Why am I still dreaming of smoking???........ - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Why am I still dreaming of smoking???........

nsd_user663_7254 profile image
17 Replies

Hi all,

Well yet again I dreamt again of smoking last night and when I woke up this morning it was constantly on my mind and I started to feel quite anxcious!!!!!!.....Then I realised that it is Friday(weekend) which means enjoying a bottle of vino or 2 which in line comes with the ciggies or well it used to, the way i'm feeling this morning I could quite easily buy some, but then I remember reading on people pages when they have the one and it's back to day 1 AGAIN and I'm not doing that when I'm on day 5 now. Has anyone else felt this early on wanting to go out and buy some????....

I just feel these horrible demons are playing tricks with my mind.....it really for me is hour by hour not day by day.

Hope everyone else is having a great day being smoke free.xx

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nsd_user663_7254 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Doing so well!!

Hey Sharon, whats happened, come on lets get that positive feeling again my mate... Yeah smoking dreams can seem so real, but dont be defeated cos they soon go...Stick with it mate, u will defro not regret it..... U are so much stronger then letting these horrible demons get u down.....

I have every faith in you. Stay strong and dont go back to DAY ONE, its not worth it... :o Kaz xx

nsd_user663_4453 profile image

Well done on making 5 days quit:D

Good way to start going hour by hour then eventually you will look at it by days.

Yes its them demons tricking you and also fear.

Have a good smoke free weekend and be careful the weekend can have lots of triggers.:D

lee x

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Thanks Kaz........:)

I know the dreams haven't helped plus I didn't have a patch on for 12 hours so I'm sure the nicotine withdrawl will be stronger. I've got a patch on now and feeling better.

This weekend will be hard as you know me like my vino and socializing and the smoking has always come hand in hand with them, but I will not let you down mate I promise!!!!.

Positive thoughts coming back:D and I wont be defeated. Off to Library now with Em and for a brisk walk, still not took car out from the house since Monday!!!!!!....

Speak later.xx

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Thanks Lee....

Yes those demons are horrible.....Feeling better now after putting a patch on and for people like you, you give me motivation to continue.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Shaze :D

You're doing great dreaming about fags and smoking a fairly common this early in a quit as the the wanting to go and buy some

So yes lots of us get this just hang in there it does pass promise



nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Thanks Marg.....

After a phone call from Kaz before and receiving messages of support on this forum plus having my patch on now I'm back to my positive attitude of keeping going and I DON'T WANT A CIG:mad:

Love Sharon.x

jackieinv profile image

Sorry you are struggling a bit, you did the right thing posting about it. You will receive strength from others and be helping someone else at the same time. Perhaps you could read some of the literature on the websites, it's a good distraction and helps put things into perspective for you.


nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Thanks Jackie for your messgae....

I have just read up on a few things on the website that Marg had posted to me and it has definately shed some light and things.

Thanks again.


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Hunnie

Your doing great day 5 well done mate. The first week can be a bit hard but your doing great and are over half way through. Take things hour by hour if need be it will start to get easyer soon honest.xxxxx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

HI Sharon

The smoking dreams are awful...I still get them and think I have ruined my quit...so pleased to wake up and find out it was a dream.

Bloody Nico Deamons ..... stay strong you are doing so well.


nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Thanks everyone you are all a real help and encouragement and have got me through today, smokefree!!!!!!.........

As of 4pm today I started on my day 6 so really pleased. Decided to stay in this evening so not to walk into any temptation at this early stage of a long, long road.

Thanks again everyone.

Will keep you posted.

Good luck to everyone. x:)

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

I had my first smoking dream last night; my wife was also drinking wine....I don't smoke and she doesn't drink...how strange.

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Isn't it bizarre Stav, how the lack of nicotine causes such weird dreams.....I am hoping tonight that I dont have one...:eek:

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

I might eat lots of cheese to see if they get any better!

nsd_user663_7373 profile image

Hi Sharon.

I'm at about the same point as you, I quit on Sunday 3rd and, like you, am finding it tough (I'd also like a glass or two of wine but don't trust myself!)

I had The Smoking Dream last night. It felt great until I woke up. Needless to say my inhalator has had such a chewing today.

Chin Up. x

nsd_user663_7496 profile image

Dreaming of Smoking


I dreamt about smoking last night - though I was hiding when I did it!!!! Been thinking about ciggies all day since I got up but now going to go and find something else to do (fitness DVD) get some feel good messages going to my brain - sure that will keep me amused for an hour or so!!!

Keep up the good work.



Hi all,

Well yet again I dreamt again of smoking last night and when I woke up this morning it was constantly on my mind and I started to feel quite anxcious!!!!!!.....Then I realised that it is Friday(weekend) which means enjoying a bottle of vino or 2 which in line comes with the ciggies or well it used to, the way i'm feeling this morning I could quite easily buy some, but then I remember reading on people pages when they have the one and it's back to day 1 AGAIN and I'm not doing that when I'm on day 5 now. Has anyone else felt this early on wanting to go out and buy some????....

I just feel these horrible demons are playing tricks with my mind.....it really for me is hour by hour not day by day.

Hope everyone else is having a great day being smoke free.xx

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Quitting smoking can be an hour by hour thing sometimes... these mind games you describe are very common, its what makes quitting such a challenge for many folk.

Just make sure you keep your desire to be quit from smoking higher than your desire to listen to the demon as he tries to romance you into having a smoke.

Remain strong, stubborn and determined. You can and will do this. Next time you get a craving? You look that demon right into his eyes and tell him a very firm NO!

Not what you're looking for?