Champix the story so far: Hi all, I hope... - No Smoking Day

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Champix the story so far

nsd_user663_4662 profile image
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Hi all,

I hope you are doing well with your fight against the evil nicotine!!

I haven't been on for a few days as been dealing with my own demons which are more related to Champix rather than not smoking.

So I thought it might help others if I put my experiences down on paper since day 1 and new Champix users can get an idea of what you are in for!

Don’t be put off as I am feeling fantastic at the moment and I haven’t smoked for Ten Days, 14 Hours and 50 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 17 Hours, by avoiding the use of 212 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me £60.66.

I am also very grateful to all my friends and colleagues who have supported through these first couple of weeks, it has made the process a lot easier.

And with my experience I have managed to get 2 of my colleagues who are also both heavy smoker to give Champix a go.

But don’t forget you need to have the want to stop.

Good luck to all, elwell70.

11.05.09 - Champix 1 x 0.5mg smoking 20 a day feeling fine.

12.05.09 - Champix 1 x 0.5mg smoking 20 a day feeling fine.

13.05.09 - Champix 1 x 0.5mg smoking 20 a day feeling fine, first weird dream.

14.05.09 - Champix 2 x 0.5mg smoking 20 a day feeling fine.

15.05.09 - Champix 2 x 0.5mg smoked 15, starting to dislike the taste of cigarettes and not feeling the effects of smoking as much.

16.05.09 - Champix 2 x 0.5mg smoked 30 as at a party got drunk and was smoking as I normally would have on a night out but not enjoying the taste or getting any of the enjoyment you would normally have.

17.05.09 - Champix 2 x 0.5mg smoked 10 wasn't enjoying the taste at all and no effect or enjoyment from smoking. Had my last smoke at 23:40.

18.05.09 - Champix 2 x 1mg QUIT DAY!! Felt really positive had numerous cravings through out the day at work and managed really well. My colleagues were very surprised as I was actually a little happier than I normally am on a Monday morning and I think Champix has put me in a happier state. Went out in the night to a show but managed to go to a bar before and friends were smoking and had no major issues.

19.05.09 - Champix 2 x 1mg Usual cravings in work lots of sweets and gum!!

Managed the day and still feeling positive.

20.05.09 - Champix 2 x 1mg This was probably the toughest day in regard to nicotine cravings. Found the day really hard but was still in a really positive state and managed to get through it smoke free. The night however was a different matter got really grumpy after I got home from work very irritable! Didn’t get much sleep at all and had lots of very vivid weird dreams.

21.05.09 - Champix 2 x 1mg Felt really good as I think I had broken the back of the physical nicotine addiction. Very few cravings and in a good state of mind. Got irritable again in evening. Managed to sleep but weird dreams.

22.05.09 Champix 2 x 1mg Good day. No cravings, really more the habit of having a smoke after a certain event playing on my mind. Normal sleep, no dreams. Did drink more than I usually do though, and I think I have been using alcohol as a bit of a crutch.

23.05.09. Champix 2 x 1mg The day started OK then went to a BBQ with some friends all non smokers except 1 who was my smoking buddy while I was a smoker especially in this circle of friends. It was going ok until it got into the evening when after a few wines the thought of having a smoke was stronger than ever. But managed to restrain myself with the support of the friends there (even including the smoker). Looking back I am so glad I didn’t give in and even have that one little puff. Normal sleep.

24.05.09 Champix 2 x 1mg Normal day no cravings and didn’t really think about smoking at all, just a quiet day at home. Found myself forgetting about it until I see someone smoking on the TV or in public. The night was bad, 2 hours sleep and when I did manage to get to sleep I had really mental dreams and woke up sweating buckets and very freaked out. Not good. :eek:

25.05.09 Champix 2 x 1mg Very tired due to lack of sleep. Spent the day driving round the south of England looking at wedding venues (doing another crazy thing next year!!). Got a bit grumpy towards the end of the day and really thought about smoking. Reminded myself why I was giving up, one of the reasons being I am getting married and want to start a family and felt good about it. Got home exhausted but positive that still not smoking. The night was again awful only 2-3 hours sleep (normally sleep 8-9 without stirring) crazy dreams like something from a horror film, hot sweating freaked out!!! :eek:

26.05.09 Champix 2 x 1mg Struggled to get up for work and now like the walking dead (as I had spent half the night in a dream with them!!) Struggled through the day but didn’t want to smoke just very grump due to lack of sleep. Had a bottle of wine in the evening to try and help me get to sleep it failed! Again only 2 hours or so of sleep more freaky dreams woke up sweating didn’t know what was real or not, generally not nice! :eek:

27.05.09. Champix 2 x 0.5mg Woke up late for work phoned my boss and explained that I had only had about 7 hours sleep in 3 days and was feeling a little worse for wear. He gave me a few hours off to sort myself out. So while at home I was thinking about Champix and should I stop taking it or not and how I had been since day 1 of taking it. After a bit of thinking I decided I would try reducing my dose as I had read somewhere other peoples experiences which were similar to mine and they had reduced there dose and it had helped. I keep my prescription in work during the week so I don’t forget to take it so by the time so when I got into work I just took half of the little blue wonder pill and continued with my day. Still no craving and no urge to smoke at all, all I wanted really was to sleep. Took the second half before I left work and went for a few beers, had dinner with a glass of wine and crashed out about 10:30 (that’s early for me) SLEPT LIKE A BABY!! Did have a slightly unusual dream but no where near the dreams I had had earlier in the week.

28.05.09 Champix 2 x 0.5mg Woke feeling refreshed and almost normal. Feeling really positive and in an exceptionally good mood. Haven’t thought about smoking except for about half a second after lunch.

I am not suggesting you change the dosage that your Doctor has prescribed but first impressions are that it has worked for me. :D

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nsd_user663_4754 profile image

great post - hows it been going since then?

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