Day 2: Well day 2 and no fags my god this is... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 2

nsd_user663_5977 profile image
11 Replies

Well day 2 and no fags my god this is so hard when my partner isint supportive and he smokes roll ups which i hate so much BUT he has to smoke outside.

I hate roll ups and i havent got the spare money to buy fags so i have to keep strong and keep going at this.

It is very hard when o/h dont support me thats not just packing up smoking its everything,

Would love to hear from anyone who has been in the same situion as me?

Is it possible to beat the habbit when o/h still smokes?

Is it possible to stop smoking and loose weight/i am going to weight watchers i have been going for 3 weeks

good luck Dave hope today goes well

thanks kay

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nsd_user663_5977 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi there :)

I'm only my first day of not smoking (using champix). However, I'm in a similar position to you as in other family members in my house are still smoking, I think it makes me more determined than ever. Whilst I don't want to be a reformed smoking and preach to everyone - I am hoping that if they can see that I can do it then they will have a go as well?

Weight gain is my biggest concern - I lost a lot of weight doing slimming world years ago and do not want to put loads on. Other members suggest to swop cakes, etc for fruit. I'm just going to make a conscious descision to eat healthy and exercise (I'm going to buy a Wi fit at the weekend!)

I'm looking at quitting smoking as a lifestyle change - although I don't want to put too much pressure on myself.

Not sure this helps you much but good luck - you can do it!

Take care


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hi Kay

Well done on getting to day 2, you are doing really well. As for your OH, well you can not expect someone to give up HOWEVER you do expect them to be supportive!! Anyway at least you have us.

As for losing weight, oh dear that's a hard question. Personally I think the first couple of weeks you tend to nibble because you are not smoking then suddenly (for me) I just got this incredible appetite (where the hell does that come from???). I have put weight on but only a few pounds but I have sort of followed a diet (ish).

I asked a similar diet question when I first started and the others on here said just concentrate on the quitting, and in hindsight they were right. For the first few weeks keep focused on quitting rather than diet.

Good luck.:)

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Really well done Kay. This must be very difficult for you if the OH isn't being supportive - from reading the various posts, this is one place you're sure of support.

Thanks for asking about me - I'm ok so far today. Lots of thoughts of ciggies, but I know it's habit and not a craving (thanks Champix) so just pushing it aside (sounds easy, it's not).

Hang in there Kay - I'm told it does get easier.


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Hello all,

Sorry but i cant seem to find how to start a new thread. Is anyone on here off the champix ???? i only used it for 14 days and have been smoke free now on my 6th day :D.

I would love to hear from other people that have finished with the tablets. To find out you are getting on.

Hi Pamalette

At the top of each sub-forum there is a new post option, this is not the same as actually being in a thread where you are replying to another's post.

People don't tend to care much though and aren't likely to take offence, the main problem is your questions might get overlooked. As to Champix I would try a search of the site.


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Well day 2 and no fags my god this is so hard when my partner isint supportive and he smokes roll ups which i hate so much BUT he has to smoke outside.

I hate roll ups and i havent got the spare money to buy fags so i have to keep strong and keep going at this.

It is very hard when o/h dont support me thats not just packing up smoking its everything,

Would love to hear from anyone who has been in the same situion as me?

Is it possible to beat the habbit when o/h still smokes?

Is it possible to stop smoking and loose weight/i am going to weight watchers i have been going for 3 weeks

good luck Dave hope today goes well

thanks kay

I think everything you are setting out to achieve is do-able, but it is a challenge. At least they're smoking outside. So they stink, it's going to get cold and they're going to be broke. Their problem not yours. Keep strong keep going and read. Read everythng about smoking the addiction and the pit falls.

Dreaded putting on weight when I quit too, so developed a flatulence problem eating carrots and celery - it's worth it, eventually your body gets use to the changes. That goes for the nicotine withdrawal and the vegetable increase.

You need to make it through the first few days keep busy - tidy papers, anything, don't make any big decisions and be careful or you'll need to repaint your chimney breast as I did from dotting a spot with tea tree oil and managing to get it all over the paintwork which had only been done a few months before :eek:


nsd_user663_5977 profile image


Thanks soooooooooooooooo much to all of you it helps me so much when you hear from other people that are in the same boat.

I did stop for 5 months last year on champix but became very very depressed on them and they worked but believe me they made me suicidel BIG TIME,

so the first thing i turned to was a smelly fag so i was well gutted,i though a odd one wont harm and that odd one soon turned into a odd 12345678910 etc before i new it i was smoking again and kicked myself.

The docs have put me on patchers now as im not allowed to use champix as they made me very depressed but i will say they work wounders to stop you smoking

so this time im on patchers and lots of will power

I ahve to do it for my health as i have had such a bad chest infection for 2 weeks and been so ill

PLUS have no money to waste on them any more rather have the money to spend on myself on pampering myself

Thanks to everyone

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Kay :)

You're doing just fine hang in there yes I know how hard it can be but it gets easier Promise

I'm sorry to hear that your OH doesn't support you but there are several on here with OH's that smoke and they'll be along later to talk to you I expect

I didn't have an OH when I quit for support or otherwise but yes it's possible and several on here have done it

Don't worry about utting on a little weight just now it will level itself off anyway as your metabolism balances itself again


Marg xx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Pamalatte

Well done 6 days smoke free is great keep it going

To start a new thread just go to the top of the page and click on stop smoking forum that will take you to a page with ther days. weeks months etc set out click on the one you need and at the top or bottom of that page you can start a new thread OK

I used Champix and stopped them after 8 weeks as kept forgetting them I didn't have any problem at all and have now been quit for almost 11 1/2 months

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the

most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will

regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other

just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good

days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the

signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here

are 2 I find very good to start you off whyqu and Read,read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi Kay

Well done on deciding to quit. Sorry your OH is not supportive but you have to remember this is all for you. Enjoy your treats with the money you save, just make sure they are only for you.

Loys of luck


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Kay

Well done on your quit so far hun. My OH still smokes as do most of my family but your doing this for yourself and maybe your oh will follow. Just take things in baby steps one day at a time. it can be done I smoked 40+ a day for 35 years. Onwards to day three.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_1719 profile image

Hi Kay - well done, you're doing GREAT! :)

I'm afraid I can't really help on the un-supportive OH thing - mine actually quit about 3 years ago before I met him, and I have the OPPOSITE problem, he can be a bit TOO supportive sometimes and I have to kick him out of my willpower zone, as this is MY quit! (If that makes any sense!)

I might be able to help you out if you need any advice on the patches though - this is my first time trying them too, and I'm coming up to the end of the 3rd week on the strongest ones, and I'm planning to go down to the middle-dose ones on Saturday. My plan so far is, keep a strong one back just in case the 14mg ones don't work and I'm not near a chemist! :p

The only side effects I've found so far are some very strange dreams - but these seem to have levelled out a bit since I forgot to change my patch one night and switched to starting a new one off in the morning.

They also itch a bit - but if that carries on for too long after I take the patch off, aloe vera gel is very soothing.

For me, patches have really taken the edge off the cravings - and although I've still had cravings it's only been the odd one every few days, and it's only getting better!

Wait til the weather gets colder - then look at how miserable your OH looks when he keeps having to go outside and YOU don't! :D

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