Day 8 and Feeling Great.........: Well here I... - No Smoking Day

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Day 8 and Feeling Great.........

nsd_user663_7254 profile image
15 Replies

Well here I am folks on day 8 and feeling great today, long may it continue.

This is my first day where I have overcome alot of things that I associated with smoking as I was back to work after christmas and having time off due to the weather. Went to work in the car without having a cigarette, put petrol in the car without asking for 20 silk cut silver to, returned home from work without having a cigarette, came home and had a brew before collecting my daughter from school without having a many hurdles today have I overcome and boy do I feel great. Somebody came into the office today that clearly smokes and I immediately smelt the stale smell of cigarettes and boy did it smell and I thought to myself did I really smell like that!!!!!.......Well yes I did regardless of how much perfume used.

I feel like a different person and I feel like I have more energy than normal but i think that's because I'm purposely keeping busy so i dont think of cigarettes, however I haven't craved one at all today, so just shows when busy.

Hope all my fellow non smokers having a great smoke free day.


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nsd_user663_7254 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_5972 profile image


It will continue - you keep strong

You have overcome some of your "Triggers" today what with going to the petrol station.



nsd_user663_4754 profile image

wow shasie you sound really positive about this which is great to read.

I know its a shock isnt it when you smell smokers coming in from outside.

And I used to do it all the time thinking that noone knew. haha! how rediculous :p

congratulations on entering week 2 - your doing really well :D

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Thanks Tinks and Bman....

Yes I know you don't think anyone will smell you even with perfume and mints or chewing gum to suck on....whoops my mother didn't know I smoked or so i thought obviously she did but wouldn't address it with me!!!!!!! even though she has never smoked in her life.

Again without you guys on here I would haven't the motivation that I have to succeed.


nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Excellent Post....

Hey, It gets better and better..... Well done Sharon, U are doing fantastic. U have overcome all those triggers in one day, which is no mean achievement. You sound so much more positive then a few days last week...

Keep going strong, Sure little Em is so proud of her mummy.....

Check the stats party and update there...... Kaz x x :p

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Great feelin' aint it?!

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Yes it is Stav and long may it continue!!!!!!!


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hey Sharon absolutely fantastic, you know I'm sitting here typing this and feeling a bit emotional. Why? because I think it's fantastic when I see someone still in the early stages so positive.

I, like your self started work again today after being off 3/4 weeks and like yourself the triggers were there to be overcome.

One of the pupils I had out today wanted to stop and have a fag during her lesson and of course when I smoked we would both stop and have a ciggy during the lesson. But today she had a cigarette and I nipped off to the loo. When I came back she had just finished and got back into the car, she must have blown some of the smoke into the car. I could not believe I wanted to open the window I did not like the smell in the car. I really do hope I end up hating that smell because I did not like it today.

Keep it up girl you're doing great.:)

Jack xx

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Arrrrh thanks Jack.


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

You get what you deserve:cool:

Jack xx

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

hi Shazie

that was a brilliant read, soon though if you keep pratacing no having cigs in bewteen doing things then it'll become and habbit of not doing it anyway and you'll skip through them piece of pie

a very well done to you and lets hope it continues

Geoff xx

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Thanks Geoff, Well done to you too for being in double figures. hope it's going well today?...


nsd_user663_7507 profile image

Day 8 over

I'm using willpower alone to give up the nasty habit...I've lasted this long helped by the snow outside and this forum. Thoughts have entred my mind and i've applied tactics learnt here not to give in e.g. the craving goes after 5 mins or works. I see smokers all over the town centre, hiding in doorways...and feel angry when they can blow smoke into my face...would they spit in my face? - should'nt be allowed!!


Any tips for day 9 and 10? what should I expect...when do the angry/mood swing moments come and how do i avoid putting on weight? eating more now!!!

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Hi Stormtrooper,

Thanks for your post, how you doing today???....


nsd_user663_7507 profile image

Hi - climbing the walls....

My mind is playing tricks...I'm imagining I'm putting on weight then that I have pains in my throat etc...really I'm being worn go back to the dirty stinking habit!!

Last year a work colleague & friend started coughing in carried on for 4/5 worse...she had tests...results came back 4/5 weeks later...she had lung cancer.

She commenced treatment.

She was given Chemo etc and given the all clear. Couple of months later she was getting back aches. She had check ups and the bad news came the cancer had spread throughout her body. She was given just a few weeks. I had one very sad last conversation with her...she was doing a lot of reflecting when she could stay awake from the morphine...(too late)...Macmillan nurses helped and gave her what little dignity that could be preserved....she was in nappies and in pain all the time. Its been a year since she died ...I comforted myself by going for a fag..!!!stupid...when I write this now I wonder how with the knowledge of what happened I did not stop!!!

I'm trying now...its never too late...I don't want to be telling my kids they won't see me again!!! You keep trying too, we can do it!

Is'nt life so weird ... strangers in this forum may be helpping each other live each other gifts of life...If I drop this habit I want to commit myself to helping others ... perhaps a charity run???? who knows...I won't promise..


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

..Macmillan nurses helped and gave her what little dignity that could be preserved....she was in nappies and in pain all the time. Its been a year since she died ...I comforted myself by going for a fag..!!!stupid...when I write this now I wonder how with the knowledge of what happened I did not stop!!!

Because we think we ourselves are invincible but know we are not but keep going regardless? It's human nature.... a part of it anyway.

I too had a friend die of cancer and it was awful...... smoking related and no dignity..... I currently have two aunts dying of cancer and both smoke and wont give up.

It's what we do now and from now on that counts and it can make a difference :)

Stay strong and keep with your quit x

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