Hot here!: Well I'm over my 6 weeks and... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_5394 profile image
11 Replies

Well I'm over my 6 weeks and feeling pretty bloody pleased! Hope you are all going well. Can't work out how to reply to individuals on this forum - I am very low tech - wish my boy was here to help me.!!

Love Di from Down Under

Quit 25/08/09

Method of Quitting - CT

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nsd_user663_5394 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_4786 profile image

You can start doing private messages when you have done 10 posts, only found that out myself yesterday:D

Please do not tell us about the weather there, it will only make us sick:eek:

Well done with your quit, keep it up always remember to be on your guard, you never know when an urge/crave may come.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

You can start doing private messages when you have done 10 posts, only found that out myself yesterday:D

Please do not tell us about the weather there, it will only make us sick:eek:

Well done with your quit, keep it up always remember to be on your guard, you never know when an urge/crave may come.

Hi Di

well done on your quit sure EllieKez will be along to say hi as she is a fellow Aussy in fact i am sure she is in Queensland too. when you have posted 10 times as Bev says you can send a private messages if you look at the top of this message box you will see a tab called USERCP this is your control panel where you can change your signature add friends send messages etc.

good luck to you in your quit :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Di :D

6 weeks + is great well done and you have every right to be pleased not to mention proud of yourself


Marg xxx

nsd_user663_5034 profile image

Hi Di....good on you:D 6 weeks done and dusted is just keeps getting easier from now on;) I live in Lismore on the far north coast....where abouts are you in Qld???

jackieinv profile image

Well done Di, 6 weeks is great. Any room for me for a holiday in the sun?

Wishing you good luck.


nsd_user663_5394 profile image

Cold 'ere!

Oh god, it only hit 25 today. Just joking Bev, it got to 30.! Anyway enough of the weather..Hope everyone is ok. I am doing ok.. Plenty to do. Have just scanned 350 plus photos of my daughter Harriet who is 21 next week. Going to Sydney for party and am sure there will be smokers - yikes!! Any advice. X Di.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Going to Sydney for party and am sure there will be smokers - yikes!! Any advice. X Di.

I shouldn't really give advice after you teasing us with the weather!;)

You know, when you look at other smokers just think how they have to feed their addiction every hour of the day, every day..... there is no freedom at all in that. Remind yourself of the gains of being a non smoker and you will pity them..... and I bet when you walk by them, you'll be extra glad to not be smelling like them. Oh and I bet if you tell a smoker you quit, they'll be the envious ones (although they won't all admit to it probably)

You are doing really well... congratulations on 6 weeks plus! Enjoy the party tonight!

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Enjoy the party, i hope it rains.:eek:

As for dealing with the smokers, thats easy, remember you choose not to smoke because you are worth it. Your better skin, your lovely hair, your clothes (you look fab btw) don't smell.

So why would looking at smokers, who have to disappear from the party every hour to have a fag and come back smelling really bad and coughing be a problem?

Keep strong you are doing really well.

Was sunny here today 6 degrees but sunny.:p

nsd_user663_5394 profile image

Hi all

Thanks to all for advice. Everything going ok. Sorry to hear about your pain Bev. You will get through with your humour. Only been here a short while but can tell you are a funny lady. Will be out of touch for a week but write soon. Cheers, Di.

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

do you mean funny ha ha funny or funny odd funny? please clarify

nsd_user663_5394 profile image

Definitely funny ha ha!

Not what you're looking for?