The Fallen..............: HI all Just to get... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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The Fallen..............

nsd_user663_5812 profile image
35 Replies

HI all

Just to get us all in focus.

How many people have lapsed since we all came together from Oct 1st onwards do you think?

NO more Octoquitters will fall.................or else !!!!!

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nsd_user663_5812 profile image
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35 Replies
nsd_user663_6208 profile image

I'm still here 16 days and not feeling bad!

Cyprien profile image

Present and correct sir!


nsd_user663_5971 profile image

here boss - 10 days and still functioning (badly according to some).

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Day 23 and going strong

nsd_user663_6090 profile image

Day 32 still going

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

Day 25 and feeling good :D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Oops I've fallen off the wagon - No I've not smoked but my 'we are not drinking or eating out this week-end' FAILED!!

However I'm here Mr Jack (docks cap and bows):D

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Sorry I'm late Sir....still present and correct.

Cyprien profile image

Think we've lost doglover from the Octoquits as I've just noticed she's started a group for the November Quitters.

If you're reading this, doglover, good luck with the quit and well done for starting it again so quickly.


nsd_user663_5598 profile image

I'm still here....27 days!!!

nsd_user663_1719 profile image

I'm here too - day 28 now! :)

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Im still in Jack, Day 9 for me and feeling positive.

nsd_user663_5629 profile image

Fallen need to be picked up

Yesterday was going to be the full 4 weeks free and well I lapsed!! Won't bore you with the many reason for it!!

Lost the will for everything at the moment! Was doing well cold turkey, no gums, no patches and my hubby's cigs laying around!!!

Encouragement for reason to quit will be welcome.

nsd_user663_5879 profile image

Aye im here in body if not in mind lol

26 days hehe :P

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Yesterday was going to be the full 4 weeks free and well I lapsed!! Won't bore you with the many reason for it!!

Lost the will for everything at the moment! Was doing well cold turkey, no gums, no patches and my hubby's cigs laying around!!!

Encouragement for reason to quit will be welcome.

Hi Sandrin

Sorry to hear about your lapse - what sort of size lapse was it? Have you managed to keep it at that or are you still struggling.

If it was a small lapse and nothing since, then great.... hopefully it won't mean you have to go through the horrible first days in quite the same way?

Maybe some help with gum/lozenges or patches could help. No harm in getting a helping hand so to speak :)

Does your local surgery have a NHS Quit programme with a one to one nurse or a weekly group meet?

Look back over your posts here and read your own words to remind yourself of the quit journey so far. Read the links again in peoples posts - do your best to get in the right mind set again

All the best

nsd_user663_5629 profile image

Thanks Pol,

Had a few yesterday. My hubby gone to football and took all tobacco with him so I can't be tempted!!!

Back on day 1 forum today knowing that I am a non smoker that made a mistake for 24 hours.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Thanks Pol,

Had a few yesterday. My hubby gone to football and took all tobacco with him so I can't be tempted!!!

Back on day 1 forum today knowing that I am a non smoker that made a mistake for 24 hours.

Dont beat yourself up over one small lapse. If this was easy this forum would not be as popular.

Well done for getting back on board so quickly, that takes a lot of courage. You will beat this.

Stay strong

L x

nsd_user663_5629 profile image

Thank you very much for the support. At least, I know what triggered it so can learn from this!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Just like to say very well done you lot. Your all doing fab.xxxxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi 101009

I'm sorry you had that lapse and back on day ine but as you know what triggered it I hope you'll never go back again to day 1

Don't beat yourself up it happens to lots of us


Marg xx

nsd_user663_2658 profile image

day 24 and happy as larry!

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

Hi Sandrine... I hope you're ok. Don't beat yourself up, a lapse is just that, a lapse, there's no crime committed nor punishment. We are humans after all :D

Personally I don't even think you should be back to Day one.

I almost lapsed last week, after a bad day at work followed by a horrible fight with my now ex, I visualised getting out under the rain and buying a 10 pack, I was so close to doing it, telling myself I would smoke all 10 fags within hours and then carry on with the quit... I don't know what stopped me, I think it was the thought of failing because of him, showing how weak I was... so I thought about all my fellow quitters on this forum, went to bed and forgot about it.

nsd_user663_5879 profile image

Sandrine, Corinnes right its a lapse dont be too sore on yourself, you made a mistake and you know you dont wana do it again, would be worse if you had just went back to being a smoker... Think of how many days you done without them and how many you will do without them in the future.

Well done for getting back on the Wagon, welcome back hun.

Btw well done Corrinne for not giving in... if you had of youd have let him have something over you.

My mum says that if something happens that makes you want a cigarette you should think to yourself that instead of curing the problem having a cigarette will be giving you a second problem, thats what i try to think of when i really want one...

Be good folks, im going to get some ice cream hehe

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

you are very wise for such a young person Elaine :)

If only there was such a forum for quitting bad relationships! :(

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

you are very wise for such a young person Elaine :)

If only there was such a forum for quitting bad relationships! :(

Corrine, I have more expereince in that area than I have in quitting cigs...glad you saw the light hun, it was breaking my heart reading your posts.

Onwards and upwards.....:D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Group hug, group hug, come on I know you all want too.:)


nsd_user663_5649 profile image

I love hugs! :D

Christine, Elaine... D-Day -3 :D:D:D

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

I'm here (just about) day 13 and an emotional wreck today. What the hell has wrong with me the past few days have been fab and now it's so difficult and I'm thinking is it worth it. :confused:

nsd_user663_1719 profile image

Day 12 was one of my worst days. If you just get through today, it WILL get better, I promise! Hang on in there!

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Tink, it is worth it, hang in there hun. It's a roller coaster ride for sure but the fun easier bits of the ride do become more frequent in time.

Take yourself away from temptation and indulge in something purely for you like a lovely bubble bath and a take-away/delivery.

Get our for a walk (shite weather I know but it's a distraction all the same), do whatever to distract yourself.

Don't leave an empty space where the bad habit of smoking was, replace it with something good.

Keep posting, reading whatever....... let us know how your doing.... all evening if need be.....


Cyprien profile image

......... and I'm thinking is it worth it. :confused:

Yes it is. Yes it is and whats more you know it is. Lots of people seem to be having a bad day today. I'm blaming the weather. Here it's dark, wet and miserable. It doesn't make you cheery.

Now come on Tinks, you know this will pass. You will hold out til it passes. If you give in just think how bad you'll feel tomorrow. Whereas if you don't give in, just think how good you'll feel. You've beaten that horrible feeling once more and each time it gets less and less. No-one wants to go back to square one.

No-one regrets *not* starting smoking again, but I bet every quitter regrets re-starting.

Good luck, you're part of our gang, so chin up and it will get better


nsd_user663_6301 profile image

Still going strong

On day 28 today, almost can't believe that I have almost made it to a month. Feel a little bit down today but think that is just because of the weather and it being a Monday.

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Lucanlass, good to hear from you. 28 days, brilliant and congratulations to you.

Darker nights, miserable weather...... you just gotta love the British weather. I'm seriously thinking of getting a SAD lamp.


nsd_user663_6064 profile image

Runing into the room sir! Day 18 just!

Cyprien profile image

Hi Soosy - we're keeping a special place warm and welcoming for you, Tinkerbell and Dee, when you enter your second month on the 29th. That will be so great.


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