Struggling: Hi all, new here, day 4 cold... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_7673 profile image
17 Replies

Hi all, new here, day 4 cold turkey, not having a good day. Grumpy as hell, even the dog's p****ing me off. Thought the monsters would have died down a bit but hell no, apparently they just sent out for back up.

Really struggling to distract myself today. And the night sweats....sheesh. anyone else getting those or do i just need a lower tog duvet??

Will it be better tomorrow? I'm usually a fairly rational human being but no idea where she went.

Excuse the rant:o


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nsd_user663_7673 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hey Jenni come on here and rant as much as you like. That's what this place is here for, you rant and we listen.

Going cold turkey eh it's hard I know because I did it and I'm now 6 weeks.

You are going to go through a lot of changes and I suggest you find read the links on some of the signatures and as many threads and posts as you can on here.

You will find information on how others have dealt with stopping and their experiences.

With time it does get easier but never quit being a quitter. The reason you are feeling as you are is because like all of us you are an addict addicted to nicotine and you are going through withdrawal. It takes about three days to get the nicotine out af your body and then your body will go through a healing process which will take a while but things will slowly get better.

There is little as we call it a nicodemon inside you and you have starved it. It wants fed and it is demanding you feed it, it will srceam in your ear FEED ME, you have to try to ignore it. Try to do things keep your self busy, I did things like eat apples, oranges, extra strong mints and believe it or not Fanta helps me. Find a good movie to watch, sit on here and read and write posts it's amazing how much that helps.

You have done brilliantly to get to day 4 don't give in if you can keep going. No matter what keep in touch with the people on here they are fantastic and they will help in every way they can.

We hope you wont give in remember we are still here if things go wrong.

Jack xx

PS I noticed before I started to write this there was not a lot of members signed in, so don't worry if you don't get a lot of answers straight away you will soon.

nsd_user663_6570 profile image


my first week my head was up my a**** couldnt concentrate, short tempere with staff but trying keep calm and couldnt remember anything

it will pass.... please believe. I am week 8 and now having different craves now I am back in work.... dring christmas it didnt bother me.

we all go through differnt stages, craves

what ever this site will help you.... all are great.

I see you have met Jack.. he others will soon be saying hi to help you along

tak care sue

nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Thanks so much Jack and Tigger,

Had to laugh when you wrote about it screaming FEED ME in your ear Jack, cos that's EXACTLY where we're at today!

It would be so easy to just give in and have a fag and get the damn things to shut up for 5 minutes. But i won't because I don't want to be a smoker anymore. A quarter of a century and god only knows how many thousands of pounds I've wasted on the evil, smelly sticks. No more.

Gallons of tea I've been drinking for some reason. :confused:

My head's definitely up my **** too Tigger, keep staring off into space wondering what on earth it was I was doing! Oh dear, at least the kids know how to work the toaster:D

Jenni xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

I don't know if this helps Jenni but I'm 6 weeks+ into my quit I may have mentioned that already but I like to brag, anyway as I said like you I've gone CT. I'm sitting here at the computer and this helps me emensly to think I'm helping others. I feel some of the time great but I get times like just now I know I want something. The differrence is I now have it under control and I can just dismiss it, if the nicodemon starts to stir now from his/her sleep I tell it to f****f and go back to sleep. Keep going and the same will happen to you, it's great to have this control. If you had asked me 2 months ago could I stop smoking I would not have been able to stop laughing.

You seem very determind so don't let it get you. think of it as your dog and every time it makes a noise tell it LYE DOWN AND STAY. even yell that out loud if it helps.

And now you have met our lovely Sue.

Jack x

nsd_user663_7432 profile image

Hi Jenni! Congratulations on becoming a non smoker!

Day 4 is a hard one. You have had 3 days and then here comes another. must believe this, it will get better from this day forward. Sometimes it is hard to see the difference, then suddenly you notice a big change.

I also remember being desperate to hear the answer to my question, will this get better soon? So here is my answer.

I stopped cold turkey and think it was the way to go fo rme. Everyone is different, but if I am any indication of what to expect... from my notes.

Day 4 I was just like you, a bit frantic but I made it through.

Day 5 I have written down I felt much better and had a better day. I took a long walk and said that helped a lot.

I had a couple of more trying days after that but...

By day 10 I wrote I was doing really good, the intense cravings were gone and I was only getting a about 4-5 mild cravings a day that lasted less then 1 min. I wrote, 'it is no problem, only 4-5 min a day, now this I can deal with happily'.

You can make it 6 more days!!! Each day will get a little better. Take it min by min, hour by hour and day by day. You can do it, do not give up!

Also I highly recommend exercise, I have found it really does something to make you feel in a better mood, and many others I have talked to have also said it really helped when the stopped smoking. I was not one to exercise before BTW.

At day 26 today, I do not have any real cravings anymore. The worst I get is a passing thought of a smoke, but I have no desire to smoke at all. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel and the tunnel is not that long! You will make it!

I spent a lot of time on the Whyquit web site the first 2 weeks, heaps of material that cuts to the real issues of addiction and how to win. This is I think the most important part of a successful long term quite. You can join the Freedom web site forum today on your day 4, which is for people who stop cold turkey, this might also be very helpful.

nsd_user663_7529 profile image

If it's any consolation, "yourname" I fairly seriously considered rummaging through the cold, wet cigarette bin outside at work today for something to smoke. Anything to smoke really!

Tonight, my wife has gone to bed in a huff for the second night running. I already know how to look at stuff on the internets, I don't need her sitting next to me telling me what and how to click next, or what to type into Google. On reflection, perhaps I'm a little bit snappy.

I'm on day 4 of Cold Turkey too.......

nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Oh Munter, your house sounds like my house! I think I've successfully managed to alienate the entire household, including the dog!

I'm even finding verbal conversations intensely irritating,wishing they would just hurry up and get to the point without making so much bl***y noise:mad: I think all my nerves are just a bit jangly today.

Thanks so much Downunder for the encouraging info, it's amazingly helpful to hear other's stories and how you got through.

Could happily have banged my head off a wall for most of today, but (fingers crossed) things seem to be easing off a little.

I hope I'm like you Jack and looking back 6 weeks down the line, it just seems a loooong way away right now!

Jenni xx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi :)

Having gone through those early days/weeks myself (phewwww) the one thing I have learnt is that I will not, EVER, go through them again if I can help it!

It can be horrendous with the ups and downs and the wrenching emotions and temper..... but it does get easier,honestly.

I strongly suggest you read about withdrawals etc if you haven't already. Knowing what we 'may' go through and why really helps prepare..... we need our family and friends support and our knowledge helps us be ready to duck and dive and face on and get control of, what's ahead of us.

Stay strong and stick it out.... it's worth it and really, you will be looking back at this one day and smiling :)

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Well fair play to you for trying to cold turkey. I have always found it unbearable, why suffer soo much? Patches give you a fairly even baseline of nicotine in your body, so you don't really crave too much. They also give you time to break all the routines and associations with smoking without feeling absolute pants too. But each to their own, i just know i couldn't do it.

Cute miniature patch had worked it's way off me somehow today without me noticing . It was only when i started looking longingly at butt ends on the ground that i realised. Nicotine withdrawl is a fairly horrid experience.

nsd_user663_2846 profile image

I'm only on Day 2, but boy do I remember the night sweats from previous quits! I'm normally the one hogging the duvet, so the first time it happened to me I thought I was proper ill and feverish!! Then I found out it can be a normal side effect of quitting.

As I recall I don't think they went on for more than a couple of nights. Come back and shout at me if they do!!! :)

Lou xx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi all, new here, day 4 cold turkey, not having a good day. Grumpy as hell, even the dog's p****ing me off. Thought the monsters would have died down a bit but hell no, apparently they just sent out for back up.

Really struggling to distract myself today. And the night sweats....sheesh. anyone else getting those or do i just need a lower tog duvet??

Will it be better tomorrow? I'm usually a fairly rational human being but no idea where she went.

Excuse the rant:o


Hi Jenni :)

Well done you 4 days is great and sorry you're having a bad day but many find day 4 really hard but I promise it does get so much easier as you go along and yes it will be better tomorrow

Everything you're feeling right now is normal for us quitters early in a quit

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here


Marg xx

nsd_user663_7673 profile image

I'm only on Day 2, but boy do I remember the night sweats from previous quits! I'm normally the one hogging the duvet, so the first time it happened to me I thought I was proper ill and feverish!! Then I found out it can be a normal side effect of quitting.

As I recall I don't think they went on for more than a couple of nights. Come back and shout at me if they do!!! :)

Lou xx

Oh I'm so glad it's not just me Lou! Was starting to think my temperature guage must be broken as i had the window open all night and still woke up drenched! Yuk! :D

Jenni xx

nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Thanks Marg, and your right, it is a bit better today:) x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

I'm sp pleased it's a bit better for you today

nsd_user663_6991 profile image


Well done on getting to day 4! I quit CT too and had a hell of a ride but I am now at nearly 16 weeks and confident enough in my quit to pass on any tips that might help fellow quitters. I have been lurking on this forum from my Day 1 and have found reading other peoples experiences incredibly helpful in my quit and I thought it was about time to out myself. Your post prompted me to do that today.

I noticed that you have been drinking gallons of might do better to switch to decaff for a while as I understand caffeine has a serious effect on how nicotine behaves in the body. Might be too late for you now that the nicotine is gone but it may help others. I tested this before I quit and it did affect the no of cigs I needed to smoke.

To detox in the first week I drank pomegranite juice. On the detox note prepare yourself for the spots....crikey they come thick and fast! I didnt suffer from them before I quit. I'm still getting the odd one now!

Excercise excercise excercise whether its walking, cycling or the gym. I do all of these now but when I first quit Yoga and cycling was my saviour. I suffered a lot from stress when I first quit (it peaked at about a week) had to get some betablockers from the doctor, it didnt last long but was quite scary because I didnt suffer from anxiety before quitting. I also went into depression but again excercise to the rescue, along with some St Johns Wort. I also took Stressless or Kalms from Boots for a couple of months, which seemed to help. And a quick spray of Bach's Rescue Remedy can sometimes help with a craving.

Along with this forum and its recommended reading, I read Alan Carr Easyway book, listened to hypnotherapy relaxation cds and read a book called How To Stop Smoking and Stay Stopped For Good by Gillian Riley. This book was my bible during the early days and I still re read it once a month. She teaches dealing with each craving head on as it occurs (ie:feeling it and not distracting yourself) Its possibly not for everyone but it was for me and has now given me the confidence to deal with any future occasional cravings that may occur.

I hope any of this helps and will contribute again when I feel my experience may help someone on their journey.

Hang on in there newbies, I didn't believe them either when they said that it gets easier but guess what? It really really does!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Amanda

Welcome to the forum and well done you 16 weeks is great

That is a really good post and will help many I'm sure


Marg xx

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Hi Jenni just wanted to say hi and well done for getting to day 4, must be day 5 now I think? So glad to hear it feels a bit better. what I found helpful at the begining was to think to myself, ok I wont smoke today, that was as far as I could commit. Then somehow, when you get to the next day the urge to smoke has lessened and you dont want to smoke but when you do get an urge I find that helps me no end, that if I really wanted a cig I could have one but we are all different and you must do whatever feels easiest and best for you.

I do agree with the others though, do try to read as much as you can from this site because its so helpful. I'm at 60 days today and throwing a party in month 3 - please pop in and join us, everyone welcome!! Good luck Jenni. xx :)

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