2 years for Cavalier: Another oldie hitting... - No Smoking Day

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2 years for Cavalier

nsd_user663_4121 profile image
44 Replies

Another oldie hitting the 2 year milestone! Congrats to you Cavalier!

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nsd_user663_4121 profile image
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44 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Cav :D

2 years that's fantastic CONGRATULATIONS thanks for all the help and support you gave me

Love and a Hug

Marg xxxxxx

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Bloody fantastic Cav, two years is great, what an inspiration to the rest of us, and still passing the message, well done mate. David

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Well Done Cav

Hi Cav.

Congratulations and well done for the 2 years. You must feel really proud of yourself.

Thank you for your support and help you have given me.

Lots of love, hugs and kisses

Ju xx

jackieinv profile image

Brilliant Cav, thanks for being there for me when I started here.


Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Great stuff Cav, 2 years is just brilliant.

Keep on keeping on.:D

nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Cav, 2 years, wow! I'm speechless! Good for you! Jody

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Two whole years, brilliant. Congratulations Cav and long may it continue.

It feels a million years away for me but not impossible.

Keep it going :D x

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

2 years? thats bloody excellent!!! must really feel like you've totally kicked the demons ass now :)

Nicely done :)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Cav mate great going.xxxx

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Oi you! Super well done. Always there. Always supportive. Always amusing and willing to work outside the box. Good on you mr cav, you deserve it x

nsd_user663_3356 profile image


Fantastic Cav. Well Done!!

I reckon this means there are a few more coming up to two years very soon, like Catwoman, Tomatpots, Cword, Jude etc.

Isnt this forum a great place for quitting!!!!;)

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Cav, for the 2 years and for the support you continue to give.

Keep on keepin on :D;)

A Great Big Congratulations from Me

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

get it cav my son (figure of speach)

2 years is awesome

well done


nsd_user663_3021 profile image

And A Great Big Congatulations from Him. Well Done;):D

Whats with all the Purple!!! Shes not back is she??::eek::eek:

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

Jesus H,

didnt know jesus had a surname:confused:


nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Just thought I'd sneak in here and say well done you, but where the hell are you???!!!!!

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

Just thought I'd sneak in here and say well done you, but where the hell are you???!!!!!

good point i havent seen cav on in ages

get back on were all missing ya


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

WELL DONE CAV - 2 Years that is fantastic.

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

well done Cav, truely inspirational!! 2 years is fab x

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Congrats Cav

Congrats Cav, wish I was where you are right now, hoping to never catch you up.

Any words of wisdom 2 years down the track - doing ok at the moment but a few people coming through seem to be having a hard time and not sure I'm finding the right things to say to help.


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

a huge well done to you Cav

comin up right behind ya! :p


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Fek sake…can a guy not go walkabout? Obviously not…so, sorry kind ladles and gentlespoons.

I’m just gonna reply in reverse order and if you are like me late to the thread, tough!!

Jude – what a lass, and they tell me you’re nearly 2 years free from nico. Fekin’ excellent isn’t it?

MAH – thanks lass…hey, both you and Jude are Geordies (or something similar)…not a coat amongst the pair of you. You defo are moving in the right direction…and if I may say so, coming across that things are getting easier for you. Pearls of wisdom?… “keep the faith”, as a famous quitter used to say. Education, reading, distraction, posting…getting on with things in a no nonsense style. Maybe those quitters who you talk about are learning those things from you and drawing a lot of strength from you. You certainly are a worthy role model.

Moog – hey you fat c**….no, hold on second…bad start…thanks for posting here (just joking Moog – bet you are beautiful). Again, like the Northerner you seem to be…getting on with things without fuss. March is nearly here and I know from my own experience that you’ll be in a good place knowing you are achieving this monumental task….bring it on Girl.

Tinkerbell – wish you well and take some strength from your previous attempts…they’ve been good and will stand you in good stead. Now with the extra wee hand from patches and lozenges you can get past the final hurdles that are standing between you and freedom.

Stitch/Geoff – I’m back on…for a wee visit to say hi and thanks.

Bev – you don’t need to sneak anywhere. My thread doors are always open to you (easy there M3 & M2, no smut here…move along!!) You’re an Aquarian and I’m getting a better understanding of those type folk…and appreciation too.

CW – quit buddy, as I previously said, we are the most successful quit team in the history of NSD with a perfect 100% score. Many of the success stories since you joined owe thanks to you…if only for the excellent information you continually researched and provided solely to help your fellow quitters…without fear or favour. But there was much more to you….for instance the real sense of equality of access and fairness you helped to engender on the site. Truly a giant among felines…which I suppose makes you a tigress :eek:

Stitch/Geoff – what again? It’s just a saying, Stitch. Google it up, but go for ‘Jesus H Christ’.

FBC – fek sake…an honorific visit to the cat tray of life….cheers mucker. You’ll note that I’m unapologetically into purple….and no, she isn’t around these days, but hopefully got a successful quit going….she always was one for shooting at targets.

Stitch/Geoff – hey, you’re just trying to make me look popular with all the post counts you’re adding to this thread. Keep the faith…you are doing real well and got some good people in the background supporting you.

Tomatpots – leading the way along with the midget gem user…well into your 2 years and doing it, as ever, in style :)

Manny – that’s it…I’m showing off. Just you fekin’ remember that it’s better to show off than resurrect…but then again, it’s better to resurrect than lie down :cool:

John – another of the powerhouses that this Forum owes deep gratitude to…ever the constant advocate of the education method helping to make that the bedrock of advice on this site…and in turn leading many, many members into a successful quit. Yeah, the others are swiftly snapping at CW and my heels….and you aren’t too far behind either.

FiCox – thinking outside the box? I’ll have you know that I barely step outside the box in this weather. Looking forward to your anniversary in Feb.

Linda – inspirational and steadfast. Truly I’ve never had the privilege to meet a person with such resolve.

Jase – yeah, you’re right…I’ve kicked that demon’s ass….and you are doing exactly that too. You didn’t like participating on Sarcy but I for one enjoyed all your comments…true gems. I’m gonna have to try those Duvels (sp?) you are always on about…and I’ll raise one for you.

Pol – partner in music and providing guidance on the perfect wallowing process :) A million years…nah…time flies and you’ll be looking back soon wondering if you actually did smoke!

Jody49 – an American cousin and speechless...a rare treat. Don’t be speechless…instead carry on giving all that advice you so wisely provide. Definitely will be logging on to congratulate you on your 1 year, 18th January…way to go, Jody.

Deke – cheers mate. I’d love to write something cryptic for you but sadly my talents lie elsewhere…not sure exactly where but somewhere for sure. Thanks for your continued support.

Jackie – fellow Scot…. for a change Embra has been nearly as snowy as Inversnecky…brrr…no good for cycling at all and I’ve been playing slippy games on the ice too much recently. This Forum does rely upon people just like you to keep the messages flying properly. Thank you for doing this day in day out and helping so many new quitters.

Julie – You just write more if you wish…don’t need to have a reason at all. Thank you for you kind comments since you joined…it’s been a pleasure to chat with another who elected to appear 2 years after Harold MacMillan stated, “You’ve never had it so good!” (Pedant alert – it was actually, “"Indeed let us be frank about it - most of our people have never had it so good.” And he made the comments to fellow Tories, but the World has chosen to remember him in the aforementioned manner.) Those words, whether the true quote or not, can and do apply to what life is like when you become a non-smoker.

Dave – ‘Flipping’ hell, guy…what a steady flow of quality jokes – wings clipped, but nevertheless. Cheers for the laughs along the way…it is the best medicine despite the Mods assertions to the contrary.

Marg – Cut and paste queen welcoming everyone - good, bad or just plain old beautiful. Thanks for being there all this time and the support you also provided me.

Bella – what the fek made you think the Anteater pic needed any improvements? I’ll have you know the original remains one of Mod2’s fav deleted pics…that and the race running one you once posted. Thanks for thinking to start the thread.

jackieinv profile image

Thank goodness, was getting worried about you, thought you might have taken yourself onto the frozen c**** and disappeared.


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

MAH – thanks lass…hey, both you and Jude are Geordies (or something similar)…not a coat amongst the pair of you. You defo are moving in the right direction…and if I may say so, coming across that things are getting easier for you. Pearls of wisdom?… “keep the faith”, as a famous quitter used to say. Education, reading, distraction, posting…getting on with things in a no nonsense style. Maybe those quitters who you talk about are learning those things from you and drawing a lot of strength from you. You certainly are a worthy role model.

Cheers for the clicks Cav much appreciated.

Not a twue Geordie am a transplant - coats, why bother, they now have in Newcastle, Vicar's (St Nicolas Diosese - fantastic building right near Castle Garth, for those who've never been to Newcastle more historic buildings here than you can shake a stick at), trawling the toon looking for half dressed Geordies to supply them with space blankets, chocolate and first aid kits, so no need for coats or to buy a kebab (or prefered form of street meat) and I can treat the blisters left behind by skyscraper heels all thanks to the C of E - knew they were good for something *smiles*. The guy wasn't half bad looking either, sadly he presented little challenge as wasn't corruptable (a celibate).

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Yay! ;)

Well done on two years Cav!

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

....and if you are like me late to the thread, tough!!

Jude75, I'll suspend the above comment due to you being one of my 2 favourite night owls....and thank you for your kind post :)

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

hi cav

good to see you back...quickly:eek:

good luck with rest of the quit

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Don't worry about putting Work before Forum....you probably like me have a real interesting job. Nothing finer than that...well a lottery win would make things that much better :)

Cheers Caroline, for posting here....although I feel you are confusing me with someone else who does actually provide sensible advice :o

nsd_user663_6810 profile image

Wow, well done. I cant imagine getting that far along, I think it's brill.

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Thanks Jo. :)

It's manageable...for sure it is. Did you think that you would last this long before you set off on the journey yourself? One of my previous quits followed on from reading Allan Carr...it was a great experience and one of the easiest starter quits I'd ever had. That said whatever your chosen quit method - excluding CT - the honeymoon period ends and one has to continue forward without the crutch. And by the way, I'm not slating anyone who feels the need for a crutch. Far from it...every method that a person wishes to use as their springboard is valid...well almost every method - snake oil wouldn't be my chosen vehicle, nor electro-shock treatment, or even a slow wind down from for instance 20 a day to 1 a day to none.

Keep going and do read and educate yourself from the amazing wealth of information available here from previous and current members; the hyperlinks some of us have in our sigs. You'll get there and eventually wonder if you did actually smoke once upon a time. I do and I smoked for 31 years :eek:

Keep on keepin' on,


nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hello Cav.

Long time no speak!! How are you?

Good to see you are still around friend.:cool:

Speak soon

Ju xx

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

How did I miss this?

Congratulations Cav, and thanks for still being around.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Cav,

Always good to see another oldie making it to the heady heights of 2 smoke free years:D

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

How did I miss this?

Congratulations Cav, and thanks for still being around.

Well done Cav,

Always good to see another oldie making it to the heady heights of 2 smoke free years:D


Cheers for the posts. 2 smoke free years...yeah and I'm into my 3rd year now. Numbers...what do I know :rolleyes: As long as we are not smoking that's the name of the game :)


nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Congratulations Cav

Hi Cav

Many congrats on making the 2 year mark, great news.

Thanks for all your support and advice you are an inspiration, keep posting.

Dee xx

nsd_user663_3282 profile image


You're too kind :o

.......but if you insist then please be inspired to stick with it. There IS light at the end of the tunnel!!

So many of the oldies posting their significant days here is living testament to that.

Thanks for posting here.

Cav xx

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Woo! Hoo! :D

Sorry I missed the party! But you're invited to mine! lol :)

I have been quit for 1 Year, 11 Months, 1 Week, 57 minutes and 14 seconds (707 days). I have saved £3,535.19 by not smoking 14,140 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Month, 2 Weeks, 4 Days, 2 hours and 20 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 17/02/2008 22:00

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Hey...thanks :D

CW, as you'll note, popped in too.

I'm sure the fat club worked out well for you :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_5128 profile image

thats fantastic well-done :o

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Thanks msyvonned,

It's do-able because as we long-termers are fond of saying...I never imagined that I could ever stop smoking....but I did ;)

Keep well, keep quit,


nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Congrats Cav on 2 plus years.:D

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Congrats Cav on 2 plus years.:D

No way, man...how could you forget?

It don't matter...thanks anyway :)

Hit the smilie for a cruising toon in the Mustang :cool: <--

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Well well... Congrats pal. Had our run ins in the past, but hatchet buried, who can deny a big well done to 2 years off the cigs. Well done man.

Keep all these peeps in here in check :)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

SV...sorry hadn't spotted this before.

We both used to enjoy the tussles...it's OK to disagree on somethings.

At least we both agreed that smoking is harmful to life :cool:

Not what you're looking for?