I'm scared to but its driving me mad... - No Smoking Day

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I'm scared to but its driving me mad...

nsd_user663_5972 profile image
12 Replies

This sounds realy, really stupid but. They didn't have the brand of patches I've been using so I had to have a different brand as they were out of stock.

I've put it on and it is driving me bad, I scratch, scratch, scratching all the time. Literally it won't stop.

I need to take it off the area is bright bright red and real sore but I'm scared to just incase I can't cope without it.

I can't get anyway to get a different brand.

Surely I wouldn't be allergic to one brand and not the other??

Sounds really stupid I now most people in a normal frame of mind would just take the the thing off but I'm not in a normal frame of mind, I'm quitting smoking how can I be in a normal frame of mind.

What would you do??

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nsd_user663_5972 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_5258 profile image

Well get the thing off if it isnt suiting you!

Then get your normal patches as soon as possible, Im sure you can ride it out until you get to a shop.

nsd_user663_6165 profile image

Tinks where are u? Can one of us drop off a brand that suits you?

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hello my lovely

Take it off otherwise it will only make you feel bad and that will lead to cravings? Are you at work? Can you get out at lunch time? If it's due to work have a word with your boss (I would let a member of staff out for this).

Otherwise if you can not get the other patches today, try another patch later on.

You will be OK sweetheart, deep breaths as you are doing really well.


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

It's off the thing is off. OMG you should see my leg it's bright, bright red and feels like it's on fire. It was drving me mad so I popped to the ladies at work at took it off. I was like a dog with fleas!!

Lilylongshanks - thank hun but I'm too far from Brum

How can one brand be fine but the other do that?? Mind you when I put my first patch on it made me itch a bit but not at all to this extent.

Christine - can I come and work for you?? No my boss proabably would let me go and get some but I can't ask him at the moment as he is in a meeting. What I'm going to do is see how I get on if I feel bad at lunch I will go and get some.

I sound stupid starting this thread but it's just that the patches are my security? If that makes sense?

Anyway I will be absolutely fine, yes I will. Lots of PMA

Thank you all

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Tinks :D

You didn't sound daft at all and yes some of them you can be allergic to and not the others

Glad you took it off though and if that leg contimues get some Calomine lotion for iy or vinegar helps with the itching

I'm sure you'll be fine without one until lunchtime ddep breaths if needed


Marg xx

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Don't know about patches, but I think you did the right thing taking it off. Think we all understand about 'your security' thing.

Just keep busy or anything until you can get more patches - after all, you haven't got any ciggies with you so you'd have to go out to the shops for them, so may as well get the patches instead.

So deep breathes, water, fruit - chocy biscuits until you get the patches.

nsd_user663_7359 profile image


Not stupid at all. I last tried to quite using Nicquitin. I hated the patches, they hurt and itched, and I was craving so badly by day 3 that my OH was begging me to smoke. They also gave me terrible nightmares.

I'm now using Nicotinell, same mg strength, same everything, but have had none of the above. There must be more difference than just brand name babes xx

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

OMG Ems it was Nicotinell I was fine with it was Nicquitin that has caused this terrible reaction. But guess what I feel OK without them at the moment so I'm going to see how I get on.

If I do desperately need them then I have just spoke to my boss an he said I can go out whenver and get them so lets see how I do.

Your doing really well Emily. Well done


jackieinv profile image

If you are worried do pop out and get the ones you had before but don't wait antil you feel you can't manage without them. You could also have another form of NRT for emergencies, I had tabs but never used them.


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

I've got some lozenges in my bag Jackie and I have had some but it's all good.

Thank you

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Tinks, in one of my half hearted attempts to stop smoking I thought I would try patches and was given them on presciption it was Nicquitin. Probably the reason I did not last more than an hour was due to this thing itching like mad and I took it off. Who knows if I new what I know now I may have stopped smoking a long time ago, using another brand. It's worth peolple on here knowing this.

Again the use of a sticky post on day 1 but it looks like that is being ignored.

Hope you can get it sorted out soon and get you settled again.

Jack x

nsd_user663_7359 profile image


You're the one who's doing well-you haven't even got a patch on and I'm so proud of you!

Jack;s right, it's well worth pointing out that if you don't succeed on one brand you should try another. I've also found out that although I'm only paying prescription prices for my Nicotinell patches (£7.20 per week), there's an offer in the Mirror newspaper for 14 days worth at £9.96 from Lloyds Chemist. This makes it even cheaper so look out for the coupon, guys.

Tinks-stay strong, I'm here if you need me:D xxxxxxxxxx

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