Such a bad mood.: I am totally fed up. I am... - No Smoking Day

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Such a bad mood.

nsd_user663_5137 profile image
12 Replies

I am totally fed up.

I am on day 29, and for the last week i have been so bad tempered its just silly. Nothing is right, the house is untidy, my family are being untidy, i cant find things, and to top it all off i feel like i am just getting sooo fat.

not sure any of these are any different to normal. The house isnt so untidy, my family are being the same as normal, i can never find things anyway BUT i have put on 5lb and that is getting on my nerves more than anything. I am still excersising, not eating anymore than normal. The weight gain is making we so very very sad, i want to cry. You see i was a big girl five years ago and i worked for years to loose all the extra weight and now look what happens. I am just hoping, with fingers crossed its only a little blip because i seriously thought about picking the fags up again this morning

Just fed up....fed up....fed up :(

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nsd_user663_5137 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_4990 profile image

One thing at a time is my best suggestion.

Currently you are quitting an addiction, that is your number 1 ultimate priority.

During a quit you may put on a little bit of weight, it wholly depends on your diet and indeed your exercise which you've said you are still doing, but on the whole.. this is not something you can't work on separately.

I've never been one for putting on alot of weight, but i do know that where you will get upset for putting on this bit of extra weight, i would stress at the other end of the scale for not being able to put on weight at all. I have however put on a little bit of weight this quit, but not much.

I was told it was all to do with metabolism, and i suppose while quitting we must be upsetting it somewhat, and this may affect the metabolism too to a degree. Only thing i can suggest is to really have a go at increasing the exercise a little more to compensate.. perhaps even go for a swim at the local baths once a week or even twice.. just while you are in this early part of your quit.

I totally see how this must be upsetting you, particularly if you had a battle to lose the weight in the past, but still you must realise that quitting smoking will be the best move you've ever made.. the rest however it affects you is something you can and indeed will deal with.. it will come good.

The key thing is.. smoking is not the answer and never will be the answer.. you definitely do not want to be a slave to an addiction in order to combat something else.. the key is to treat both as separate things.. and take steps to control both as you go.

Sorry i'm not an expert at this , but i hope i've made a little sense.


nsd_user663_5137 profile image

I cant and wont give in but its just depressing.

I do something most days, walking, running, cross trainning, gardening, housework etc and to be fair i can put on 5lb in a couple of days and loose it just as quick, my hubby says its wind!

I tend to hop on the scales every day (I know DONT do it!) but i cant help it.

I am going to the gym tonight and man i am going work out so hard...

Its just not fair [stamps feet]!

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

would u like someone to help u throw your teddy out:D

putting on weight is a nightmare, but i have to agree with Jase, one thing at once. not smoking is the first, second and third thing, then we can deal with the weight, some on this forum has said they put weight on for the 1st 6 months and then lost it again in the next 6, so hang on in there, keep doing what you are doing (exercise) and not doing what your not doing (smoking)

Sending you a huge hug to get you through the day


nsd_user663_5137 profile image

Yeah I have totally thrown the teddy :o

I blame it on the wind myself. I can talk about this here cause no-one knows who i am!!

I have been suffering with really really bad wind :D

I reckon i am breathing in more than normal, like deep breaths when i think i want to smoke and the leaves me full to the brim with wind....


anyone else having the same problem?!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I think many of us would be lying alot here.. if we said we didn't fart a bit more while we are quitting. There!! i've said it.. i've used the ... the F word!!!

Fart.. ok go on laugh all you like .. but we all do it.. and probably a bit more while we are quitting the nicotine too.

perfectly normal i think!

Right.. as you were!!!



nsd_user663_5137 profile image

I am laughing now!!!!

Why is it when we do it, its funny....when anyone else does it, its just wrong?!


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Jealousy. When we do it, we expect points :).. 6.5 from the spanish judges and all that.. but do you give the germans points? no way!!!!!!!!!!!


nsd_user663_5261 profile image

I am totally fed up.

I am on day 29, and for the last week i have been so bad tempered its just silly. Nothing is right, the house is untidy, my family are being untidy, i cant find things, and to top it all off i feel like i am just getting sooo fat.

not sure any of these are any different to normal. The house isnt so untidy, my family are being the same as normal, i can never find things anyway BUT i have put on 5lb and that is getting on my nerves more than anything. I am still excersising, not eating anymore than normal. The weight gain is making we so very very sad, i want to cry. You see i was a big girl five years ago and i worked for years to loose all the extra weight and now look what happens. I am just hoping, with fingers crossed its only a little blip because i seriously thought about picking the fags up again this morning

Just fed up....fed up....fed up :(

I know exactly how you feel,

I have been in such a bad mood myself and don't know how to shift it.

I contacted NHS and they only provide one to one support, so i was really glad to find this site.

Are you using the patches?

nsd_user663_5137 profile image

Very good marking there :D I would be aiming for at least a 8 on account of the fact everytime my hubby goes to give me a kiss i say "i wouldnt do that if i was you i just #arted" he then says "yeah yeah i know you just #arted" and potters off!

Hi K Brown, yes i am patching. Thats another problem! I stopped using my arms because they kept coming off in the shower etc. I now use the tops of my legs, and even though i shower twice a day the evidence of the patch still i cant swim! Mood not so bad today, i am in the process of applying to move to NZ and i feel a bit more upbeat

nsd_user663_5225 profile image

Ha...and I thought it was just me. I've been farting like a trooper all week and blaming it on the poor dog! But then I have been eating a lot of vegetables to try and do the healthy eating thing whilst I quit.

Squid...I feel your pain. I have already put on a couple of extra pounds and have resolved to get to the gym first thing tomorrow. I too used to be a big girl and then lost all my weight through hard work and determination. I know it's hard not to get on the scales ( I'm a daily weigher myself) but I'm trying really hard to concentrate on this quit and have resigned myself to the fact that I can't do everything at once.

There's no point being the skinniest person in the graveyard!!!

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Hello squid

you might want to check out quit-smoking-support.woofma...

Always found this site helpful for those days when the quit is hard. Good luck to you.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Squid :)

Well done on day 29 that's great Big Hug

Being Irritated and emotional is normal for us quitters but it does get better and these feelings do go

As for the weight please try not to worry just now it will level off and return to normal



Hi KBrown :)

Well done deciding to quit you don't say how far into your quit you are

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



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