I think it's so sad: It's not that long since... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I think it's so sad

nsd_user663_7235 profile image
17 Replies

It's not that long since I joined this forum but during that time I have often looked at day one and saw newbies who seem so determind to stop smoking.

They tell us who they are and what they plan to do. We all try to give them advice and unfortunately some of them we never hear from again.

I feel it's such a shame and are we doing enough.

I can only assume they don't make it and go and have a cigarette and I suppose they think well that's it I've failed.

If they only knew they have not failed they have had a blip and they can try again.

Can I draw your attention to this post by bman as some of you may not have noticed it;


I just wonder if there was a sticky thread on here "day one" and information like this was on this sticky thread would they maybe come back and keep trying and try again.

Mods please could you look into this, I have stopped for neary six weeks and all I want to do along with the others is help the newbies to do the same.

After all is this not what this forum is about? Helping others to stop.


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nsd_user663_7235 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Jack, you're absolutely right. If there could be a place where all the useful links etc. are available to be clicked on, it might be a great help to those starting out. I have many links from my last quit (this time last year), but I remember it did take a bit of time to get them together.

Anybody preparing to stop smoking should read as much information from peoples links as possible. I haven't read all I should have yet, but I will. If it could all be available from one page, all the better!

nsd_user663_6570 profile image

well said jack ur right. however the peopl on here need to be carefull how they reply to people who have a blip.

in my first week a "blipped" with 1 cig late on day 2 and 2 cigs on day 3.... I came back on day 4 and have not smoked since. someone on here came out with a comment when I said what had happened that made me feel 1 inch high and almost not come back... I cant remember who it was and I felt like telling to F**** off

nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Good Post...

Hi Jack

Yeah I agree, I remember when I first stopped back in March and a few certain individuals were posting comments regarding patches. In their opinion it was a form of "cheating". Well at the time I remember some people being put off, I was also, but some great posts by the positive people on the site convinced me it was ok and "different methods suited different people". We are all stopping a massive addiction and it doesnt matter how we get there, as long as we do... Another day nearer to the tv ... Glad the snow clearing near u now, so u can carry on working and saving ha ha Kaz x x :p

P.S. Jack Whyhave u posted in Day 1. Not starting again are u ha ha ? xx

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hi Jack

I quite agree with what you and the others are saying. Some people think it's very naughty to have a blip.:eek:

Must admit through the support and advice you get certainly outweigh the moans of others.

If there are new people on here I always recommend them to keep reading and post messages on this site as I think it's brilliant.

Ju x:)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

well said jack ur right. however the peopl on here need to be carefull how they reply to people who have a blip.

in my first week a "blipped" with 1 cig late on day 2 and 2 cigs on day 3.... I came back on day 4 and have not smoked since, someone on here came out with a comment when I said what had happened that made me feel 1 inch high and almost not come back... I cant remember who it was and I felt like telling to F**** off

I can understand what you are saying but let's look at it this way, you came back and as you said you have not smoked since.

To me that is fantastic. but what if you had decided I can't quit because you had smoked and didn't come back would you still be smoking now? By the way this is not an attack on you personally I'm using you as an example. I like you too much.

What I'm thinking about and I believe this is what bman is thinking about also is a thread where people like you have had a blip and come back from it to put your story on it, so others can see it can still be done.

Or the links they can look at to help them as Lozza said. And as Kas said: but some great posts by the positive people on the site convinced me it was ok and "different methods suited different people".

These are the sort of comments we need to show these people so they know they are human.

And as Julie says: "I quite agree with what you and the others are saying. Some people think it's very naughty to have a blip."

I have through the years been a member of various different forums and unfortunately you will always get the village idiot who thinks it's clever to bring others down.

All bman, Jase and I are asking for is a sticky thread where links to good posts and links to other sites some of which helped me can be posted. I'm sure the mods would remove any posts that would be detremental to this purpose.

This link blew me away;


It brought tears to my eyes and it made me realise what I was doing to myself. It has just taken me about 7 minutes to find that link on a post.

If this and others like it were all in one thread newbies would be able to see them and good posts that would be of help without having to go through the whole site.

I've ranted enough.


nsd_user663_1719 profile image

The same happened to me the first time I quit (check out my join date!!) but I DIDN'T come back and post (I'd lasted 3 weeks, had a "blip" which turned into 20 a day again....maybe things would have been different if I'd had the guts to post about my "blip" at the time!)

Then I had a false start this time too - but didn't actually post here til I'd sorted my head out and got going!

Personally I'm not keen on the "Why Quit" site - I think it can be a bit preachy and people NOT quitting cold turkey may be scared off by it, although if it helps others then it can only be a good thing!

Here's a link I found through here that I thought was GREAT(and yes it took me a while to dig it out again!) - talesfromthequit.com/my-demon

Good luck to all the newbies, oldies and in-betweenies alike! :D


nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Jack - you are one smart guy. I fully agree - a sticky to help newbie's would be great. Also, we need to remember, a blip is just that, a blip - hey, we're only human

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

i agree with you jack 100%

thanks for brining it up becuase i would never of thought of it. honestly i think you should make the thread and let a mod make it a sticky


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

I am just about to go to bed but I had to sign in to put the record straight because I will be leaving early in the morning and won't be able to post on here before I leave.

This idea was an idea by bman and Tinkerbell all I am doing is trying to make it happen. So I don't want to given the credit or take credit for something someone else thought of.

I won't be back on here until evening time and I may try to take this further unless someone is totally against it.

Goodnight guys.


nsd_user663_6327 profile image

I can understand what you are saying but let's look at it this way, you came back and as you said you have not smoked since.

To me that is fantastic. but what if you had decided I can't quit because you had smoked and didn't come back would you still be smoking now? By the way this is not an attack on you personally I'm using you as an example. I like you too much.

What I'm thinking about and I believe this is what bman is thinking about also is a thread where people like you have had a blip and come back from it to put your story on it, so others can see it can still be done.

Or the links they can look at to help them as Lozza said. And as Kas said: but some great posts by the positive people on the site convinced me it was ok and "different methods suited different people".

These are the sort of comments we need to show these people so they know they are human.

And as Julie says: "I quite agree with what you and the others are saying. Some people think it's very naughty to have a blip."

I have through the years been a member of various different forums and unfortunately you will always get the village idiot who thinks it's clever to bring others down.

All bman, Jase and I are asking for is a sticky thread where links to good posts and links to other sites some of which helped me can be posted. I'm sure the mods would remove any posts that would be detremental to this purpose.

This link blew me away;


It brought tears to my eyes and it made me realise what I was doing to myself. It has just taken me about 7 minutes to find that link on a post.

If this and others like it were all in one thread newbies would be able to see them and good posts that would be of help without having to go through the whole site.

I've ranted enough.


Jack I just wanted to add my voice to yours and the others on here who have suggested this, I think its a great idea and would be very helpful to newbies. Especially the early withdrawal feelings which make us all wonder what the hell is going on but which almost everyone seems to experience. It would be great to have all that sort of stuff up front to read, maybe before even choosing a quit date? Take care Jack and so pleased to hear you in more positive mood sweetie xxxx

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi Jack

How are you today matey?

You know that bman and I think this is a great idea (sorry for speaking for you bman). It just gives the newbies a good starting point and others somewhere to go to reinforce their quits, ecspecially if they need help quickly.

If it wasn't for this site I wouldn't feel so strong about my quit and would like to be able to help others just like the guys on here have and are helping me.

Please can you do something about this Mods? Pretty please...


divenow67 profile image

Excellent idea, a one-stop resource for newbies which also acts as a reference point for all people quitting sounds fantastic. I didn't post at all during the first month of my quit BUT I did read Sh*t loads through other peoples various links and learned loads more about smoking and giving it up - info which has helped make this my best and most assured quit ever (forever!).

I also found the whyquit site a bit exclusive since I am not quitting cold turkey but there was lots of very educational stuff on there too so can't really moan about that.

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Thanks for your support

Hi everybody, I have arrived home much earlier than I thought I would unfortunately 3 lessons had to be cancelled due to the weather changing for the worst in the afternoon.

I want to thank you all for your input into this and as I said it's so sad when we lose some of the newbies because they think they have failed or failed us and we won't want to know them. I think that it should be made plain to them we don't all succeed first time or second time. I've seen a few signatures that say 4th and last attempt and guess what they are still quit.

Do I start the said thread and ask the mods whoever these nice people are to make it sticky. I'm quite willing to do so even if it means putting my neck on the line. If having a sticky thread on day one get's one newbie who has blipped to come back and try again I would be delighted, because isn't this forum what it's all about?


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Worst case scenario: if we have to bump it a million and one times, then so be it, its annoying .. but it would surely be better than having nothing at all.

nsd_user663_7727 profile image

Chat room

I really feel a live chat room would be a good move... Sometimes on forums you can still feel alone...On a chat room you feel connected and can get instant attention... I'd like that

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

I really feel a live chat room would be a good move... Sometimes on forums you can still feel alone...On a chat room you feel connected and can get instant attention... I'd like that

Hi defrog, try this:-


I am not registered with them but its a no smoking chat room with lots of options, over 50's - that sort of category, have a look see what you think. hth.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

I am just about to go to bed but I had to sign in to put the record straight because I will be leaving early in the morning and won't be able to post on here before I leave.

This idea was an idea by bman and Tinkerbell all I am doing is trying to make it happen. So I don't want to given the credit or take credit for something someone else thought of.

I won't be back on here until evening time and I may try to take this further unless someone is totally against it.

Goodnight guys.


hey nice one Jack:D

don't worry about credit or any of that stuff, I think as someone else pointed out that this has been suggested a few times over the years.

Anyway, I havent been on for a few days (just started a new job! woo hoo), so only just seen this and really pleased you are driving this forward.

Its obviously great that we have all benefited enough from the community to want to improve it. No one seems to have any reasons against the idea so maybe if we use this thread (seeing as its already in day 1) we can start adding links here and then maybe we can take them all out and condense into one list in a week or two. that way the links will just be more accessable and people wont have to read though hundreds of seperate posts.

then we can request it gets "stickied" at the top of day 1. Or, if that doesn't work or isnt an option for any reason then we can just do what people do in other forums and "bump" the message up regularly. This means that somone just tags a new (often empty) post on the end of the thread to keep it near the top of the board.

so I guess we just start adding links -

this is in my signature but I will add it here to be included in the "master" list! :)


im a lazy git at heart so always found watching videos easier than reading :p

Not what you're looking for?