Brian Lee Curtis - shocking: I think some... - No Smoking Day

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Brian Lee Curtis - shocking

nsd_user663_4754 profile image
16 Replies

I think some have seen this before but for those that havent ill post again ... I always remebered this bloke when i felt like lighting up.

shocking.... :(:(:(

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nsd_user663_4754 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_6620 profile image

yes i saw this earlier :/ Im 33 and it certainly makes you think heh

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

I think some have seen this before but for those that havent ill post again ... I always remebered this bloke when i felt like lighting up.

shocking.... :(:(:(

cheers Bman

just made me stronger

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

me too bradders - sometimes i recon i was only a few years off the same fate the rate i was going.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

me too bradders - sometimes i recon i was only a few years off the same fate the rate i was going.

Bman same here i have always been a brilliant runner even at school cross country and football i relished, even as an adult i have done 3 marathons countless 10k's and 10 milers , and i was smoking doing all this running i was that fit then when my wife had our second child she was very poorly after it so my running everynight had to stop whilst i helped out.... 7 years later after not running or playing football just got lazy i suppose still smoked .. anyway playing around the house with my daughter hide and seek ran up the stairs to find her to the top and almost fainted my breathing was all over the place..... i knew then that was it a warning , i stopped there and then and never had a fag again. Back running again now i have done 3 10ks since August and i feel f ing great...... :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

Good to see you posting on here again


Marg xx

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

Hi marg - thanks, good too see you too - 1 year 1 year ... 1 year for you!!

i know what you mean bradders. I used to love running and football as well, I'd recently got back into doing some five a side when I had a failed attempt at quitting last feb and the difference it made to my game was incredible.

i went a bit 'gung ho' when i first quit and thought I was linford christie or something and ended up damaging my leg, which has been a real shock for me as ive never had any serious sporting induries before.

I thought it would heal its self but i guess i didnt rest it enough and now its got worse.

finally went to the docs about it last week and they are sending me in for an MRI scan so hopefully find out what it is and get it fixed ASAP so i can get back on it.

still got the dream for gettting up Everest. Figure ive got about 5 years to get fit enough and find the money / get sponsorship (it costs £30 grand just for the mountain pass).

hey if i can give up smoking i recon I can pretty much do anything but right now i'd settle for being able to do exercise at all! its driving me nuts not being able to run. All these years when I couldnt be bothered as i was out drinking and smoking and now it feels like murphys law!

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

hey chrissie,

yeah its a hell of a visual shock seeing the delcline in a body in just two months like that.

yeah cost is amazing isnt it. 30k was the cost just to get on the mountain side! though got it slightly wrong, thats in US dollars.

check this out.

The moutain pass is free if you are Nepali though. maybe it would be cheaper to marry a Nepalese Girl and get some dual nationality!

I met the world record holder who's a Nepalese guy called Apa Sherpa, when I was out there a few years ago. He'd done it 18 times, though I think hes done it a couple more times since, just cos he's superhuman and might as well lol. :D

google him - the guy is a legend. He's only a little guy as well. You expect him to be this big giant of a man but it just goes to show that strength is in the mind and not the biceps.

I think we are learning that from quitting eh?! :)

nsd_user663_40681 profile image

Thanks for this!!

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Very sad...I cried for ages over this fella. His story has really helped me on my quit.

Poor guy and his poor family. However, he has saved many a soul from the same fate. God bless you Brian and family XX

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Jeepers, that gets you right in the heart.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image



sadly there are alot of videos out there that really make you think wtf :eek:

but for alot of people they always seem to think it wont happen like that to me if i carry on smoking

the smokers mindset is really scary :(

thank you for bumping this up it helps to have a reminder to keep you focused and help keep you on your quit journey

JeanAnnK profile image

That is a 'video nasty'! Should be shown in all schools. It was the picture right at the end that really got me :mad:

Just started Champix so not given up yet but I hope remembering this video also helps me.

nsd_user663_55248 profile image

Wow, if that doesn't make an impression on people....what would. Feel blessed to have given up. I look at my son, the one thing in the world that I adore and love more then life itself, and think I could never make him watch me die in this way. I watched my mum die like this. x

nsd_user663_54938 profile image


god bless his family X can't stop crying watched my mum and brother RIP. both pass away in that way , both were told within 2 mts of each other that they only had 12mts to live, he should of gone before mum , but said o our kid how can i let her stand at my grave thats not going to happen, mum said it will broke his heart but no mother should bury her child, mam passed away 16 mts before him . mum was 72 , he was 56 ,he weight 4stone 1.pass away 29 march 2011. what can i say [lets stop the cigs stop the heart broke they bring] good luck to all. X

nsd_user663_15287 profile image

Hi poppy I lost my sister August 2012 and both my parents in 2007 my quit going really well determined not too go down the same route !!! Let's help each other xx

nsd_user663_54938 profile image

hi there

hi crowbag 54, sending you a big hug x we can do it,good luck is sent to you :D

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