I can't believe it................ - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I can't believe it................

nsd_user663_5972 profile image
9 Replies

Just can't believe 2.5lb on OMG. I know I said the weight thing wouldn't bother me - who was I trying to kid!!

I know they say to eat some fruit or drink water when get cravings but chocolate makes me feel much better.

Been quite moody today, even to the point where I didn't know where I was :confused:

I need to get a grip I mean if a scoff chocolate what do I expect! Diet from Monday! :o

Come on Tinks - where has your PMA gone??

Hope your days have been good.

Tinks xx

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nsd_user663_5972 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_4367 profile image


Hi Tinks, Dont worry about the weight, it can be looked after later, But its true plenty of water an fruit better for you, but not as nice ha ha Kaz :cool:

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Tinks my love, big bag of PMA coming your way.

Dont worry about the weight, it is winter and we can all hide a multitude of sins under big baggy jumpers...worry about the weight in a couple of months time. Giving up the weed is far more important.

Keep going sweetheart and congratulation on one full week down Hun...its a huge mile stone.

Love and hugs xx

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

I'm a man...men don't mention weight...still I'm scared to go near the scales. Now I was hardly athletic before I started...6'4" and the best part of 16 stone. Forget PMA...I went for BEH...BUGGER EATING HEALTHILY!

Fags gone!

I'll get the running shoes on once I've sobered up :P

Giving up's easy! *picks self off floor*

nsd_user663_7373 profile image

Only chocolate does the trick! I've just discovered Milka with Dime bar in...

Wednesday's weigh in won't be fun.


nsd_user663_7318 profile image

We got those celebration jobbies that now have creme eggs in...or should I say had creme eggs in!

I don't even have a sweet tooth

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Tinks you're doing greaaaaaaaqaat!!! how did that q get in there maybe the a's started a que :D

I know I'm a guy but what the hell about weight you'll still get a big hug from me when we meet in the penthouse. Is it one week already for you:cool: jeez doesn't time fly when you're enjoying yourself.

I have put on a stone (14 lbs) in 5 weeks but fortunately I'm not that heavy anyway and just a small fry a 5'8", but it won't increase any more. That's probably what will happen to you, you may put on a few lbs then it will settle down.

Concentrate on the weedless life worry about the weight later. Just remeber being able to say "No thanks I don't smoke"

Hugs Jack xx

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Hey Tinks

You know everything is secondry to not smoking. Once you've done that you can do anything - loose weight, cure the economy, jump tall buildings.

I've avoided the scales for x weeks, the tightness of my trousers is telling it's own story, but I'm with Stav - BEH - until I'm ready (or my OH tells me it's time :o )

Good to see you're still with us Tinks, I know it hasn't been easy, but then if it were, nobody would smoke.

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Well done for staying with the quit Tinks, but sorry its one or the other in my view, maybe some people manage it but most of us dont. Have to get through the cravings eating, and then tackle weight. Heyho thats only my opinion but seems the norm, I thought I could be superior when I started and stay on my sw diet, haha.

Stay strong

Dee xxxx

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hey tinks

Don't worry about weight. Just think about quitting at the moment. Like I said you are doing well. Don't panic and be brave.;)

Love Ju xx

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