Inspiration needed asap!: Hi, I started my... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Inspiration needed asap!

nsd_user663_4035 profile image
10 Replies


I started my latest quit attempt this week and am currently on day 3. I completed day 1 and 2 relatively easily with the niccorette inhalator for company, but I have vowed not to use the inhalator beyond day 2 this time, as I have become addicted to it in the past.

I am having a seriously bad day today and am on the verge of getting up from this desk and taking a short walk to the shop. Desperately don't want to, but I feel like I am not on the planet and will do it anyway.

I know my day won't get any better with fags, I know I'll undo all my good work and I know half of the stuff going wrong today is probably stuff my head has fabricated to give me an excuse to smoke.

Please, please, please tell me something I haven't heard before to stop me going downstairs to buy some.

Yours desperately,

Chris :(

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nsd_user663_4035 profile image
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10 Replies
Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hi Chris,

Welcome to the forum.

"Tell you something you haven't heard before" - that's a pretty tall order!

If you've done any looking around this forum you will have seen plenty of posts from beginners struggling, different quit methods, successes. And failures too. There are links to sites with huge amounts of information, shocking images, encouraging stories etc etc.

You've tried to quit before. You've been at this point before. You must choose not to go to the shop and you must choose not to buy cigarettes.

And at the end of the day THAT is what will stop you and not anything I or anyone else may or may not say. It's your choice, simple as that really.

Stay strong, and you can beat this thing.


nsd_user663_4035 profile image

Thanks mate.

Much appreciated.

It's so hard!

nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Deke is right. It is your choice. Choose not to smoke. Tomorrow will be better. We have all been where you are now and we all know that tomorrow will be better. Through out your quit, you will have triggers and craves. You just have to meet them head on and say "I choose not to smoke. I choose life!"

Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hi Chris,

It is hard, but it is so worth it. I hope my reply didn't come across as too harsh. I've seen it before that when someone is considering having a smoke, they must post on here first. And then wait for at least 5 replies (10 if you're hard-line!). That way the crave will have gone.

They do go. And the better news is that it does get easier. I'm quit for more than two months now - at the start I wouldn't have believed I would have got this far. But now I know I won't be going back to being a smoker. If I can do it - so can you.

Stay strong.


nsd_user663_4610 profile image

Hi Chris,

I'm on day 12 of my quit and have good and bad days.....couple days ago I was ready to throw in the towel but thanks to guys on here I didn't.

Everytime a craving comes on I come on here, post a thread, have a rant and soon the craving passes. It seems to come from some sort of trigger, so change your routine, that's what I'm doing at the moment, took couple days off work and have changed all my furniture around so it's completely different from when I smoked.........if you see what I mean, my son thinks I've lost the plot.....hay hoo if it works.

Godd lck and don't give in.we are stronger that that....tho it may not seem like it at times.......:) :D

nsd_user663_4035 profile image

Hi Deke - your post wasn't harsh. You are right. Posting on here is a way of stalling yourself before you go and do something stupid. The replies always help. I'm still here at my desk. Still hanging in there. Well done on your quit!

Kate - that's an excellent reply. Thanks! The furniture idea is genius! I might try it. Anything that makes your environment different to when you smoked has got to help. The first thing I did was clean my car out, buy a new air freshener, new car mats etc..... Well done on your quit! Keep going!

Thanks everyone. My intentions are good, but as you know yourself. It is so hard for the first few days. This is day 3 for me, but I am classing it as day 1, as I used the inhalator for the first 2 days.

We can do it! Come on! I feel better now :-)

Thanks guys!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Chris :D

Well done for resisting that urge to go but some, as you said it wouldn't have helped and you'd be back to square one again

I'm sure you'll feel even better tomorrow

Check out the links in my signature I found them really helpful and still go back to them from time to time and have a read


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Chris

day three can be hard its the nicotine leaving the body it takes about 72 hours for most of it to leave us. So Im sure things will improve for you tomorrow keep strong till things get easyer it will not take long. Take it a bit at a time. day 4 is almost here.xxxxx

nsd_user663_3087 profile image


I started my latest quit attempt this week and am currently on day 3. I completed day 1 and 2 relatively easily with the niccorette inhalator for company, but I have vowed not to use the inhalator beyond day 2 this time, as I have become addicted to it in the past.

I am having a seriously bad day today and am on the verge of getting up from this desk and taking a short walk to the shop. Desperately don't want to, but I feel like I am not on the planet and will do it anyway.

I know my day won't get any better with fags, I know I'll undo all my good work and I know half of the stuff going wrong today is probably stuff my head has fabricated to give me an excuse to smoke.

Please, please, please tell me something I haven't heard before to stop me going downstairs to buy some.

Yours desperately,

Chris :(


If you have not already thought about it you could try going to a quit smoking centre. I cant thank the people at the smoking group i have started going to enough for all the confidence and shared problems we go through.

I have quit for 4 days so far and have only been twice tonight was the second time atleast its something to do to get your mind off the fags! :D#

edited : and i got to take my second carbon breathtester thingy, 4 days ago it measured 35.5 and tonight it measured zero so am well pleased

nsd_user663_3923 profile image

hi chris,

reading your posts you seem like the kind of guy who is up for the fight, sometimes it doesn't hurt to get a bit angry with the addiction and see it as a challenge you aint gunna lose, hey us guys all have a bit of macho bull s**t about us some times so why not channel it towards quitting, If it wants a fight.......bring it on :D

good luck and stay positive

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