Day 2.....question...: Okay so day one is... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 2.....question...

nsd_user663_5267 profile image
4 Replies

Okay so day one is over and I'm super pleased that I got through it - met some friends for drinks last night but thank goodness none of them smoked so managed that okay.....

Getting through today is going to be hard....I haven't used any NRT therapy yet (I will if I feel like i'm going to crumble) but does it get easier after the nicotine is out of your system?

Is there anything else I can drink / take (vitamins etc) that might make it easier and start healing some of the damage I've already done to myself?


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nsd_user663_5267 profile image
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nsd_user663_4990 profile image


Even though i'm using patches that have been lowering my intake of nicotine as the weeks have gone by .. and i'm now on my final week of 7mg dosage patches, i can definitely tell you that all the nicotine will likely have left your body system in about 2 days (48 hours), and the carbon monoxide levels that you had as a smoker will reduce dramatically around that time and shortly afterwards by a day or 2 aswell.

After this point your energy levels will begin to increase but the biggest benefits start presenting themselves after two weeks of being quit with circulation and a true sense of well being returning to you as time goes by.

Now although nicotine will leave your body after 2 days, you will of course be going through a withdrawal period which is an ongoing thing that will mean you get cravings at times of day when you used to smoke most.. or at times when you smoked that you actually felt you really needed one. Eg. first thing in the morning or just after lunch etc. Check out my signature and look in particular at the article i've linked about ways of dealing with cravings as there is some solid advice in there about how to deal with them.

The rest is about re-adjustment and sometimes you will feel a bit up and down with your emotions for no explainable reasons.. good times and bad will come, but you just need to see them as being part of the healing process.. the body and brain is a remarkable biological machine that self heals many things just nicely, but the way you experience that process can be improved by educating yourself on what to expect, and how to deal with those times when they arise.

Read again many of our signatures on here, and don't be afraid to browse further aside on the sites linked too, you might just find some articles that really hit home with you and help to re-enforce your quit just because what they said.. made sense for YOU. What clicks for me might not work for you, but there is bound to be at least one thing written down on the net somewhere that makes YOU think.. "bloody hell!, thats spot on, i'm glad i read that!"

Now drinks and stuff..

Fruit juice i found to be a powerful ally during the first few weeks, you know all that you keep seeing about 'your 5 a day'? well in honesty it helps your quitting smoking too.. fruit is excellent, i also ate cashew nuts myself rather than munch on sweets etc..

Finding things that work for YOU is important, so don't be afraid to experiment with some healthier foods, you never know, you might just find them enjoyable.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

It do get better honest. The first few days are the worse but once your past 72 hours or so things get much easyer. just deal with the time your in now for the start of your quit try not to think too far ahead. Lemon jucie is very good for craves but try and drink as much juice of any kind as much as you can. read all you can the why quit web site is very helpfull. Also big CONGRATS on day 2.xxxxx

nsd_user663_5267 profile image

Thanks guys...managed to get through the day by reading lots!

Have a good week

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Col :D

Well done you getting to day 3 that's great bu tonight all the nicotine will be out of your system

It gets a little better every day even if you don't notice it

All that reading you're doing will really help you anf get the mind set right


Marg xxxxxxxx

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