Losing the will... maybe its the weather. - No Smoking Day

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Losing the will... maybe its the weather.

nsd_user663_5066 profile image
15 Replies


Really feeling like this is getting to me now. finding that i dont neccessarily want a cig, but i am noticing something missing a great deal right now. has been getting more and more noticable the past week. Feel less without the cig somehow, more so than i did back when i started all this.

self confidence taking a beating, have put on far too much weight. more than i wish to own up to. Getting horribly fed up with it all. not saying i want a cig... (though that would be nice.. ha) just feeling the "without" thing. Got sod all energy and even if i decided i wanted a cig i wouldnt be able to get my arse into gear to go the shops. Maybe its the weather. been snowed in 2 days, today the roads are only just passable. pffffft

blah. Lets hope this passes.. and soon!

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nsd_user663_5066 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_6165 profile image

It's probably just a combo of the weather and that rubbish 5-6 week thing that we all seem to have got. It will get better again. You've done brilliantly to get this far hun, stay strong.:)

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hi Needacuppa.:)

Haven't heard from you for a long time. Sorry you are feeling like you are at the moment. It is the time of the year for being like this. Christmas is over, parties gone, dark mornings and dark nights, weather horrible and no sun!!

You are just going through a horrid time. Just think though you haven't had a smoke, so don't be too hard on yourself.

Keep up the good work you have done so well and I hope you feel better soon.

keep posting.

Ju x

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

It's the weather - you haven't smoked for 5 weeks, over the Christmas/New Year period. If you can gt through that you can get through this.

I do know what you mean about noticing something missing. I'm still getting that (and the weight I've gained is no compensation), but it something we can manage. Everytime I feel that way now i just think do I really miss standing outside in all weathers, visible to all and sundry as an addict? No, I really don't mis that - and nor do you.

Be strong, it's only temporary, and you've already done the hard part.

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Aw Needacuppa, so sorry to hear you feel like that, we all know exactly what you mean. I've also gained loads of weight and can empathise with you there, good thing they dont tell us about all these negative things at the start of our quits huh? I do hope tomorrow will be better for you.

Maybe this horrid cold weather will go sooner than is forecast and we could have a nice early spring? Take care and sending you lots of good luck wishes and love and hugs, Vivienne. xxxx

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Oh I know what you mean Cuppa. I think because we don't see any real immediate reward it leaves us feeling a bit flat...like 'is that it?'

I always said if I could stop for 1 week then that would be it. There is no turning back for me as I couldn't go through all this again!

You're doing really great...I think the majority of us feel like you this time of year irrelevant of giving up smoking or not. Chin up and take a day at a time.

nsd_user663_5401 profile image


Really feeling like this is getting to me now. finding that i dont neccessarily want a cig, but i am noticing something missing a great deal right now. has been getting more and more noticable the past week. Feel less without the cig somehow, more so than i did back when i started all this.

self confidence taking a beating, have put on far too much weight. more than i wish to own up to. Getting horribly fed up with it all. not saying i want a cig... (though that would be nice.. ha) just feeling the "without" thing. Got sod all energy and even if i decided i wanted a cig i wouldnt be able to get my arse into gear to go the shops. Maybe its the weather. been snowed in 2 days, today the roads are only just passable. pffffft

blah. Lets hope this passes.. and soon!

This will pass but I know it's hard. At around the same time I really struggled and it was very hard at the time and it does not help you that its horrible January either. My advice would be try to get out (snow allowing!!) and do some exercise, drink plenty of water, get a good vitamin and if you feel very down try St Johns Wort.

For me month 2 was a nightmare but there really is light at the end of that tunnel and I feel I am back in control again and YOU too will come through this and feel the same.

Hold on, it will pass I promise.

Big Hug

nsd_user663_7235 profile image


Really feeling like this is getting to me now. finding that i dont neccessarily want a cig, but i am noticing something missing a great deal right now. has been getting more and more noticable the past week. Feel less without the cig somehow, more so than i did back when i started all this. QUOTE]

Hi I have been on and off this forum today like a yo yo, why? because I'm feeling exactly as you are, seeing your thread may have saved my life.

You quit 3 days before I did so we are more or less at the same stage I feel exactly how you describe something missing and I want it. I know it is my brain or body telling me I want to smoke but like you I don't want to have a ciggy. I think what we want is this feeling to go away I want to just walk away from it. I was feeling quite good recently and now since last night I feel like I did at the beginning and I did think I was through the worst.

May be this is the nicodemon dying or the end of our body healing it's self and dragging everything from us. Surely others must have gone through this at 5-6 weeks, could this be the end of the hardest bit. I hope so because to be honest I don't know how long I can deal with this. I have been from the beginning very positive and strong but was not expecting to hit this at this stage but knowing you are going through the same has given me hope that I can keep going and I hope I'm helping you to do the same.


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Evening All

It is worth perservering, I've been where you are and stopping smoking has had it's real low points for me too.

Battleing with weight myself at the moment, so back to the gym and am just not buying stuff and like all addictions smoking and chocolate can be controlled ( or so I'm telling myself).

Have a read of this You come Too, if you haven't before it has helped many of us and it really saved the day for me once too.

Was less than two months myself at the time.

Stopping smoking is hard but it's worth it.

Never take another Puff

Onwards and upwards.

nsd_user663_6570 profile image

hey all of u.... dont u realise life is just shite,,,,, smoker or not///// hey joking

but i agree it is shite for some of use at mo for what ever reason.....

maybe a link to moan about something other than no cigs....

nsd_user663_7432 profile image

Cuppa and Jack,

It sounds like both of you have some winter depression going on. It is the dark dreary days that can cause depression.

Just a couple of sugestions, having lived for years in a very dark dreary climate, I have some experience with this.

This can be corrected with a couple of simple actions.

First is to replace all the light bulbs in the room you spend most of your time in, put in some very bright bulbs. You can save carbon emissions later.

Take look in the linen press and get out a few things that are bright colours, like a yellow table cloth or bight blue throw, put these things around your room, maybe buy some flowers in spring colours.

Winter causes us to not get outside enough and to not do the things we normally do. We need to break through the isolation, get out and get moving. Even if it seems pointless, bundle up and go for a brisk walk outside, even if only for 10 min.

While you are walking think of something that you would really enjoy. Perhaps a video, a good book, a special meal, trip to the shopping center, what ever it might be. When you get home, do what ever it takes to give yourself that treat.

Be kind to yourself, give yourself a big hug and pat on the back, and for goodness sakes spoil yourself! You deserve it!

(and don't forget to sit in front of the bight light bulbs, turn them on even in the day time!)

Bring on the sunny days soon!

nsd_user663_5066 profile image

Thank you

Thank you for all of the replies.. i think it is a combination of things. Winter is always very difficult, trying to keep the house warm with just an open fire... getting around with the roads so snowy and rubbish... but we have to battle on through!

Starting to look a little more positively today. Turning point was last night when i realised there was ice on the inside of my windows. Scratched flowers and suns into it... damn cold! But you know, that was the last i could take. Realised there was nothing i could do, so got a hot water bottle, snuggled with my better half on the sofa and drank mulled wine! realised then - despite it all, life is damn good!

Jack - i'm sorry you are feeling so down too, but thankful there is someone else who is winning. because we are. its not like we've given in to anything. We've just got moody and grumpy! :p

Thank again to everyone, and for all of the advice. Just too easy to think negatively and for your motivation to sag sometimes. We can do it tho... grr

Roll on summer! ;)

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Hey there peeps, sorry to hear that everyone is a little down int dumps... :( tis no good... this smoking lark or lack of it mores the point is a tricky fish to catch and tame. (Fish by nature are a little tricky to tame - you never see them in the circus)

I have just re-emerged like a cheerful butterfly from a chrysallis of ultimate doom which lasted a week or so... my OH kindly commented that it felt like months... bless him, lovely lambs a way with words. :rolleyes:

Crux of it is... it gets better... if it stayed this way indefinately the penthouse wouldn't be so full....

This is prime time for anyone that suffers with SAD, and winter blues... the lack of nicotine doesn't help. Many are on St Johns Wort, which is good, if you fancy the herbal anti dep route in the short term, then have a look at '5 HTP' also, that worked for me....

Banana's are seratonin enhancing winners, as is marmite.... exercise helps with natural endorphine production.... hot baths, good books, laughter with friends, snuggley duvets.... pick your favourites and wait for it to pass, it will soon.. promise!


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Cuppa and Jack,

It sounds like both of you have some winter depression going on. It is the dark dreary days that can cause depression.

Just a couple of sugestions, having lived for years in a very dark dreary climate, I have some experience with this.

This can be corrected with a couple of simple actions.

First is to replace all the light bulbs in the room you spend most of your time in, put in some very bright bulbs. You can save carbon emissions later.

Take look in the linen press and get out a few things that are bright colours, like a yellow table cloth or bight blue throw, put these things around your room, maybe buy some flowers in spring colours.

Winter causes us to not get outside enough and to not do the things we normally do. We need to break through the isolation, get out and get moving. Even if it seems pointless, bundle up and go for a brisk walk outside, even if only for 10 min.

While you are walking think of something that you would really enjoy. Perhaps a video, a good book, a special meal, trip to the shopping center, what ever it might be. When you get home, do what ever it takes to give yourself that treat.

Be kind to yourself, give yourself a big hug and pat on the back, and for goodness sakes spoil yourself! You deserve it!

(and don't forget to sit in front of the bight light bulbs, turn them on even in the day time!)

Bring on the sunny days soon!

Hi and thanks for the advice. I think in my case it's not feeling down because a lot of the time I'm very upbeat especially with my family I have a great sense of humour. As I said it's this feeling I want something that will not go away and this horrible taste in my mouth. I am now thinking the stopping smoking does not have anything to do with the horrible taste in my mouth. Two weeks before I stopped smoking I went to the doctor because I believed and still do that I had a sinus infection, the doctor refused to give me antbiotics. On three subsequent visits I was told they were not going to give me antibiotics or unclebiotics:D. I still feel I have a sinus infection and will be going back to the doctors and telling them that I'm doing what I can to not get a sinus infection again by stopping smoking. And I feel it's time they did something to help. One doctor did tell me to come back in four weeks and if it hasn't cleared up she'll send me to ENT. Has anyone else had this problem with flem constantly running down the back of their throat since they stopped smoking?


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Hi and thanks for the advice. I think in my case it's not feeling down because a lot of the time I'm very upbeat especially with my family I have a great sense of humour. As I said it's this feeling I want something that will not go away and this horrible taste in my mouth. I am now thinking the stopping smoking does not have anything to do with the horrible taste in my mouth. Two weeks before I stopped smoking I went to the doctor because I believed and still do that I had a sinus infection, the doctor refused to give me antbiotics. On three subsequent visits I was told they were not going to give me antibiotics or unclebiotics:D. I still feel I have a sinus infection and will be going back to the doctors and telling them that I'm doing what I can to not get a sinus infection again by stopping smoking. And I feel it's time they did something to help. One doctor did tell me to come back in four weeks and if it hasn't cleared up she'll send me to ENT. Has anyone else had this problem with flem constantly running down the back of their throat since they stopped smoking?



I could be wrong but you sound as though you have a perfect case of Post Nasal Drip, check here , more so than mine is. Think the overproduction of mucus is normal in smokers who's lungs are trying to repair themselves all the time and goes into overtime when we quit.

Still have it myself but was alway prone to throat infections so this isn't really a surprise.

Might be worth swatting up before next doctor's visit. Knowledge is always useful.


nsd_user663_7235 profile image


I could be wrong but you sound as though you have a perfect case of Post Nasal Drip, Think the overproduction of mucus is normal in smokers who's lungs are trying to repair themselves all the time and goes into overtime when we quit.

Hi Mah I would love to agree with you but in my case I'm not too sure. As I said I went to the doctor with this before I even thought about stopping smoking. Yes I expected to get junk coming up off my chest after stopping and that is happening.

This problem started months ago and is one of the reasons I stopped smoking.

I don't just get the stuff going down the back of my throat I have pain across my nose and under my eyes. When I blow my nose I have bloody mucus coming out of it and as I said this was going on before I stopped smoking. (OH! I dooooooooooo love to say that "before I stopped smoking")

I have had quite a few sinus infections and they cleared up with amoxycillin but kept coming back because I was smoking. I feel if I could get this cleared up I would feel great and if I had amoxycillin and still had this problem at least something would be elimated.

I think the doctors feel I'm telling them their job and they are being awkward about antibiotics.

And if you are correct I will follow instructions from you link.


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