Does it get easier: Yesterday was a nightmare... - No Smoking Day

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Does it get easier

nsd_user663_5878 profile image
12 Replies

Yesterday was a nightmare! I found myself getting angry with everyone and everything. Although today I have been alright.

Over time do the cravings get easier. Should I go out drinking on saturday as its my friends 21st bday.

I've read that after 48 hours there is no more nicotine in your body. Thanks in advance for your help and advice

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nsd_user663_5878 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_5795 profile image

It certainly Does

Hi Dannyboy, It certainly does get easier mate. The cravings do get less intense with time. Just keep at mate and remember your reason for quitting. As for the drinking thing.. I am currently on day 14 and have had a drink although it has been in the house. It is true that drink will cloud your judgment although if you take it easy you should be ok. Also, if you do have a drink and when you don’t have a ciggy you will be stronger for it.

Keep it up


nsd_user663_5325 profile image

It does get easier, just keep your eye on the prize and when ya get a craving think about how much time you have got in and how you would not want to go through that first 3 days again.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Yeah it does get easier, but it does require you to work at it, and show strength when it tries to weaken your defense. its hard to see it in the earliest days, but i still remember the start of my quit like it was yesterday and yet its a world of difference to how things are now. Tough out those early days, and don't be surprised when you get the odd day or two which seem worse than others. its just part of the healing process and you can definitely rely on the craving intensity lessening considerably over time.. but you must stick at this now. No cheating... just keep your quit solid.


nsd_user663_5310 profile image

Just keep strong on your night out and dont get too drunk, it helps with the smoking ban and the fact that it is freezing outside and well done to you

nsd_user663_5812 profile image


well done for starting stopping. Going to the pub is a tough call...the first time i went to the pub after stopping was to watch the England V Ukraine game.......on a laptop connected to a big screen, in a pub where i didnt know anyone, in a town i dont know anyone, on my own and we be fair it was tough and several times i thought ....i know ill just have a small cigar....but i hung in there and im a way down the line now. you can be too.



P.S. if ever you are tempted come on this site and several people will beat some sense into you lol

nsd_user663_5255 profile image

Jack is right we will beat sense into you, I have the bruises to prove it :)

But it does get easier trust me, you will have your good days, your better days and then you will have your bad days, but these are not necessarily connected to the quit, you have to sometimes just put it down to a bad day (women know more about this than men cos apparently we have more bad days!)

Keep at it your doing fine. Just stay clear of any smokers at the party.


Cyprien profile image

Hi Danny

Well done on the decision and good luck. It does get easier. I think I read somewhere the nicotine is out of your system after three days, but you still have to deal with the psychological craving and the habit factor. So each day it does get easier, but you're not home and dry immediately.

Just keep telling yourself you don't smoke. Be careful at the pub - not even one cigarette. The smoking ban helps, it was a lot easier to reach across a table and take a cigarette, than it is to put you coat on, go outside, etc etc

First time I went out for a drink, I felt so good about myself for not havine a cigarette afterwards. I'd ticked that one off my list and felt I could continue to so******e without smoking.

BTW, how you doing this? Patches, cold turkey?

Good luck, keep posting


nsd_user663_2658 profile image

Yes, it does. And, as Sue says, you will wake up the morning after your night out and be incredibly proud of yourself! I don't think we should have to change everything in our lives, just quitting the fags. However, it might help to change what you drink for the moment. So, if you usually have pints and think they go swimmingly with fags, have a G&T.

You'll do great.

nsd_user663_5878 profile image


Just like to say thanks for all the comments. Its now been 8 days since I last had a cigarette.

Had some angry/stressed/depressed times but I think i'm over the worst of it. I went out and was able to resist temptation.

nsd_user663_5310 profile image

Well done mate and keep strong

nsd_user663_4975 profile image

well done! as you're finding, it really does get easier and congrats on reaching 8 days. I found the first ten days the worst but the good thing about the first month is that you really do feel better with each passing day. Keep on going and you'll soon feel freeeee!


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Danny :)

Well done for quitting smoking and getting to day 8 keep it up

To answer your Question YES it does get easier and the benefits are enormous to your health and your pocket

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



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