2 months 3 days & 14hours + mood bit be... - No Smoking Day

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2 months 3 days & 14hours + mood bit better, thank god...

nsd_user663_1658 profile image
8 Replies

Hi all for the last day or 2 i have been questioning my ability with deepness whether Ive got the courage to carry on this pain of of a quit...I answered my questions yet again

Q1 I cant do this its annoying & upsetting me now!!!!

A1 Oh yes you can, youd be more annoyed & upset if you smoked now wouldnt you?

Q2 What when i get worried & stressed over stuff, I will probably cave then anyway so I might as well just get some now to save the grieve

A2 NO NO NO the cigarettes cause the stress & grieve have you forgotten everything youve read & learnt about

Q3 going a party saturday be no fun without smoking!!strop, strop & besides they keep me from putting weight on so i can actually look nice for the party

A3 wrong again, the party can be just as much fun without them & plus you would probably look worse for the party having a pale complexion rather then a healthy glow & you would stink terribly


A4 suppose maybe you dont but you wouldnt have much money spare to buy yourself a nice outfit for the party or anything else for that matter if you start smoking again

Q5 yes well very good point Im actually liking that part of the quit but what if i just have a few cigs now n then maybe?

A5 Wrong wrong so very wrong & you know it

Q6 when will I ever feel normal again this is the pits at times

A6 Now look how far youve come & the only person to make this quit the most exciting & happiest time of your life is you, ONLY you can turn it all around

Q7 But what if I cant what if im just a moody depressing cow forever!!

A7 That will never happen, be patient & you will see

Stupid I know but these type of question & lots more I ask myself every so often when im having a bad day, & answer it, self therapy maybe?

Today as not been so bad, my little one (5year old) was very brave & went into school with no tears (well done babe)...well he cried the night before n this morning in the house but he put on a brave face & came out saying that he actually like his new class & teacher, I almost collapsed with shock lol

My other little one (2year old - well almost 3) seemed to miss the other one why he was at school(after 6 weeks hols),so it was a bit of a emotional day!!the rain didnt help my moods(likewise with everyone else most prob)

so that wraps up today

2months, 3 days, 14hours +

not smoked 787 fags

money saved 197.32

saved 2 days & 17 hours & 35minutes of my life

now that as made me smile:)

thanks for listening - long one sorry x

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nsd_user663_1658 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_4754 profile image

hey kitkat,

yeah the rain can get you sometimes.

I had some terrible days last week and then someone reminded me that thats life. sometimes whether smoking or not we just feel rubbish. its part of life.

i've been posting today to try and find out what people have done in the way of turning round thier diets for some inspiration as it occured to me yesterday that i should be feeling a lot better than I am after a month of quitting. I think in my own case its down to bad diet. Maybe its worth looking if theres stuff you need to eat more of / less of / drink more off etc?

we are what we eat as they say.... i dunno if it is the answer but its gotta be worth experimenting with for a bit.

hope you have a better day tomorrow. Your doing really well, just think how proud your little uns will be when one day you can look back and tell them that you managed to give up and give them and you a smoke free life. it will make all this battle worth while.

You definately have got the courage else you wouldnt have made it this far.

hang in there.

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Stupid I know but these type of question & lots more I ask myself every so often when im having a bad day, & answer it, self therapy maybe?

Today as not been so bad, my little one (5year old) was very brave & went into school with no tears (well done babe)...well he cried the night before n this morning in the house but he put on a brave face & came out saying that he actually like his new class & teacher, I almost collapsed with shock lol

My other little one (2year old - well almost 3) seemed to miss the other one why he was at school(after 6 weeks hols),so it was a bit of a emotional day!!the rain didnt help my moods(likewise with everyone else most prob)

so that wraps up today

thanks for listening - long one sorry x

What a sensible non smoking loving mother you really are KitKat, keep writing these things down and keep reading them, be too easy to become complacent and think one wont hurt.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi KitKat :D

Well done you you're doing just great at just over 2 months quit

That Question and asnwer thing you're doing is a good ides and obviously working for you

Glad you feel a little better now


Marg xxx

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

The mental arguments with yourself

Have had them to Kat, mostly the same ones, and others.

You can have one cigarette(because you're really stressed, drinking alcohol, tired, in need of a lift)

No, you can't, for a start you have to buy at least ten, and you WILL smoke all those, shortly after that you'll buy another packet cos it makes you crave the next one, and so on and soforth until you decide you've really had enough of all that rubbish again.Repeat cycle in a sort of loop for over a year.

But you can't enjoy alcohol or holidays without smoking...

Already proved this wrong, whats really enjoyable about smoking? it just gets linked into "enjoymant" cos we're really enjoying ourselves. think of all those 100's of completely unenjoyable ones.It's only enjoymant, because we're feeding an addiction, and the addiction is happy to be fed.

But it's too tiring to keep giving up and mentally arguing with myself over and over.

So, just give up and stay gived up, never have another puff-you know you don't want to smoke 40 a day. How would you feel goin back to that forever? Horible, that's what, you already know you don't want to do that.

But i can just do it agian just this once(yea right!) and then give up again tomorrow. (Repeat cycle over and over for over a year.)

So, not sure we should argue with the addiction, ignore it, laugh it it's tricks or what

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

And in answer to your first question, you can do it, you are already doing it and you've done it for 2 months 3 days and 14 hours....

nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Nice one kitkat I have asked myself all these questions...........you came up with better answers than me :p

So glad the wee one didn't cry at school today...........tell him I think he is really brave :)

Hang on in there you are doing soooooo well and should be really proud.

I'm making cakes tonight so grab a bit in the morning........you deserve it :)

Love Carol


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

If you get what you think is possibly 'depression', but a long period of time and then the worry about the worry then starts to make you further upset, perhaps consult your doctor.

however in the meantime, i notice from your signature the little tiny bit at the bottom made the biggest impact on you just by writing it down...

2months, 3 days, 14hours +

not smoked 787 fags

money saved 197.32

saved 2 days & 17 hours & 35minutes of my life

now that as made me smile

Ok, those are lovely hard figures and you've every reason to smile.. i would be too!!

but project further ahead.. add up how much you would likely save in an entire year....

then start making a big list of all the things that this spare money could afford you if you saved it to one side.. eg in a savings account or something.

Make this list, oh and don't forget to get a holiday brochure with some nice destinations in it that you would love to go to.. and write some of them on your list too, in fact, cut some pictures out of the very stuff you can afford, grab some pritt stick, and make a quit wall? you could then whenever you feel down in the dumps a bit.. look to that and get the extra smiley boost you need perhaps?

Just a few ideas to help.. tell me to sod off if i'm off the mark at all ;)

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

hi all thanks for all responses

Bman - i started off eating healthier like a apple daily more fruit etc...but that is slowly fading i do eat vegetables & a banana everyday but my snacks are junk mainly crisps, chocolate, biscuits etc.....so a good point that possible diet could help in the feelgood part of quit? mmm worth a shot

Thank you david, I love my kids to bits but not sure on the sensible part:D x

Hi jude, very true post, a good read thanks glad im not alone on the thoughts - oh urm i didnt actually smoke 40 a day though? as much as i would have like to at the time my pocket wouldnt have :D x

Hi jase thanks for concerm, i keep an eye on the depression bit, i kind of know the signs from past experience many years ago, i also read recent stuff in the media about how quitting smoking can cause it in some people(prob me!!! - knowing my luck) & yes i agree with the money thing i should definetely start saving to have something to show for it & for big stuff. But for me with calculating to far ahead is not a good thing personally dont want to tempt fate n all that...x

Thank you marg for words of support again. just hope I can lift myself high enough so if i do fall it wont be that far & i will still be in a comfortable place x

Hi caz - glad you & others ask yourself these questions & more because i was feeling a little bit not in control of the quit eg still asking the same stuff so far on (well not everyday - but when its tough)...ha ha i will tell him you said he was brave for not crying,lol he will think i have finally cracked :D x

Hi joanlaw, im so glad these type of questions are quite a common struggle with quitters, i feel a load better now, & yes what a lovely finish that their is no question on our decision to quit... I will second that

once again thank you all xxxxxx

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