Well it's now 43 days and it's been such a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from....this just isn't worth the misery so sod it I'm going back to smoking to wooo hooo I'm so proud of myself I've actually stopped smoking.
I've had issues with my teeth and gums and issues with my innards and a lot of the time I feel like crap, mornings and weekends are still very hard to get through...no matter how hard I keep active, everything seems to trigger a crave and am sooo glad when I go to bed on Sunday night.........having said ALL that it's been worth it and without the help of this forum and the guys on it I don't think I could have come this far, am sure I'm not out of the woods yet and long/yearn for the day I don't wake up thinking about how nice (yes sorry) it would be to have just one puff.
So for all you newbies out there, stick with it, it may not feel like it right now but soon, very soon, you will be soooo proud of yourself and the awful craves will be history