5 weeks today and may be at work. - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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5 weeks today and may be at work.

nsd_user663_7235 profile image
10 Replies

Hi guys you may not hear from me today untill later on in the evening.

It's 5 weeks for me today and I'm feeling good with myself, never ever thought I would get this far.

I am all being well with the weather going to attempt to do some driving lessons today. As I haven't worked for nearly 3 weeks of my quit it is going to be a little bit hard going back to the routine I was used to when I was a smoker. So I'll see how it goes I'm fairly sure I'll be alright.

I want you all to know that yes I come on here for support, have fun, as well as try in my own way to help others. Before I found this forum I was getting to the point where I had nothing to do being off work so much. But the fact I can come on here and have fun, others to chat to that have the same aim in common as I have has given me a lot to do and I love every minute of it.

See I can be serious sometimes.

I love you all,

Jack :):):)

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nsd_user663_7235 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jack :D

Well done you 5 weeks is great and I hope work gors PK for you


Marg xx

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Hi guys you may not hear from me today untill later on in the evening.

It's 5 weeks for me today and I'm feeling good with myself, never ever thought I would get this far.

I am all being well with the weather going to attempt to do some driving lessons today. As I haven't worked for nearly 3 weeks of my quit it is going to be a little bit hard going back to the routine I was used to when I was a smoker. So I'll see how it goes I'm fairly sure I'll be alright.

I want you all to know that yes I come on here for support, have fun, as well as try in my own way to help others. Before I found this forum I was getting to the point where I had nothing to do being off work so much. But the fact I can come on here and have fun, others to chat to that have the same aim in common as I have has given me a lot to do and I love every minute of it.

See I can be serious sometimes.

I love you all,

Jack :):):)

Thats great to hear such a positive post from you Jack, all the best with going back to work in this awful weather, but your students need to be able to deal with snow as well as sunshine driving, so onwards and upwards!

We all love you too Jack, its great to be able to have a bit of fun on here to help us all out in what can sometimes be dark times! Love and hugs, Vivienne. xxxx

jackieinv profile image

Well done Jack, it's been a trying time for you but you have come out the other side, brilliant. Hope the roads stay black for you.


nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Good for you, Jack! 5 weeks is great! Glad roads have cleared so you won't have to worry about cabin fever. We are expecting about 6" of snow starting tonight and ending sometime tomorrow. Makes me glad I'm retired and don't have to get out in it except to play! Jody

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Well sorry guys it's bad news, no I haven't started smoking again that won't happen.

Could not get any work done roads were not suitable. Drove to Aberfeldy about 18 miles just to take a look at the roads and say "no way hosie". Phoned the pupils, cancelled them went into the garage for fuel and bottle of fanta. Got the question do you want fags? I said "No I don't smoke anymore" They were surprised that I was still not smoking because they haven't seen me since before Christmas. I was walking down to the post office and when I passed the Coop one of my pupils mums was standing outside smoking. I was able to stand and talk to her without it bothering me but as I walked away I got a wiff of it and I'm not sure if I liked it or not. The good thing is I can't say I definately did like it.

On the way home I popped into Pitlochry to see some friends, got home had a cuppa, took the dogs out and here I am.

How am I feeling? well on top of the world, the feeling of wanting is still there as it allways is but I can deal with that.

Thanks Marg, Jackie, Jody, and of course my Vivienne;) for the support.

Probably speak to you all again later.

Jack xxxxxxxxxxxxxx for you all :):):)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi jack :D

Sorry you couldn't work but sounds like you had a busy and eventful day you also sound very happy


Marg xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

I am very happy I should be worried sick as I'm not earning but life just feels so good right now I have nothing but happiness. I have now done something great in my life and I just love everything and everbody. I hope that some of the new starts can someday feel this, I also hope it can rub off on others who are struggling right now.

I just hope you guys don't think I'm some kind of nutcase, if someone said a few months ago I could quit smoking even for 5 weeks I would have thought they were the nutcase :D


nsd_user663_4786 profile image

You sound so positive Jack, and if a little bit could rub off on me that would be fab. As for thinking that you are a nutcase, if you are you will fit in around here just fine.

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Sorry you couldn't work Jack but other than that sounds like you've had a great day.

As Bev says, we are all nut cases around here, just go with the flow, you fit in fine sweetie!! xx

Glad you are feeling happy Jack, thats excellent and you should be very proud of your quit, its a great feeling to know we have cracked it, a most difficult thing expecially after so many years of smoking.

Love and hugs, take care, Vivienne. xxxx

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Hi Jack

Well done for not smoking. I do like your positive attitude. That is why you have found it not too difficult to quit. Like Bevyorks I wish I had a little bit of your thinking.

Keep up the messages. I am enjoying reading them!!:):)

Best wishes


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