Wow, I pinched myself and yes it is true!! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Wow, I pinched myself and yes it is true!!

jackieinv profile image
53 Replies

I have been stopped for a whole year - 7,288 times I have not poisoned myself and £1,749.12 of my money has not gone to tobacco companies and our governmental drug barons.

When I first stopped I used to read the posts from 6 months and a year because that is where I heard it said it could be done, but it did feel like it was so far away, how would I get there, even a month felt so long. As time went on the months seemed to pass a lot quicker.

The posts around the same time as me were good too because those people were having the same or similar symptoms and thoughts as me, that made me feel I was not alone. I also read loads on the websites because that was what was suggested, if you like I did as I was told for once and little by little I began to have long times when I did not think about them.

I knew encouraging others was a good way to help myself, as we suggest ideas to others these become a part of us as well, the more often something is heard the more it becomes real. So even if it was hard sometimes I would do my best to help a little and encourage my friends here to keep going and follow in the footsteps of those ahead of us as the WhyQuit story says.

My husband still smokes so I remember them more when he is at home but it does not make me want to smoke, in fact the stink when he comes inside from smoking is so bad I wonder how I could have smelt like that and not known.

I hate seeing the horrible things by the road side there seems to be so many these days, can't be a law about dropping them up here.

Most of all I want to thank all the people here for sharing their stories and helping me, I know without all of you I would not be celebrating today, you are all very special.


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jackieinv profile image
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53 Replies
nsd_user663_3617 profile image


Congratulations on your 1 year smoke free. Welcome to the Penthouse.

Well done:D


Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free


Fantastic to see you in the penthouse. It may have seen a long old trudge at times - but you have got there. And it's brilliant. Here's to all your future years of being smoke-free.

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

YAY Well done Jackie!

Agree with you about the smell, I must've stank and not realised it, cos my nose was so permanently blocked.

A year is fantastic and calls for some celebration...:D

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Well done you!!

Being a couple of months ahead of me i've been following you all along and its great to see you hit the 1 year mark. Its terrific! Hurrah! (now get your cleaning gear on and start tidying up ready for the jan and febbers.....) :)

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Jackie, a fantastic achievement.:)

jackieinv profile image

Thanks for the welcome Bernie, how could I have forgotton about the Penthouse, too much going on in my head.

Cheers Deke and Jude, I look forward to watching you all coming up it's great seeing others succeed.

Chrissie you work so hard you will definitely get there and if I was able to help you at all the pleasure is all mine.

Fiona you get here in February which is my birthday so I will be looking forward to celebrating it with you, I will make sure there are goodies on the menu that day.

Many thanks.


nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Bloody brilliant Jackie love, here's one who has been encouraged by you, I'm sure it has been far easier with a little gee up from that bird fae Scotland. Thanks Jackie. David. xxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jackie :D

Fantabsdulous CONGRATULATIONS on you 1 year SMOKE FREE

Love and a Huge Hug

Marg xxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

How cool are you :cool:

Massive congrats on getting to the pent-house.

One year is great stuff and believe me it continues to get better and better.

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Oh Jackie how fantastic!! Well done and congratulations for such a fantastic achievement. You are our hero.


jackieinv profile image

Thanks Tomatpots for your good wishes. I have read many of your posts to help me get here, thanks, you will be 2 years stopped soon that is amazing.

David my friend, if I helped you it was my pleasure, I so love your jokes every day, I go looking for them as soon as I come on the site, thanks.

Marg, how cool is that bottle of champers, should sleep well after that. I used to look at your posts and think how far ahead of me you were now we are in the same place and it's great to be here with you, an inspiration to us all.

Cav, my fellow Scotsman, thank you for your good wishes, I especially liked the bit that says it gets better and better, sounds good to me.

Well Christine, what can I say, I have never been called a hero before but you know what, I kinda like that, thank you I will wear it with pride. I am looking forward to watching you and your group rise up the rooms, you are good fun and we all need fun.


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

My warmest congratulations to you Jackie

One of the first posts I read hear that made me stop and really think about the health reasons of why I need to stop and continue to be smoke free was yours.

It's a fantastic achievement to have reached a year smoke free - thank you for being such an inspiration to me and many others

Pol x

nsd_user663_5666 profile image

Congratulations and best wishes. The one year milestone is everybody's goal and there you are. Good job.

jackieinv profile image

Thanks Pol, having this illness is not nice but if by being honest about it I have managed to help you to keep strong and smoke-free, that's nice for me.

Stumpsounder, where did you get that name from? Thanks for your good wishes, will look forward to seeing you climb the stairs to the top, you are 4 months in a few days, brilliant.


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Jackie - I do hope you are going to treat yourself for this huge event. Can I recommend chocolate or wine or both xx

jackieinv profile image

Both would be nice thanks Christine. I have had a lovely day so many good wishes on here it's brilliant. My family all sent good wishes and my husband bought me a big bunch of flowers. Yes it has been a lovely day.


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Both would be nice thanks Christine. I have had a lovely day so many good wishes on here it's brilliant. My family all sent good wishes and my husband bought me a big bunch of flowers. Yes it has been a lovely day.


Bless him xx I'm pleased you have had a good day.

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hi Jackie,

I nearly missed this, reaching the year:D. It is one hell of an acheivment Well done.


nsd_user663_2376 profile image

Massive congratulations Jackie on reaching the Penthouse :)

You seem to have just got in with it no big fuss or anything.It must feel great to be 1 year quit.

See you in February in the Penthouse.

jackieinv profile image

Thanks Wayne, will be seeing you at the end on the month too, look forward to it.

Thanks Michael, yes look forward to seeing you in February, an extension will definitely be needed, so many coming up it's great.


nsd_user663_4119 profile image

Huge Congratulations.

I am getting so excited seeing names reach the penthouse who I remember from the first day I came here and thinking I am not far behind!!

Well done!!!

nsd_user663_5666 profile image

Where does stumpsounder come from?

Again Congratulations. The word stumpsounder has its origins in the colonial period. Its modern day equalivalent would be preaching from the soap box. It refers to gathering a crowd in the forest and hopping up on a tree stump and making a speech (sounding off). Plus its the name of a place not far from here so I can remember it.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Jackie! CONGRATULATIONS to your ONE YEAR! You've been a great supporter on here and it's been good truckin right behind ya! Well done making it to the Penthouse :)

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Congratulations, Jackie.

So sorry that I'm a little late, but I hope you're very proud of yourself.

Welcome to the penthouse :D

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Well done Jackie

Wow !!!!

A whole year of being smoke free , THE MILESTONE . THE PENTHOUSE.

Well done you really is a fantastic achievement and you rightly deserve to be very proud of yourself.:D

Regards and best wishes ....OH and hugs :)


20 A DAY FOR 30 YEARS :eek:

Quit 28th april 09

3 months patches

4 months & 12 days C.T :cool:

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

My husband still smokes so I remember them more when he is at home but it does not make me want to smoke, in fact the stink when he comes inside from smoking is so bad I wonder how I could have smelt like that and not known.

Jackie - CONGRATULATIONS!!! woo hoo!

the fact that you've done this whilst your husband is still smoking is truely inspirational.

Hope your not too hungover from your party yesterday :p

nsd_user663_4847 profile image


Well done you and for forgetting too, I'm impressed. Enjoy all the fabulous goodies you deserve it, hoping to be where you are one day in fact on 31st May next year - bring up the rear - lol.


jackieinv profile image

Thanks NogarD, loved your little jumping man.

Cheers Bella, you are such fun, your hanging man is hilarious, look forward to seeing you in February along with NogarD, good month Febraury it's my birthday month too.

Thanks Stuart, your posts have been very helpful to me as I made my journey, thanks.

It is great, thanks Bladeflyer, hard to believe it is a whole year, time flies.

Bman that cake is brilliant, I can share it with all my friends.

Yes Mah, striving for the penthouse for months then when the day came was too excited to remember it.

Stumpsounder, thanks for the explanation, quite a story.

Many thanks too all my friends you have made my anniversary a very special time.


nsd_user663_1733 profile image


Cant tell you how sorry I am for missing your big day yeaterday. CONGRATS and welcome to the penthouse hope you had a fab day and remembered to give yourself a BIG treat. Dont know about you But Im still finding it hard to beleive I have been smoke free for over a year. But we done it Jackie and here we go onwards to year 2. Heres to our second christmas Smoke free.

Very well done quit buddy.Linda xxxxx

jackieinv profile image

Many thanks Linda, I have had a terrific time getting all the well wishes from everyone. Yes it is hard to believe it has been a whole year, I saw all of you as so far ahead of me at one time and now it feels like we are all at a similar time. I guess it's a bit like when we start school at 5 the others are all so much older but when we get older a few months makes no difference at all.

Lets go on supporting each other and our friends who are on their way up.

Jackie xx

nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Just popped on to say well done to yet another year plus member.

With so many recently entering the Penthouse, it just goes to show the power of this forum and the "Read Read read" message.

Congratulations Jackie!!

jackieinv profile image

Thank you John, it was from people like you that I learnt the "read, read" message and I thank you so much for that. I am grateful to all of you who stayed around to help us too.

I had tried to stop before but it had never been like it was this time, the knowledge from these websites, reading the posts and the support from others is what gets us there. I wish we could have our website recognised by the NHS, or similar body, so that many others could have this chance.


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

I had tried to stop before but it had never been like it was this time, the knowledge from these websites, reading the posts and the support from others is what gets us there. I wish we could have our website recognised by the NHS, or similar body, so that many others could have this chance.


Jackie as a star one year quitter perhaps you could read the below post and if you think it's a good idea PM the supermod too?


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi Jackie

Huge CONTRATULATIONS for reaching the Penthouse.

You are a real inspiration to us all, always there with support it really is appreicated.

Hope to join you in just under 10 months and hopefully bring a whole crowd of Octoquitters with me....

Hugs xx

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Ahhh how great is this to see yet another 1-year post.. definitely nice to see you reach this lofty height in your quit .. a year quit from smoking is a wonderful thing.. even better that you can even say.. 'ooooh i've been quit over a year now!'

Its really nice being free from the nicotine trap, with so many pitfalls, triggers and unexpected life stresses giving you pressure every day, to be able to sail through without smoking and just deal with things in the way you were meant to is a really good thing.. and the bonuses to your health and finance will be testament to this too.

So Congratulations to you, and heres to the next 12 months too!


jackieinv profile image

Hi Mah, read your post it is excellent and I agree this site should be advertised so many more people could succeed in stopping smoking with it's help. What do I do, how do I PM the Supermod? I think there are a lot of 'over a year' members who would be interested in helping, why don't you post a thread asking them to help as well.

Thank you Lorna it is a pleasure to help all of you, sharing is what gets us to our aim of not smoking.

Thanks Jase for your good wishes, I appreciate it, is always good to hear from you, you do a lot to help people here, well done.


nsd_user663_5034 profile image

Hey Jackie....well done you:D

jackieinv profile image

Love the hand clapping, thanks Ellie lovely to get good wishes from down under.


nsd_user663_5034 profile image

You deserve it;)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Apparently the way to contact the SuperMod is to get a big bright torch, point it at the sky and hold a big 'Purple' M in front of the torch then switch it on... bit like the whole BatMan thing :)


Ok i am jesting.. have absolutely no idea.. all i know is Supermod really exists apparently. :)

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Apparently the way to contact the SuperMod is to get a big bright torch, point it at the sky and hold a big 'Purple' M in front of the torch then switch it on... bit like the whole BatMan thing :)


Ok i am jesting.. have absolutely no idea.. all i know is Supermod really exists apparently. :)

Very good Jase :rolleyes:

Atomicguy profile image


Its posts like yours that inpsire me to continue with this.

Enjoy the Penthouse - hope to see you there in 9 months!!

jackieinv profile image

Thank you Atomicguy, you just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will get there, I promise.

Jase you gave me a good laugh,ta.


nsd_user663_3849 profile image


Now get that place spruced up for all us Monkey Bar Stewards who'll be barging in there next month!

jackieinv profile image

Hi, thank you, was having a look at your group the other day and wondering how many were still on the go as you were all around at the same time as me. Will be great to see how many are still going strong like you are.


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Bit late on this one but massive congrats to you :)

jackieinv profile image

Thank you, it was a wonderful time made even better by the well wishes of the people here. I thank you for being amongst the people who were here helping newbies along when I started.


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Sorry it's late but


It's seeing you guys reach all these milestones that spurs me on.

See you in there in just under a year LOL


nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Jackie, A HUGE BELATED CONGRATULATIONS ON 1 YEAR!!!!!Sorry I am soooooo late. My computer was in the computer repair store for 2 weeks starting the first part of December, so I missed alot. Had to buy a new one after all that time they spent trying to fix old one! Glad you had a great day! Jody

jackieinv profile image

Many thanks Jody it feels like it is happening again, it's a great feeling. It is only a few days before you join us, good job you got computer sorted out. New year, new computer and special one year marker all in one month.

Jackie x

Hi Tinks thanks for the good wishes they were 'huge', great feeling to be made so special. Sending loads of PMA to you so we can all celebrate with you at the end on this year.

Jackie x

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Sorry its a bit late but a huge well done Jackie :)



nsd_user663_4367 profile image


Hey Jackie Well done, Sorry I left it so late, Dont come on much now so keep missing these milestones. When I quit in March remember seeing you alot and followed your progress. Really impressed with u and so pleased for you. Thanks for all your help and support in the early months... Massive congratuations Jackie and keep up the good work.... :D Kaz x

jackieinv profile image

Hi Denise, thank you for your good wishes, most appreciated. I have had a good look and can't find your post for your year, am I missing it or have you missed it, very well done anyway, you sure deserve your recognition too.


Thank you Kaz, good to hear from you, I remember you well back in the 'good old days', nice to hear you are doing so well.


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