Mouth Almighty is here....: Start of my 4th... - No Smoking Day

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Mouth Almighty is here....

nsd_user663_5598 profile image
40 Replies

Start of my 4th month today and I'm still losing it some days hence the mouth almighty comment...and it's usually hubby in the firing line. I'm fine when I'm on my own :) I think the neighbours may think a fishwife has moved in with us!

Still got fat ankles and feet...according to my googling research it may be a major organ packing up so I think I may toddle off to see the doc.

Still fat as well so all in all I really haven't progressed that much from day 1 :rolleyes:

Still, I'm sure spring is round the corner and everything will seem alot better then...I can only hope!!!

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nsd_user663_5598 profile image
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40 Replies
nsd_user663_6496 profile image

Had to have a bit of a chuckle because I can relate to some of that. Oh well what are husbands for? They do forget in time. Spring for you is just around the corner and should lift your spirits. But you should get checked out by your doc

nsd_user663_6165 profile image

Heavens JJ, do get that checked out by the Doc. It may be nothing but best to ask the experts. Sometimes I wonder whether Google is a blessing or curse!!

Chuckle about the fishwife. Oddly enough there's one in our house too :D:D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hello my love, look at the bright side, you may be fat, grumpy with exceptionally large ankles (that could be due to a major organ packing up) but you are an ex smoker!!

Look sweetheart you are one of my quit buddies (to death us do part and all that) and frankly I do not see why I have to suffer all my myself. Remember our lives were so dull before we quit because we never suffered like we are now.:rolleyes:

Love you, chin up and well done. Get yourself to the bar and order me a large red as I am bringing my very large backside to month 4 tomorrow.

(however if you do have major organ failure, can you leave me your house!):D

Note - The Oslo house, thank you. Oh and the travelling bit with your hubby, thank you

jackieinv profile image

There is always a bit of humour with you Octoquits even when something is wrong, keep up the good work and the humour.


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Well done JJ your're doing great.

Keep it up


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

JJ...come in, sit down have a very large red....trying to drink it all before Christine arrives tomorrow...LOL

Get yourself to the docs and have those ankles checked out....however if you leave Chrisine your house can I get your tickets to travel with your husband to all those fab places....oh we are terrible.

Take care sweetie and welcoem to month 4....

L xx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Flippen' eck............ I just lost my post and the site timed out (or something) and logged me out. Normally I just hit the back arrow and there it is (my post) and I copy it, log in and paste it.

Now, during that time of loosing, not finding, and now retyping this, Lorna has dived in and got the travelling to lovely far off places in your place.

Now, Christine didn't specify which house so I am going to specify which.

Christine gets the Brighton one and I get the Oslo one please :D

Seriously JJ, huge well done to you for getting 3 months completed and into Month 4. You've had a pretty rough rocky emotional time yourself along this journey and now to still be suffering with the ankles is, frankly, total poo.

I recall suggesting you get yourself off to the docs in the social group messages about this problem. Now you've googled and will do it? Be aware, very aware, that Lorna has now got this noted on her clipboard and we will expect to hear from you very soon that an appointment has been made.

Otherwise, it's car out and down to your place we come......

Sit down, enjoy a rest, shout all you like and get your feet up.

Large bottle of Baileys or Tia Maria in for me please, see you in a couple of days.

Pol xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Lorna & Pol - If you read my post again it does mention the Oslo house AND travelling with said hubby, so tough!:D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Lorna & Pol - If you read my post again it does mention the Oslo house AND travelling with said hubby, so tough!:D

Ha, no chance. My photographic memory has a print function and my post was (finally) posted at 1:30 and yours was EDITED at 3:58...... hahaha

I am not being left with the blind servicemen and their archery practice :eek:

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Now Pol let's not fall out but the Oslo house is mine!! Outside now!


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

C'mon then short fry :D

It's mine - cheats never prosper and you cheated :p

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

There's also a house going begging in Ireland...Lorna can have that and the other 2 can fight over Brighton and Oslo! You can share the travelling as I would recommend hubby in small doses only...for various reasons but I'll let you find out hahaha!

Thanks girls for cheering me up as per usual, think I'd better get some tenna lady!! :D I have made an appointment with the doc for Thursday morning so if the major organ hasn't packed up by then you may have to give everything back to me.

Ok I'd better get as much red wine down my neck as possible before masterchef and masterdrunk Christine gets here. They must have know what we'd be like by the time we got here....they have extra wide seats...yippeeee!!!

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Oh dear...I think I may have started WW3 :eek:

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Lorna & Pol - If you read my post again it does mention the Oslo house AND travelling with said hubby, so tough!:D

tut tut dirty tricks....I am sooo disappointed (or impressed)

cant quite decide??/ :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

There's also a house going begging in Ireland...Lorna can have that and the other 2 can fight over Brighton and Oslo! You can share the travelling as I would recommend hubby in small doses only...for various reasons but I'll let you find out hahaha!

Thanks girls for cheering me up as per usual, think I'd better get some tenna lady!! :D I have made an appointment with the doc for Thursday morning so if the major organ hasn't packed up by then you may have to give everything back to me.

Ok I'd better get as much red wine down my neck as possible before masterchef and masterdrunk Christine gets here. They must have know what we'd be like by the time we got here....they have extra wide seats...yippeeee!!!

Glad to cheer you up JJ but as this is in writng I must advise that this is a contract....

Ireland is lovely thank you, I can travel there loads and have money left over for the drink...Oslo would be far too expensive for me.

Away to brush up on my accent to be sure ;)

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Now Pol let's not fall out - you can have the Oslo house with my blessing :cool:

JJ, Don't worry about WW3, already settled, I won.

Your reply really was not conducive to PC-ness (Pol and Christine-ness) :p

However, it's very reassuring that you've got an appointment with your Doc. It's most likely nothing but better safe..........

Now then Lorna, about that Irish accent and sharing a half a guinness shandy (:rolleyes:) at our Irish house!

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

JJ, Don't worry about WW3, already settled, I won.

Your reply really was not conducive to PC-ness (Pol and Christine-ness) :p

However, it's very reassuring that you've got an appointment with your Doc. It's most likely nothing but better safe..........

Now then Lorna, about that Irish accent and sharing a half a guinness shandy (:rolleyes:) at our Irish house!

Ah away with you now...I'll be having the guinness all to myself now I will.:p

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

I've decided I can't's causing too much trouble!!! I'll go for a transplant if necessary!

Now...what blood group are you all??????

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

:mad: That's me out the picture then if giving blood helps...... A Rh-

I can be nurse and tea maker then.... "Polly put the kettle on, ......"

I've got a kidney going spare if it helps with one of the houses in the future to be sure, to be sure? Very sure:confused:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Ah away with you now...I'll be having the guinness all to myself now so I will.:p

I think we may both be better off in Norway. At least I know how to say "Can you speak English" in Norwegian :p

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

I think we may both be better off in Norway. At least I know how to say "Can you speak English" in Norwegian :p

Ex hubby 2 was Scandinavian, dont think I'm allowed in. :p

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

I've decided I can't's causing too much trouble!!! I'll go for a transplant if necessary!

Now...what blood group are you all??????

You can have as many pints as you need for a house in Ireland!!! Mr LJ agrees, he loves the fishing....

(glad you're going to the docs sweetheart)

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I've decided I can't's causing too much trouble!!! I'll go for a transplant if necessary!

Now...what blood group are you all??????

Look lady our job is to cheer you up not donate blood, some people just take take take. I'm not sure I'm liking this selfish attitude of yours.

Pol & Lorna - 3 houses, 3 of us = Timeshare! I wonder if she has an insurance policy too!!:D

nsd_user663_6673 profile image

just to let you know about the weight thing,i didnt put much on but i was eating far more the first 3 months,that certainyl has subsided now,i think its good to snack on healthy things and avoid large meals,keeping your blood sugar up is important and you can lose weight when you have all that crap out of your system anyway.

hang in there

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Well loads more snow overnight so doubt I'll make it to the doc's tomorrow. So, the war may be back on...I could still expire shortly!

Just a little resume on the properties....

Brighton...4 beds, weird set a 2 bedroom bungalow with split level dining room and lounge and a downstairs with 2 further bedrooms and 2nd bathroom.

Oslo...2 bed apartment on the edge of a fjord.

Ireland...4 bed bungalow which is rented to the neighbouring farmer's manager...Paddy Bejesus O'Leary. I'm sure he'd welcome lodgers who are carrying a crate of guinness with be sure, an all an all!

Hubby is easy to look after, plenty of spuds and boiled bacon and ah sure, he'll be happy as an irish pig in sh!t!

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I love you JJ:D

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Thanks Christine (love you too!). Think you may just have swung it...hubby came home earlier (he's here at the moment on a course), anyway, he got a phonecall from work saying they may want him to go to if I have expired by then you get first dibs...ok?

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

JJ, about your appointment..... still tomorrow or rescheduled?

I love you too and my blood is cleaner than Christine's, older but less red wine tainted..... ;)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Honestly Ladies, JJ can see this is all cupboard love

JJ good luck at had better still be going...

Tokyo hmmmmmmmm


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Look girls give it up, you have been beaten by the better woman!

As well travelled as I am, I have not been to Tokyo (even though I do have my eye on a cruise there in 2012), can I go with Mr JJ I will treat him very well.:D

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Look girls give it up, you have been beaten by the better woman!

As well travelled as I am, I have not been to Tokyo (even though I do have my eye on a cruise there in 2012), can I go with Mr JJ I will treat him very well.:D

Ok I know when I'm go and enjoy.

Pol...when she is away we will take over the houses...shhhh

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

You can't cook..... you don't cook..... how could you look after Mr JJ? :p Even though he sounds quite easy to please!

Actually, Tokyo you and Lorna can battle out.

I want somewhere quiet, scenic and where there's sailing and relaxing to do of an evening over a camp fire.

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Think I'm going to have to reschedule my appointment as I can't get there unless the snow disappears overnight.

I'll have to hire a life support machine soon if this snow doesn't clear...what a bind :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

You can't cook..... you don't cook..... how could you look after Mr JJ? :p Even though he sounds quite easy to please!

Actually, Tokyo you and Lorna can battle out.

I want somewhere quiet, scenic and where there's sailing and relaxing to do of an evening over a camp fire.

You forget I made a curry this week (oh yes baby a curry!!) AND I did a prawn stir fry tonight (call me Delia). Besides that's why god invented restaurants for women like me who choose not to understand the finer points of working the oven. Mr JJ will be cared for I assure you.

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Think I'm going to have to reschedule my appointment as I can't get there unless the snow disappears overnight.

I'll have to hire a life support machine soon if this snow doesn't clear...what a bind :rolleyes:


We will get banned shortly!

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Ha a curry I ask you.....

JJ can you get life support delivreed via the internet...ebay is amazing!!!!:cool:

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

I was thinking more the Friday Ad...might get one local?

Oh and Christine...he loves curry...the hotter the better!!!! ;)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

I was thinking more the Friday Ad...might get one local?

Oh and Christine...he loves curry...the hotter the better!!!! ;)

Yeh but for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper....it5s not really her own work you know...

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Oh Cod the memories..... those were exactly what made me a cook and my mum not a cook.... those and burnt dried out, served with nothing but dried out over cooked chips, bouncy leather pcs of liver..... *shudders*

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Oh god my Mum bought those as well...Vesta Paella was my favourite. Then went on my first honeymoon to Spain, saw Paella on a menu and thought yum yum! Oh my god it was disgusting...full of proper seafood and shells which I hated. Tried eating just the rice and stuff but I don't think I looked very attractive gagging away!!! :o

Not what you're looking for?