Alcohol: Anyone else found themselves... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_5258 profile image
15 Replies

Anyone else found themselves drinking quicker / more since they quit?

Or just me :confused:

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nsd_user663_5258 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Yes and yes ..... more and quicker.

It did become a substitute for a smoke and was quicker in that it was enjoyed on it's own and wasn't being shared with a smoke.

I thought my wine glasses were getting smaller but apparently not:confused: I'm not convinced yet by my OH saying they are the same ones I used before I quit.

Then Christmas came along and even more drinking ..... hence the idea / plan for no drinking during January.

nsd_user663_5258 profile image

And are sticking to it? Ive only had one night completely alcohol free since the festivities!! :eek:

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

A subject I know so well.

Fast, fast?? No, supersonic! If 'necking' a glass of wine was an Olympic sport frankly I would be wearing a gold medal.:o

I actually do not drink at home unless we have friends in and I'm not that bad there but I never smoked indoors, however when we are out I just do not know what to do now as I do not go outside for my fix anymore (obviously) so I drink like a demon!:p

Actually I just put it down to one of my many talents!:D

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

God, I don't think I'd cope if I still drank the way I used to without a fag! :p

Seriously, I used to be quite a drinker but cut down gradually and now I'm lucky if I have a bottle of wine on NYE but I don't think I could drink and not smoke so I'm kind of glad I didn't really drink in the first place when I started my quit.

But...who knows as the quit continues, I may turn to alcohol as a comfort! lol Just kidding ;)

nsd_user663_5258 profile image

Im planning on giving myself til the end of january on the unresticted boozing / eating side of things. Going to run on top of playing squash to limit the 'damage'. By that time Ill be 3 weeks non smoking, and I can start to limit myself to a more respectable 56 units a week :D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

And are sticking to it? Ive only had one night completely alcohol free since the festivities!! :eek:

Well, I so hate to not answer an honest question dishonestly, so can I just refer you back to what I said earlier? :o

........ hence the idea / plan for no drinking during January

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

19 days off the booze for me - had to be done, it was getting out of hand :D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

bman, excellent news. I was wondering how it was going for you.

Bloody marvellous :cool: I could hug you ....... how you coping?

I've had 17 (OK, 16) nights without any drink. One night I had a bottle and last night had one glass. Mine wasn't out of hand, just annoying me what with weight etc etc.

I wonder how Jude's doing?

nsd_user663_7529 profile image

I have only just started to have a little drink again this week. Daren't do it last week with going CT and all. I strongly associate my evening glass of wine with my evening roll-up.

I've actually gone back to drinking bitter last night after 15 years after switching to lager. I think my tastebuds are recovering because I can taste stuff again - and beer tates nice! :D

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

bman, excellent news. I was wondering how it was going for you.

Bloody marvellous :cool: I could hug you ....... how you coping?

its really hard pol, but im just doing a massive detox right now, no sugar, no caffine, no booze, no fags. never done this before.

and my body feels terrible:eek:. this is why I know ive gotta continue until it's repaired itself. then I can start again with abusing it! (minus the fags obviously) :D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

I'd been wondering how you were following your dental work and then your posts about poss kidney problem/infection.

Crikey moses.......... you really are detoxing aren't you?

Your doing really great bman and I hope that body of yours appreciates the 'right' your trying to do by it now. All the same though, take it easy and listen to it (your body) ...... don't push yourself into total rebellion by swinging from one extreme to a complete other.

How are the gums now? If your dentists keeps on and on about dental hygiene around the implant and annoys you with his nagging, ignore his recommendations and double the hygiene care.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

yeah gums doing good thanks pol - went for the 2 week checkup since and that was fine. gotta go back in june and get the end of it all sorted out.

other stuff going well. Been dealing with quitting drinking, which has been an enormous task for me, and one of the major reasons I've not been on here much. anyway its week 8 off the booze. longest I've ever been since I was 14! haha.

thanks for the reminder about the dental hygene - will remember to get some more mouth wash tonight so i can have teeth like this ---> :D

hope your well :)

nsd_user663_5349 profile image

iv avoided alcohol since my quit. I dont think i can drink and not smoke.... yet lol

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

bman, good to hear from you. I'd been wondering the last few days or so how you and your :D were doing along with the detoxing.

June seems so far away, what will that visit involve?

The cost of that dental work is an investment......... protect it well and keep a great looking :D Good to hear all is well in that area so far :)

A massive well done to you for getting 8 weeks booze free in. Hope your body is feeling some benefits now and the worst time for battling is easing up or behind you. I realise it's a constant thing, but I imagine the first couple of months take the most out of you? Wow, longest time without since 14? That sounds quite an eye opener - good for you in turning things about.

I'm good thanks bman as is my :D. I've not suffered dental or gum problems with giving up the smokes but an increase of hygienist visits since quitting has been useful in cleaning up stains that nicotine left and cleaning up around the gums as they recede back to normal. Quit now at just over 5 months.

All the best with everything................. take care -)

Jadelina, I too watched my drink in the first few weeks. I don't go to pubs/clubs and most friends don't smoke but I smoked at home in the house so drinking and smoking went together well. You'll 'know' when your feeling able to manage one without the other and be more relaxed about it.

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

iv avoided alcohol since my quit. I dont think i can drink and not smoke.... yet lol

I have had my first week-end booze free for ages (forever) and DH and I had a fantastic week-end AND I had no cravings, which is interesting.

I rarely drink in the house (unless we have friends round) and life is too short to stay in but I can understand the non drinking bit, so I may do the same next week-end too.

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