15 days....: Stopped smoking on new years eve... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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15 days....

nsd_user663_7712 profile image
13 Replies

Stopped smoking on new years eve after a few to many drinks I was stood having a smoke and thought to myself why am I doing this, I don't even enjoy it, so I took the decision to stop maybe because I was drunk....

However I've managed to stay stopped for 15 days now I'm not using any NRT , I had the sore throat etc and kept thinking I'm too Ill to smoke but I'm feeling better now and still determined to stay off them but rough couple of days at work and I've thought to myself just one and I won't tell anyone, no one will know etc, but I've still not had one quite proud of myself.

I've still got half a packet in my jacket pocket I know I shouldn't but it makes me feel better knowing they are there, quite strange I know.

Any advice would be appreciated

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nsd_user663_7712 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image


Im glad you became an unintentional quitter like me and it does get better and the way to know how much better is think of something you did before quitting that made you puff and go and do it now ok so you will probably still puff but I bet not so much and you will recover faster so thats a way of keeping focused

I stopped Xmas day and till then struggled running up the stairs could do it but every thing was harder now its getting better and 3 weeks on and not letting the weed pull me back in

If weaker people can do it so can WE

My Poem For You

I’m really glad that now I’ve quit

Cause in the past I’ve smoked some sh**

Smelly Hair Hands and Breath

Shorter Life but longer Death

Up the hills you’ve got no puff

Smokers cough that makes you rough

So pass each day without the weed

Cause only then will you succeed

So Bravo to all that now don’t smoke

Cause early Death is sure no Joke

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Ps you will know

Honest you will regret just one drag and you will know and it will take the shine off

I dont know how old you are but im 57 and wish Id never smoked or that I had stopped years ago dont let the niccodemons win you are stronger and wiser xxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Stu :D

Well done you 15 days smoke free is great keep going

You have every right to be proud of yourself as for the 1/2 pack in your pocket if you fell better knowing they are there that's fine

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off whyquit.com and woofmang.com Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quittingwhyquit.com/whyquit/A_Sympt...

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here


Marg xx

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hi Stu.

Well done for staying smoke free.

It does get easier. I haven't smoked for 7 weeks now. When I was told by the doctor to quit, I thought now way could I stop. But I have.

I couldn't do it alone, so I got patches from the smoking nurse just to help me along the quitting road.

I have got a packet of smokes in my handbag, which has been there since I stop smoking. They are there for a ""just in case time""!!. Because the last time I gave up, because I didn't have any on me, I got into a wobble and panic and bought some. But this time because I have some on me I haven't even thought about them. (Does this make sense!!):) They are a safety net, or a comfort aid!!:)

Also I go outside to have a break with my mate who still smokes and I don't mind the smoke. Strange isn't it.:eek:

Well done and keep up the quitting.


nsd_user663_7712 profile image

Thanks for the replys

I know I will regret it so I havnt had one but I've bring very tempted especially past couple of days!

I carry half a pack but don't carry a lighter, I also stand outside with people who smoke at work but it doesn't bother me really unroll break times over then I'm constantly thinking about it till next break!.

I'm 24 and smoked for 6 years, for past 3 years I've smoked about 5 or 6 a day but a lot more before that and more when Ive had a drink, it will be intresting to see what happens next time I go out but I'm staying in for the forseeable future.

Looking forward to day 16 smoke free!

nsd_user663_7712 profile image

Ive had a few beers and now really fancy

nsd_user663_7712 profile image

Well a few cold beers and ive stupidly had a tab, back to square one, doh

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Stu :D

I'm sorry to read this but please don't beat yourself up about it

Learn from what happened, remember the pifall and it won't happen again

You were doing so well


Marg xx

nsd_user663_7712 profile image


I'm disappointed in myself to say the least, but the question is do I consider myself to be back on day one of no smoking or day 17 but I've had a minor blip!

nsd_user663_4786 profile image


I'm disappointed in myself to say the least, but the question is do I consider myself to be back on day one of no smoking or day 17 but I've had a minor blip!

Only you can make that decision. Some people feel the need to go back to day 1 other don't, make your choice based on how you feel and which way will make your quit stronger for you.

The main thing here is that you never have another puff, wherever you are in the forum, that is all that really matters.

Keep strong, do loads of reading and keep us up todate.

nsd_user663_7310 profile image

Counting days not important

Sorry to hear you've had a minor setback. No reason to start wholesale smoking again!! Just reset the clock in your head and try again - you will succeed!:)

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hey Stu.

Don't be too disappointed with yourself. I think I would stay with the day I quit. After all it's just one blip. The choice is yours.

The trouble is though, there is no such thing as one smoke, as one will lead to two etc etc, as I found out the last time I tried to quit smoking!!!:eek::eek:

Sometimes it takes poeple two or three attemps before they succeed so don't worry.;)

Good luck and keep reading and posting your messages.

Ju x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Keep Counting

If you only had one ( I No its mean but hope it made you feel Sh** LOL Sorry so you remember next time that it did) I would say keep counting the days the same but you need a older member to say

We are only human and ITS NOT EASY better to put it down to exsperience and still be a non smoker Big Hugs

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