Sorry but I have another question.... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Sorry but I have another question....

nsd_user663_7327 profile image
12 Replies

Hello again,

I hope this doesn't sound too weird but does anyone else feel scared?

I don't feel scared of not succeeding but of succeeding!!! This may be because of the fact that I'm only on day 2 but I worried about how I'm going to cope on my first smoke free Holiday, I'm scared of how I will cope sitting in a pub garden in the summer without a fag? I'm scared of how I will cope the first time I go for a meal without going outside after for a fag.

I know its bad for me and costs so much and these are the reasons I AM QUITTING.

I read a note on here where someone said that not smoking was like losing someone very close to you, I can understand that as the fags where always there which as I write this I'm slowly realising was probably the problem.

This is all so hard!!! and so much is going round in my head I cant think of anything else!!!:eek:

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nsd_user663_7327 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_6570 profile image

hey claire

1st dont be sorry about anythig u want to say on here... this is a support forum noone is critisised

yes its scary...... but thats what smoking does to you.... it makes u feel like u want it need it and its part of u and who u are...

but is it was u born with a cig in ur mouth??????????????

u will get these thoughts and feelings, i do but consider there are 365 days a year..... how many of those are you on holiday? how many in pub? etc bet there are more when u are not in any situation where you think you might miss a cancer stick

xxx sue:)

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

I was scared when I actually stopped. I trhink every quitter is. For me it wasn't so much the various situations, it was the thought of me not being a smoker! 2 months later and I'm not scared - except sometimes :o

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Clare I do know exactly what you mean, it felt to me like trying to fly without the parachute as a safety device! Its scary because we dont know how we will cope. All I can tell you is that it does get easier and yes we do cope. We may not suceed this time in our quit but we equally wont fall out of the sky!! What I mean is, we wont die, even though it may feel as if we will.

Take heart sweetie and it will get easier as time goes on. Hugs and best wishes to you. xxxx :)

nsd_user663_7327 profile image

thank you all very much for taking the time to write your kind responses it means alot xx

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi Claire

I am back on day1 again BUT I will say from my previous attempts it is natural to be scared you looked at the Nicodemon:eek: as your best fried but it is NOT.

Think of your triggers and be prepared to deal with situations without needing a ciggie. I wasn't prepared and didn't dealt with the trigger by having a ciggie.

Although I'm on day 1 I'm not scared this time. Why? because I went nearly 1 month last time and was feeling great - at the time it didn't seem that my health or anything had improved but when I started again and the wheezing, breathlessness, etc started I could tell it had.

I am not scared because I know a smoke free life is better than a smoking one.

Good luck with your quit and keep us posted. Ask lots of questions there are many people on here who will give you good sound advice and support.

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Claire

Hopefully come the summer and your holiday it won't be a concern anymore :)

For the first few weeks I stayed away from certain places/people that I typically smoked at/in/with to reduce/break the association. However I couldn't do this for long so when feeling stronger, I faced them and ticked off each trigger with a tick and a smile.

Concentrate on the short term and let the longer term happen in it's own time.

Best wishes to you on your smokefree journey


nsd_user663_7327 profile image

Thank you all so much for taking the time to support me xx so glad I found this web site xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Claire who is not scared of the future with or without cigs. I think the fear of stopping smoking has left me now although I now have an anxiety feeling but funny enough I don't have it right now and it is the first time for days.

When I stopped it was not planned I just did it, the first day I went 6 hours without smoking then another 6 hrs till 10pm that night That was my last cigarette. The next day was "can I get to this part of the day without smoking" and so on and so on, then I took it one day at a time.

Get through each day at a time and try not to think what life will be like without smoking. I used to think I want to stop smoking and then I would panic "I can't smoke again what about when I'm at work what about this or that".

Take one day at a time and if you want to think of the future think how wonderful it will be without smoking how free you will be. LOVE A SMOKE FREE LIFE!!:)

Jack xx

nsd_user663_7159 profile image

i can only echo jacks comments here.

Everyone is different, take it each hour at a time then 2 and work your way up. Before long it will become easier and gets to aiming for a day at a time.


nsd_user663_5048 profile image

hi claire

dont be sorry to ask questions, were all a warm bunch and were here to help so ask away

Geoff x

nsd_user663_3755 profile image

Hey C, ask as many questions as you need to. I scuppered my previous quits because I was scared! Scared of who I'd be without the fag in my hand- hey I'm that girl smoking right? Then, oh crap, who am I now? I found it helped to be brutally honest about my emotional relationship to smoking and started a diary (some of it is on here somwhere, mental stuff really!) but it made me face up to the truth. I STILL thought smoking made me cool. Idiot! OK, that was just one of my (one of many) reasons, but getting honest about how you relate to smoking will help. It certainly helped me- made me look a bit of a plonker, but who cares! I've nearly done 2 whole months now!

Best of luck to you XX

Atomicguy profile image


Hello there - and well done for deciding its time to quit. As others have said don't worry about asking questions about anything. The people here are great and so helpful.

Firstly giving up smoking is one of the hardest things any of us can do - it certainly has been for me (not quite there yet - bet am getting there).

What you describe is exactly how I felt early in my quit. It was basically "What am I going to do (insert situation) if I'm not smoking". For me it was a very real fear - as it sounds it is with you.

I now look back and realise it really WAS the cigs doing that to me adn I don;t thave that fear anymore. What will I do? Well I'll do what millions of non smokers do - and enjoy it! And I have - and you will too! I go on holiday - and don't have to sneak away for a cig. I can fly - and don't go mental on a plane. In this weather I can stay in a pub and not go out and freeze.

Over your quit a lot of things will go through your head. Post on here because believe me someone has gone through it and being aware will prepare you for things.

It may not seem it now - but if you stick at it it REALLY does become easier.

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