Jack my twin ......: Are you doing ok there... - No Smoking Day

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Jack my twin ......

nsd_user663_6327 profile image
9 Replies

Are you doing ok there, not seen you on for a few days, hope all's well with you? Love and hugs, Vivienne. xxxx :)

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nsd_user663_6327 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Are you doing ok there, not seen you on for a few days, hope all's well with you? Love and hugs, Vivienne. xxxx :)

Hey Vivienne my dearest twin I'm still around and still smoke free. Haven't had a good last three days. You can see my post on this thread

forum.nosmokingday.org.uk/s... and it describes how I'm feeling.

I am wishing my life away just now because I want every day to pass as quick as it can. I want to get through this day in the hope that the next day I will finally get rid of this horrible wanting feeling. Maybe tomorrow it will have gone.

I didn't come on here yesterday and was not on much on Thursday. I think I was keeping away because I want to stop thinking about smoking. To come on here keeps it in my mind so I tried to stay away for awhile. I did not sign in but had a quick look and saw your thread and I did not want you or others to worry I'd became a smoker again, God forbid that will happen and of course I'm God.

I sometimes feel very happy because of what I have achieved but this feeling just won't go away. If it was possible to know the exact day this will leave me then I could probably deal with it easier. Today is 38 days and I'm thinking that surely this feeling should be going away now. Could someone please sing a lullaby to my DEMON and make it go to sleep, you ladies will like this. My demon must be female because it's stubborn :D

I had a dream last night I was giving cigs to others but I was not smoking my self. The place I was at in my dream was the Aberfeldy test center where all of my stopping began, I woke up and thought maybe that's the beginning of the end. But I have still felt the same today.

So I went and worked on a book I had written on driving a few years ago called Driving Mad and I'm bringing some of it up to date. I'm going to try and turn it into an Ebook and sell it on the internet.

My book cover


Okay Vivienne and all I hope I have not ranted too much and Vivienne My dearest twin thank you for your concerns but I hope never to desert you or the others on here.

love and hugs Jack xxxx

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Keep going with your quit and it will soon get easier. A big part of a quit is to change the way you think..... I had to post on here like mad in order for the message to stick.... the message being 'don't dread a day without fags, don't look back and 'miss them', don't sulk..... remind yourself over and over how you do not 'have' to smoke any longer. That's why you smoked.... you had to and now you don't and that is called freedom.

It takes some time to rewire your thinking..... keep reading, keep posting, and it will get easier very soon.

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Keep going with your quit and it will soon get easier. A big part of a quit is to change the way you think..... I had to post on here like mad in order for the message to stick.... the message being 'don't dread a day without fags, don't look back and 'miss them', don't sulk..... remind yourself over and over how you do not 'have' to smoke any longer. That's why you smoked.... you had to and now you don't and that is called freedom.

It takes some time to rewire your thinking..... keep reading, keep posting, and it will get easier very soon.

I totally agree with what you say but it's not quite how I feel, I don't want to smoke. As I said it's this feeling of wanting and yet I don't want. It does help that I tell myself it's my choice to stop no one has made me. I love myself (I used to be conceited now I'm just perfect) for what I have done so far. I don't so much dread the day without fags it's more I dread going through the day with this feeling. I don't miss the fags I wake up every morning and think how well I feel, I can breath, I'm not coughing and the first thing I think of is not cigarettes.

Hugs and thanks Jack x

nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Doing so well....

Hey Jack, Your doing so well, it happens at different times for everyone, I think I was at the 4 month mark to be honest, but the feelings got easier, not as intense as the first few weeks.... I never want a cig again but I can relate to what u say...... They played such a massive role in our lives for so long, Nobody would smoke if it was that easy to give up...

Stick with it Jack, its so worth it..I know u will because u are so determined. Congratuations on doing so well so far its a massive acheivement.. Stay strong ..Each Day is a Day closer to the Penthouse.. Kaz xx:cool:

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hey Kaz, thanks for the encouragement.

I think we all have to understand and remember our bodys have been given something for years and years. Suddenly it has been taken away and it is screaming to have it back. Unfortunately unlike some other things that we may be told by the doctor you have to give up like sweets, chocolate NO! NO WAY YOU ALL SHOUT!!!, or certain foods, this nicotine is addictive. So it takes a lot longer to give up not the product but the addiction.

I knew at the start it was not going to be easy but it's my choice to take away something I have been giving my body and brain for years. I understand it's going to take a long time. I'll get ups and downs but I just have to deal with it, then one day I will step out of the tunnel into the sunlight and will never enter that tunnel again.

So thanks and well done on your quit

Love Jack x

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Jack

Good to hear your managing to keep your quit going despite the roller coaster ride that chucks us about rather a lot at times.

I'm not out of the tunnel yet but I can see the light.... I think ..... yes I can I just don't know how far away it is.

All the best and don't forget, the distance between our quits is to remain the same.... we have a deal;)


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Jack

Good to hear your managing to keep your quit going despite the roller coaster ride that chucks us about rather a lot at times.

I'm not out of the tunnel yet but I can see the light.... I think ..... yes I can I just don't know how far away it is.

All the best and don't forget, the distance between our quits is to remain the same.... we have a deal;)


Yes my dear we have a deal, we even have a picture of a handshake to prove it.

Here it is again for them that has not seen it already.


I'll keep up with you although I hope never to catch you untill we stop in at the penthouse then we can meet. Just let me know when you reach that sunshine then I will know there's not far for me to go.:cool:

Love and hugs Jack xx:)

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Thanks for your reply Jack this link:- http//forum.nosmokingday.or...

that you put up to a previous post of yours doesn't seem to work?

We are so lucky to be able to come on here you know, as there are many people who post excellent advice about our different problems, because they have been there already and they are trying to help and guide us, but we have to listen to them and at least give a try to their suggestions and soltutions.

For instance Christine has been so great to me, she recommended St John's Wort and I tried that with great success, thank you Christine, feeling heaps better. If I had ignored that I would still be feeling down and depressed.

Christine again, suggested Corsodyl toothpaste and mouthwash for sore teeth and gums and by golly does that work, nasty taste but it works and eases the pain, if I had ignored that advice I would still be in pain.

There was another person on today, posting advice, I'm sorry I dont remember the name but suggesting getting out brightly coloured linens and using them around the house, buying colourful spring flowers, going for a walk and planning a little treat for ourselves and then following through with the treat when you get back from the walk.

Do you see the pattern I'm trying to explain? :)

I would like to see lots more posts on here where people have listened to the advice, taken things on board, thought about them and then gone out there and done those things. Who knows, maybe it will work? !!!

Good luck Jack and everyone else who is struggling, I include myself in those who are from time to time but come on chaps, open up your hearts and minds and listen to these folks. They are trying to help us because they have been/are there. xxxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

There was another person on today, posting advice, I'm sorry I dont remember the name but suggesting getting out brightly coloured linens and using them around the house, buying colourful spring flowers, going for a walk and planning a little treat for ourselves and then following through with the treat when you get back from the walk.

This is the link I tried to let you see, it has that post on it you are speaking about;


I also read this one today that really if it was needed installed hope into me and should do the same for others;


The great thing about this forum is you and I are getting advice from from others who have gone well before us. You and I are already giving advice to them that's coming behind us.

On our own this would be a long and lonely road but together we can walk and chat and it makes the road so much shorter.

Vivienne I know we kid around but here's a real big HUG

You have helped me emensely and I want you to know that right now I feel very positive and good.

Donna comes over to me now quite frequently and gives me a big smile and a big hug. When I smoked that did not happen as much because she could not stand the smell of it from my breath etc.

My kids congratulate me many times and these two things are all the reward I need to see my family happy.

Love Jack xxxxx

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