as it's gone on i've got grumpier and grumpier. I'm aware of my mood, and have warned the family so i'm keeping a low profile and they're more or less leaving me alone. I don't feel snappy or argumentative, just kind of bored and grumpy in that couldn't care a less sort of way.

Hope it lifts tomorrow, bl:eek::eek:dy miserable feeling like this.

Bed early I think to read my book, don't want to say/do something I might regret tomorrow!

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nsd_user663_3910 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_4754 profile image

nice hot bath maybe lozza? :D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Every single person on this forum understands how you feel, have chocolate (loads of it). Nice bath, early night and tomorrow is a new day.

Take care, you are doing very very well.


Did I mention the chocolate?

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Oh what about your favourite piccalilly, now that may cheer you up:)

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

nice hot bath maybe lozza? :D

get one of them bubble bomb things from lush

mum says there good:)


nsd_user663_3910 profile image

The piccalilly is almost finished, heartburn city at this time of night anyway. Promised to watch CSI with the kids, a cuddle up on the sofa will be nice, coupled with some camomile tea, daren't eat chocolate this time of night, won't sleep.

Might even have a glass of wine, just the one though, medicinal purposes only you understand!

Might get more snow tomorrow, that will be fun :)

Thanks for listening, everyone here is just giving me a wide birth and looking at me in that sympathetic way (probably a similar sort of way I was looking at my husband yesterday, when he was having a bad day!), what goes around comes around!

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

Might get more snow tomorrow, that will fun:)

same. how much i dont want it, getting on my nerves now


nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Oh lozza I feel your will pass sweetheart. I've been very grumpy towards the OH this evening...and he's been grumpy back (we're both quitting, though he's gone cold turkey..) :eek:

Where is the love this evening?!

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7742 profile image

I seem to have had the grumps a few days ago, so I've got plenty of love to share:eek::D:D

Chin up all you day 11 peeps - it's day 12 tomorrow and we've nearly got 2 weeks under our belts already. I can smell week 3!!!

Keep up the momentum!

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Well pass some my way because I'm still only on Day 5 tomorrow :p

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Okay Lozza my turn, get off your backside, what the hell do you think you're doing. Get involved with you're family right now, how dare you get grumpy, anyone would think you were stopped smoking.

That's how you probably feel like talking to people when you're feeling as you are now. But what we all have to remember this is our choice to stop smoking just as it was our choice to smoke in the firstplace. What I'm trying to say is don't think it is something I have to do think of it as something you want to do and remind yourself of the reasons for stopping in the first place.

So now relax, think of something nice, close your eyes and just try to think of the wonderful life you are going to have as a non smoker. Have a good night and tomorrow will be better. I hope you did not take the first bit serious.


nsd_user663_3910 profile image

I'm feeling the love, thanks guys and back at you.

Jack you almost had me frowning for a moment, then it turned itself into a grin, thankyou. Funny thing is, through all my grumpiness, I haven't actually thought about cigarettes :confused:

Day 12 tomorrow, almost two weeks, which is, as Nige quite rightly says, nearly a month (well sort of ;)).

Cheers :D

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Cigarettes what is that something from out space, is it alien.

Here listen to this it may help you relax;


nsd_user663_7674 profile image

Hey Lozza.... in a purely selfish way it made me feel better that you've grumpy all day because I've been in a horrible mood all day too. Which means we must be normal (ish). Day 11 has been a b1tch here for sure. I can't concentrate, I'm fidgetting and I feel restless. I'm not going to smoke, I can't smoke (if I do I'm going to mess up my healing from my Op with some nasty consequences - shame it takes something this serious to make me stop but there you go).

Different things work for different people but I'm constantly drinking Peppermint Tea. No calories. Good for you.... and "it's something to do"...

Like Nige said it's Day 12 tomorrow, we've made it and not long before we're in the week 3 section (which is nearly a month, sort of) Woot!

nsd_user663_7742 profile image

I should have said I've got soo much love it's for everyone!!

Day 5 eh? you are doing won't be long till you catch us up!;)

EDIT: woopss - I didn't notice we'd gone onto a second page! The comments above were in reply to:

Well pass some my way because I'm still only on Day 5 tomorrow :p

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7529 profile image

Well I had the grumps bigtime yesterday. Me (and my team) are being told we are working 6am to 3am on Easter Sunday. This is mandatory. I sent a very shirty e-mail to my boss and my bosses boss, saying "ferk off" basically.

They're not even offering us any incentive, like overtime or lieu, just "you're coming in whether you like it or not".

Tact is not my strong point at the moment, fellow quitters, so you are not alone.

nsd_user663_7674 profile image

Munter - I hear you on the lack of tact thang... My boss is officially a pr1ck. I think he probably was a pr1ck when I smoked, it's just my tolerance to deal with it has disintegrated since I stopped. This morning he made some ridiculous requests about getting rid of storage cupboards in the office (that aren't even his) so there was enough wall space for him to hang some amatuer oil painting he had shipped over from Korea. (He's a VP, I'm his PA by the way). Usually I'd "make it happen" today I said "Those cupboards are used by people in this office, you can't just dispose of them to make way for your oil painting. Stop being ridiculous" He went red and backed down. I pulled him up on a couple of other things later in the day and he actually thanked me for the constructive feedback.

Maybe I'm not that moody, but have now just morphed into someone who isn't prepared to put up with his sh*t anymore... making me more effective at my job. Or getting my P45. Not sure.

nsd_user663_7825 profile image

keep going

Day started OK, but as it's gone on i've got grumpier and grumpier. I'm aware of my mood, and have warned the family so i'm keeping a low profile and they're more or less leaving me alone. I don't feel snappy or argumentative, just kind of bored and grumpy in that couldn't care a less sort of way.

Hope it lifts tomorrow, bl:eek::eek:dy miserable feeling like this.

Bed early I think to read my book, don't want to say/do something I might regret tomorrow!

I have had exactly the same day,cant be bothered doing anything just want be left alone so unlike me,wife seems to think im cured from this addiction ,starting to annoy me.

nsd_user663_7529 profile image

Pol, I think everybody just better stay well clear of us! :)

The Boss was down today (he works in a different office) and didn't speak to me. I'm not sure if I've upset him or he's just too scared.

Maybe it's time I got a new job anyway!

nsd_user663_7674 profile image

Ha ha ha... sounds like your boss is scared. Where bosses are concerned I think keeping my comments direct, constructive and the right side of rude should be enough to stop a P45 arriving in the post.

Losing my job is still better than being a smoker, so it's all good!

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