Octquitter and stuggling: Hi Guys Im... - No Smoking Day

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Octquitter and stuggling

nsd_user663_5369 profile image
19 Replies

Hi Guys

Im struggling, can't stop thinking about cigs. Literally all the time!

Used to like having one in the cold and snow, no idea why.

Whats happening to me? I felt fine over xmas.

Even moved house just before after living with inlaws! Didn't want a fag then i do now.


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nsd_user663_5369 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_6090 profile image

Hi Alfie, so sorry to hear that you are struggling but brilliantly well done on your quit. I ve got to say I have days like this but just desperately try to take my mind of them, I dont want to go back to being a slave and I know I just have to keeep at it ! Theres a brilliant article in Tips called Nicodemon- sugest you read that, its all down to the Nicodemon playing tricks ! Stay strong !

hugs xx

Cyprien profile image

Hi Alfie,

Sorry to hear you're having a bad time but you know that it will pass. You're well into the quit now so these things do come to tempt us but hold strong and it will go. I'm sure that you don't want to give in (you wouldn't be posting here if you did). Read as much as you can, remember why you wanted to quit inthe first place.Just think if you could turn the clock back, you'd never have taken that first cigarette, well now you have another chance not to take that 'frist cigarette' again.

Are you still on Champix? I see you're at the end of the the three months. DO you thinki that might have anything to do with it? If so, you can always ask the doc to extend the time, maybe on a reduced dose.

Let us know how you are getting on.


Cyprien profile image

PS - Sorry just read the end of your sig and saw that you came off Champix early.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Alfie :)

Sorry you're struggling right now thinking about them is normal but as you associate snow with a fag maybe that's what gas triggered this now for you

Also you stopped on 13th Oct so although you're in the 4th month you're actually still on month 3 this could be a bit of the terrible threes for you

Keep going get through the next few days and it will settle down again for you


marg xx

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

you have done fantastically well so far!

the nic demon does come and try to play these tricks on us! The cold and snow has set triggers off for you and you will get through it as you have done for that last three months.

Sometimes the first experience eg first summer, first xmas etc without a cig can seem to set us off but it will pass and you will continue to be successful in your quit. remember not a single puff!!


nsd_user663_5369 profile image

Thanks alot guys.

Is the 3 month thing common then? Those bloody cigs and nicotine just won't leave you alone!!!:mad: Im finding it almost harder now than before. ive put on weight, never have before. Thats one of the worst bits, don't like myself much at the moment. Keep thinking if i go back to fags i will lose the weight eventually, rather than eating crap all day (which is now my HIT!!)

Feel rubbish and depressed, has hit me sooooooooo hard.

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

the three month thing is fairly common however aim for 100days for a milestone, I really struggled but had a treat planned for 100 days.

I too put on quite abit of weight but im tackling that this year, I would prefer to put on afew pounds rather than be a slave to nicotine!!

I recently had some triggers but you get better at dealing with them. Theres a great post by nicfirth, I will have a look for it now and see where it is

keep going with it alfie its so worth it!!

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Hi Alfie

Hang on in there mate - you did the right thing posting on here. Anytime I think about them I check here first - that's my new habit and it works for me. And we know that these craves are just temperory - they will pass.

If you like standing in the cold and snow to have a fag, then you can go outside for 5 minutes, and re-experience standing there shivering. From my office I can see the smoking shed, and those poor souls still having to do what I think of as 'the walk of shame' to have their smoke.

I do still miss the bl**dy things, but for the last few years I was an embarrassed smoker and I do not miss queuing at the kiosk to get them or my co-workers watching me go outside every 60/90 minutes. Even my car has lost that smell.

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

have a look in the quitting tips section theres one by catwoman and one by autsinlegro that are quite recent, I cant find the other thread by Nic. someone may be able to bump it??

I cant paste the quotes on threads, sorry!!

Hope that helps x

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

found it!

Its in the help to stop section

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Alfie its a b*gg*r and everyone says it passes....it had better believe me.

Keep strong my love and huge well done for getting this far...


nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Alfie, It really sounds like you are having a rought time. It will pass. I know what your talking about cause I had the same at about 4 months. Everyone was talking about the 3's, so I thought I had got past that! Hah, the nicodemon knew better! Didn't like myself much and didn't like most of the people around me either. In short, I was the worst grouch in the world. It only lasted about 2 weeks and then the world and I righted ourselves again, so hang in there. This too shall pass! Jody

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Hi, I struggled too around this time. Not sure if it was the threes or just got a bit complacent and a trigger hit me hard. Either way, push on through, it'll make your quit even stronger, especially if you roll with it and try not to let it get under your skin. x

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Hi Guys

Im struggling, can't stop thinking about cigs. Literally all the time!

Used to like having one in the cold and snow, no idea why.

Whats happening to me? I felt fine over xmas.

Even moved house just before after living with inlaws! Didn't want a fag then i do now.


I had this on a prior quit. It may sound really strange but worked for me (for a time). Elastic band around the wrist...ping it when you get a craving!

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

Stav, really like this idea although in the early stages would have had a very sore wrist!! Ouch!!!:D

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Soon stops ya thinkin' about it though :)

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

suppose it stops that wallowing in wanting a fag syndrome eh? Think I might try it anyway as do get the occasional strong urge which drives me crazy!!

nsd_user663_6570 profile image

3rd months is rubbish each time I have stopped in past this has been a really bad time....... keep going xx

nsd_user663_2658 profile image

hi alfie. You are not alone in your struggles. I can't say that I want a cigarette exactly, but I feel hungry (but not for food, really) and empty. I struggle to fill the void, but I am determined to do whatever it takes (exercise, seeing a therapist??) -- not sure what it will all take at this point to heal. whatever damage we've done to our bodies is one thing, but I think that for me (and for many others) the effect on our brain chemistry -- the dependence upon nicotine as a crutch to get through life and to cover up thoughts and emotions is far worse. In short, keep looking until you find what it is you are after in this life -- and it's NOT found in the fags. xxjb

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