Fist completely smoke-free day today. - No Smoking Day

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Fist completely smoke-free day today.

nsd_user663_7296 profile image
6 Replies

Steve and I started on the patches and gum yesterday morning. Steve got a bit of a craving so popped in a gum and was fine but after chewing it for a minute or so i felt really really sick.

We went to do the horses but knee deep in snow and thoroughly fed up at having to break the ice on the pond as the water pipe had frozen i reached for a gum again but within a minute I felt so sick i was retching and had a terrible headache so i went in my handbag for a paracetomol and found a packet of cigs at the bottom with 10 in it!!!!!!

So ended up having a cig instead!!!! :(

We ended up having those 10 cigs between us (half each, each time) yesterday and searched the house and cars to check there were none lurking about and decided to start afresh today. I felt a little bit disappointed in myself but to be honest both of us smoke a lot more at weekends and get through about 30 a day each so having 5 each is a huge step forward and it made me realize that if i could get down from 30 one day to 5 the next day I most certainly can get down to none!!!!

So this morning i have had a good long soak in the bath and got rid of the smoke smell and discovered that the one cig that i really missed has been my after-bath puff!!!! I used to love relaxing with a cup of tea and a cig after my bath...but I have got through it today and that has surely got to be the worst one out of the way. It has proved to me that i can do it!!!!!!

Steve is doing really well but is worried about going back to work tomorrow as he is an HGV driver and puffs away all day usually but I have faith in him.

Ive decided to stick to the patches for a week and then come off them completely as that will be much better for the baby and I'm not going to use the gum at all as it obviously doesn't agree with me.

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nsd_user663_7296 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Well done restarting. You sound determined and the two of you are supporting each other so you can do it. You sound like you've a good understanding of the addiction (relaxing with a cup of tea and a fag) - and that's the key to quitting. Read the posts and links on this site and understand the power of nicotene, and how to break free.

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Better to stray a little off line now rather than in 6 months (IMO). I've been lucky enough to be approaching day 3 (at 16:00 today) without any issues. I've gone cold turkey but listened to the Easy Way Audio Book.

Remember you're not actually giving anything up, simply stopping smoking. The first three days are the toughest (as you're body gets rid of the nicotine). I'm actually finding it to get a little easier at the moment, I'm so chuffed that I've cleared 3 days, I'm starting to feel the difference already; almost a natural high.

I didn't steer away from difficult situations, in fact I did them all over the first few days to prove I can do it.

Things that have helped me are:

1. Note the benefits day-by-day; both financial and to do with health.

2. 5 deep breaths...when I have wanted a smoke I take 5 really deep breaths. The increased oxygen actually gives you replacement're body isn't used to having so much of it.

3. Do something else to take your mind off things. I made Cornish Pasties on day 1, I've also taken up learning to play guitar and have created a website documenting doing so.

I've no time to smoke now!

I think the most important thing for me was to know that you want to stop, if you don't then IMO you're fighting a completely difficult battle. I'd stopped in my mind before physically stopping. I think that has made things much easier.

Enough waffle from me

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Mandy & Steve

Hope today worked out better for you both. Just take things in baby steps just think how cool it will be if your little one is born never knowing you smoked. That is somthing thats kept me going this year Having the gift of a grandaughter in march and one in june. The first few days are the hardest but things get easyer and you will see great benifits.xxxx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Mandy and Steve

I found the gum repulsive in taste and the heartburn!........ the lozenges aren't toooo bad but again *shudders*.

I hope today has gone well for both of you and tomorrow hopefully sees Steve riding out the day with both hands on the wheel at all times and if your planning on seeing the chemist again, good luck with better advice/time from them to help you decide what tools are best for you and bump.

All the best


nsd_user663_3849 profile image

Hi Mandy and Steve!

Congratulations on your first smoke free day! And congratulations on finding this site. I did this time last year and it has really, really helped me to quit and stay quit. The secret is to read, read and read some more about your addiction - get to know your enemy then you are prepared for it!

Also - you are NOT giving up anything - you are gaining everything, notably HEALTH, WEALTH and CONTROL.

I see you are horsey people - my horse was one of my main reasons for quitting. I couldn't afford things for him and I couldn't afford lessons with an excellent trainer who is local to me. Yet I could afford to smoke!

Since quitting last year, I have gained SO much and just for putting up with a few annoying craves every now and then.

Keep up your quit - you are worth it.

nsd_user663_5289 profile image

hi Mandy and Steve,

well done on your first day, it does get easier, just stay focused,and remember why you decided to stop in the first place.


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