What a horrid couple of days: Hi All, Not... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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What a horrid couple of days

nsd_user663_4544 profile image
8 Replies

Hi All,

Not been on for a few days. Went to brother in-laws funeral Wednesday, and it was not nice there was a frosty feel between the family's long story so wont go in to it.

I have struggled for a couple of days the urge to smoke has been great :( I nearly caved in a couple of times, I had this debate in my head and the sensible me won phew :) I had to get it into my head that having a fag was not going to make me feel any happier. I was still going to feel like sh*t but still I kept thinking about smoking I then came on this forum and started reading posts which helped.

I have not smoked and the urges have gone I think when you are down, it's urges more than craving. I read on here that magnesium helps to calm you and helps your moods. I went and got some and started taking them yesterday will let you know how I go with them.

My mood is better this morning I noticed on my calender

that I have got to 15 weeks today :) next week it will be smoke free for 4 months :cool:

I now am going to think positive more bad things might happen in the future I will not use them as an excuse to smoke, because that is all it will be. I want to stop smoking for good this time, this is the longest quite I've had and I want it to be the last.



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nsd_user663_4544 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Being Strong

Hi Dolly. I am sorry you are going through such a stressfull, sad time at the moment. Good for you for being so strong and getting through it without reaching for the ciggies. We all know that they won't make a jot of difference but I guess it will take a long time to get over the fact that probably for years for many of us the first thing we would do in any bad situation is light up. YOU didn't though & I am so proud of you.

Let us know how the magnesium goes. I read about it on hear but must admit I have not heard of that before.

Keep strong. Love. Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

dolly, well done for not turning to ciggies in a stressful situation. Its all about getting your head in the right place and with practise it works!

Let us know about the magnesium

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Dolly :)

Sorry to hear that you've had a bad couple of days but pleased to hear you didn't give in

Must have been rough with a funeral to go to as well

But glad you feel better know and the urges are gone

Well done on your 15 weeks quit Hugs Hug for you


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4610 profile image

Oh well done dolly, I feel so silly and humbled now. I had a bad day yesterday but for no reason, just one of those days and all I did was moan and moan, drove myself mad with all the moaning and feeling sorry for myself attitude I had....... you had a valid reason and didn't give in, well done.

{{{{{Positive thoughts beaming over to you}}}}}}

nsd_user663_4544 profile image

Hi Marg and Kate, moog

Thanks for your kind words this forum is a savour so glad I found it when I did. Big hugs to you all x




jackieinv profile image

Well done Dolly 15 weeks is brilliant. You have had a very stressful time and I think when we get through our stress and haven't smoked it makes us feel happy and a bit more secure that we really have stopped.

Have a happy day.


nsd_user663_4177 profile image

Well done Dolly you have done amazing. You have made me realise that no matter what life throws at us it is possible to deal with it all without the cigs.

Biggest hugs xxxxxx

nsd_user663_4544 profile image

Thanks to all for your comments and my day is ending well going to Marg's party and a man in a kilt will be there lol




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