Rewards: Hello everyone, My rewards so far... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_4544 profile image
22 Replies

Hello everyone,

My rewards so far for being smoke free,

1st month smoke free got myself to a new outfit.

2nd month smoke free got myself to a new hairdo.

3rd month smoke free had my nose pierced :D

Best friend called me a chave when she saw it, I don't care because I like it.

She asked what I'm going to do for the 4th month smoke free.

I'm going to take my husband out for a meal because he has supported me through out me stopping smoking, put up with the moods, swearing, blaming him for every thing. Celebrating me every month and buying me flowers for doing well.




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nsd_user663_4544 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_4544 profile image

No offence taken I still like it and it is hardly noticeable x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Dolly :D

Well done treating yourself every month you deserve it

So when you hit the fourth month Hubbies getting taken out for a meal

for supporting through it and buying you flowers and celebrating every month with you

I think that's a lovely idea and bet he'll love it


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3849 profile image

3rd month smoke free had my nose pierced :D


Wow - you are brave!

I had a Wii fit in my third month of stopping but I'm now saving for a new bridle for horsey!

jackieinv profile image

Well done Dolly you are being so good to yourself and your hubby being so nice too, its great.

Now please tell me what the heck a chave is????


nsd_user663_4544 profile image

Hi Jackie,

Thanks a chav is some one who wears baseball cap designer labels, Burberry large hooped ear rings and apparently pierced nose. I think that is what it is.

I just liked the idea of having my nose pierced and it is a very small stud hardly noticeable. I like it so does the O/H now he has got used to it.




nsd_user663_4119 profile image

I think its great you have treated yourself regardless whether its to everyones taste.

I have my nails and hair done every month as my treat!

I was also treated to a rather lovely handbag by my husband at 2 month quit. :D

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I bought me a ridiculously expensive Bike for 5 months - and started training for the 100 mile ride I just completed.... kind of a present to myself and a way of getting fit again now that I didn't want to die everytime I started breathing hard!

I was also treated to a rather lovely handbag by my husband at 2 month quit. :D

That's a brave (or very feminine :p) man - I would never dare pick out something like that for fear of possibly insulting her in some bizarre way if I got it wrong! I'm afraid I take her to the shop and tell her to pick something out!!!!

A nose stud does not a chav make, but please check your wardrobe for track suit type clothes in either white or pink ;)

nsd_user663_4544 profile image

I bought me a ridiculously expensive Bike for 5 months - and started training for the 100 mile ride I just completed.... kind of a present to myself and a way of getting fit again now that I didn't want to die everytime I started breathing hard!

A nose stud does not a chav make, but please check your wardrobe for track suit type clothes in either white or pink ;)

Hi Peeps (only kidding) lol

Wow Stuart 100 mile bike ride that is fantastic. No Stuart I do not have any sort of track suit although I do a few sports trousers for doing my daily 5 mile walk. Can't say I'm into pink so me thinks I don't make the chav grade lol

I just wanted to do something that no one would expect me to do and I did that big time for me. Some of my family and friends like it some don't.

I will do the reward thing until I have achieved 1 year smoke free I think.

nogarD I think that was lovely of your hubby, mine wouldn't have a clue bless him.

jerry-lee Wii Fit they are fun

Keep rewarding yourself as you are doing a fantastic staying smoke free :cool:




nsd_user663_4149 profile image

All the rewards since I stopped smoking go to my bookie. After my first month it was better cigars, second month better champers. third month better holiday and when I get to four months he's going to retire to the Bahamas. Bet you look great in your stud Dolly, but can you still have a good pick of your nose? David xx

nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Good On You

Hi Dolly, Dont blame u for treating your self, I treat myself every week and have a long list with my "Cash for Ash" tin.... Its a great motivator..

Keep up the good work and treats ha ha Kaz x:D

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

hard to pick your nose with a stud in, but do-able with practice token bloke. Harder to pick the belly button fluff out when thats pierced.

I bought a massive superking non squeaky bed with a hotel like squashy headboard without others greasy headmarks on. Most comfortable.

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

Treats Galore!

Dolly, I think your treats sound fab, I always wanted my nose pierced but have never done it!!

Treats for being a non smoker are great!! Im actually skint now but have lots of nice handbags!

Ive not really had any treats from my boyfriend as he said 100days and 6 months which I think are good milestones to aim for!!

Looking forward to the next treat update xxxx

nsd_user663_4544 profile image

Afternoon all you non smokers,

Well I'm glad that most of you are treating yourself's or someone is gonna treat you.

Davofgy - Your bookie must be well pleased with you. Yes you can pick your nose with a stud, cotton buds are not only for your ears!

Kaz - I love the Cash For Ash tin I think I may have one to if you don't mind?

fionacox - Those massive beds are lovely jubbly and you have a wicked sense of humour love it.

moog - Glad you like the idea of treats and when you get to your mile stones I hope your boyfriend gets you maybe another lovely handbag?

Here's to more treats hip, hip hooray




nsd_user663_4367 profile image

"Cash For Ash"

Yeah Dolly dont mind at all. I calculated how much I spent on smoking a week then divided into days. So I put £4.00 a day away in a tin every night. When I have a certain amount I treat myself, then I put the receipts in the tin and wrote a list of all the things I brought with the money.

Dolly it certaintly motivates me and I promised myself I would do it for the first 12months of my quit.. So many many treats, its great to have a reward and quite regular also LOL Kaz :p x

jackieinv profile image

Well I have had many different answers to the question about what a "chav" is - seems to be someone in a pink tracksuit, a baseball cap with designer label, large hooped ear rings and pierced nose and lives in the wrong side of town :D :D Can't think what we would call them up here!!!!!


nsd_user663_4544 profile image

Hi happy Friday,

I have just got home and I treated myself to a rather expensive Bradley handbag my reward for 16 weeks on Sunday smoke free and I have booked a table for me and my husband for a lovely tonight.




nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Well I have had many different answers to the question about what a "chav" is

CHAV = Council House And Violent

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

How about this for a reward

Roman Abramovich's new toy. 557 foot yacht, reported to have cost about £300,000,000.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi David :D

Lovely boat/yacht/ship whatever

You'd have to smoke an awful lot of fags to get that as a treat I think



nsd_user663_4754 profile image

Roman Abramovich's new toy. 557 foot yacht, reported to have cost about £300,000,000.

bet its a nightmare to reverse park :D

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Roman Abramovich's new toy. 557 foot yacht, reported to have cost about £300,000,000.

Compare this to my first ship, old coal burner.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi David :D

There's a bit of difference there right enough


Marg xxxxxxxxx

Not what you're looking for?