60 Daaaaaays!!!: Yip yip yip whoop whoop... - No Smoking Day

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60 Daaaaaays!!!

nsd_user663_6596 profile image
14 Replies

Yip yip yip whoop whoop

clappity clappity... yippity yay yay!!!

whoop-a-roonie chickatoonie... Ohhh Yeaaaahhhh

I'm gooood!!! Oh so good... feel my successful vibes... Mmmm Hmmmm!!!

hops a little, skips a lot, dances like there's no tomorrow!!



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nsd_user663_6596 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_1719 profile image

Congratumelations! Careful with that dancing - it's a bit slippery tonight! :D

nsd_user663_6570 profile image

hey zozie go girl wooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooo xxxx

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Yip yip yip whoop whoop

clappity clappity... yippity yay yay!!!

whoop-a-roonie chickatoonie... Ohhh Yeaaaahhhh

I'm gooood!!! Oh so good... feel my successful vibes... Mmmm Hmmmm!!!

hops a little, skips a lot, dances like there's no tomorrow!!



Hey Zozie well done you are doing brilliant dead pleased for you


nsd_user663_4964 profile image

yay zozie, I think i am about a week behind you this time (my longest ever) I'm following the zozie trail!!:D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Yip yip yip whoop whoop

clappity clappity... yippity yay yay!!!

whoop-a-roonie chickatoonie... Ohhh Yeaaaahhhh

I'm gooood!!! Oh so good... feel my successful vibes... Mmmm Hmmmm!!!

hops a little, skips a lot, dances like there's no tomorrow!!



Hi Zozie :D

Well done you 60 days done and dusted

Do we take it that you're happy and excited then


Marg xx

nsd_user663_6596 profile image


Thanks MCW, Sue & Bradders, Your support means infinate amounts, your all star people in my book!!!

Jude, Now i know your following in my trail, it makes me all the more determined to keep treading that right path... well done on your quit!!! You'll be celebrating your 60 days very soon too.. yay!!

Marg - Thanks Darlin!!! I am a bit Super Pleased with the 60 day marker.. the furthest i have come so far on a quit.. and my final one too. Bonus!

Enjoying the calm currently.... from others i see i may have another small hill to clamber... but i'm girding my loins and i'm ready for you Nicodemon... your card is well and truely up. *puts on boxing gloves*


nsd_user663_6385 profile image

Well done Zozie me old mucker! See you in month 3! I've pinched the sofa by the fire ;)

Muchos proud of ya :D

jackieinv profile image

Yes, well done, I enjoyed you dance and positive energy, felt it all the way up here to the frozen North.


nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Yay Mixxy, is it an open fire?? with logs and coal?? *dribble* its reet chilly here at the moment, and i cant wait til tomorrow.... ooh oooh ooooh :D:D

Ooooh Jackie n Chrissie - Thanks ever so... i am dead excited... its nice to be able to share the good times as well as the moo ones... we dont want to feel like we're always complaining... and i felt a bit like that the last couple of weeks... but the sun is shining brightly.... whoopee

Hope your all spanktastic? xxxxx

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hip Hip Horray. Keep going Zozie. You good girl xxx:)

Ju xx

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Faaaaaanks Julie,

Certainly shall keep going... crave hit me not so long ago... sneaky little buggery scoundrels they are... off to bed i think... i never used to smoke asleep... that i recall!


nsd_user663_6496 profile image

A huge Congratulations

Well done you. That is a huge accomplishment. Be very very proud of yourself and keep on going, don't look back now

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

60 days is wonderful!!

Well done you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep this sterling effort going, its doing you so much good!


nsd_user663_6570 profile image


middle of week 7 for me... feeling pleased about not smoking..... havin a bad time at home with a poorly cat feeling sad but not wanting to smoke is brill.. thanks all my mates on here for all ur support

Julie E




zozie to name but a few


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