100 days and a goodbye: Hi guys, 100 days... - No Smoking Day

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100 days and a goodbye

nsd_user663_4026 profile image
27 Replies

Hi guys,

100 days today. That was my landmark and here I am. I have decided to quit the forum too now. 2 reasons. It started to become more addictive than the smoking itself and I actually found it made me think about smoking sometimes! Secondly, to be honest, there are postings still appearing on this forum which, due to past history, have no place here and should not be allowed. The ignore list only hides so much. And I do not want to be part of a forum which allows that to happen.

Massive hugs and love to all who helped me. Marg and BB and Nic and Stu and MMQ and April showers and of course DFS to name but a few! Good luck to all in your quits xx

Fi quit using NRT and proud of it. xxx

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nsd_user663_4026 profile image
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27 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Hi guys,

100 days today. That was my landmark and here I am. I have decided to quit the forum too now. 2 reasons. It started to become more addictive than the smoking itself and I actually found it made me think about smoking sometimes! Secondly, to be honest, there are postings still appearing on this forum which, due to past history, have no place here and should not be allowed. The ignore list only hides so much. And I do not want to be part of a forum which allows that to happen.

Massive hugs and love to all who helped me. Marg and BB and Nic and Stu and MMQ and April showers and of course DFS to name but a few! Good luck to all in your quits xx

Fi quit using NRT and proud of it. xxx

Well done Fi - I am sorry to see you go, but I do understand your decision. I don't agree with it but I do understand. I know of whom you speak, and I just don't read the posts.

For the record - my stance on quit methods is very simple.

Everyone needs to take control at the start. Some are strong enough to do that on their own but the majority are not. Those that are not use NRT, Champix (I am proud to be a Champix success story) or any number of other aids in an attempt to gain control and rather than be derided these people should be helped towards their eventual goal of being free of both smoking and their chosen aid.

I have no doubt that the "best" way to quit is CT and education (it might even be easiest once past the first week or 2) but most quitters do not feel strong enough for that or have not been exposed to any real education.

Anyway, enough of my rambling.

All the best with your continuing quit, Fi - please pop back from time to time.


nsd_user663_3849 profile image

Well done for reaching the 100 day mark. You are truly a non-smoker now! I haven't read lots of posts on here recently so am not sure to what you are referring but you obviously have good reason. I definitely understand about this being addictive though - I still have to log on every time I turn on my laptop!:D

Good luck and thanks for your support too.


nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hello Fiona,

Congratulations on reaching 100 days an impressive milestone, I am sorry to hear you feel you have to leave us because there are people who`s opinion could be considered overzealous, How a person chooses to quit is a matter of choice and as far as I can see if it succeeds it is the right way. I hope you pop by once in a while just to let us know how you are doing.;)


Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hi Fiona,

Congratulations on 100 days. :D But sad to see you go from the forum. Especially seeing as you started threads (Name That...)that I'm a bit hooked on now!

I wish you all the best, and hope to see you on here occasionally.

Keep strong, and take care.


nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Thanks guys. Voldemort was not the only reason for my quit, I agree I should ignore, but it does make me very cross. I have battled with myself and this forum for a while anyway. For me there doesn't seem to be a happy medium. Its either all or nothing. And that, amongst other things, will eventually get me the sack as most of my viewing and posting is done in works time. If I move my time on here to the evening, then I will earn myself a divorce as again, it would be all of the time. I must have an 'addictive' personality!

I expect the official 'clevers' Deke, caroline and stu nic and bb to keep up the quizzes but put some easy ones in for marg!! x

nsd_user663_4337 profile image

100 days well done

Hi Fiona,

well done on reaching your 100 day, and i wish you all the best.

I will miss reading your posts . i am only on day 8 now and can not wait to be able to make it to day 100. baby steps i know.......Thankyou for all your replies and advice to me on my earlier quits.

Lots of love ali xx

nsd_user663_4523 profile image

Hi Fiona,

100 day`s that does sound a long way off, Well done you I think that is brilliant, I am sorry to hear you are leaving you will be missed and good luck in the future:)


nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Fiona, Congratulation on your 100 day milestone! Feels good, huh? So sorry you are leaving, but I totally understand. I feel the same about being hooked on the forum and have already posted that I am leaving for awhile. Unfortunately, I keep logging on, lol. Guess I "need to get a life". Ha Ha. I also have some strong feelings toward some of the posts, but figure I just won't read the ones I find offensive. Hope you come back soon.

nsd_user663_4196 profile image

Hi Fiona, first i want to congratulate you 100 days is a fantastic milestone and one that should be celebrated perhaps with a glass or two!

Im really sorry that you are leaving this forum, you really helped me stick to my quit when i struggled big time from the posts that go against nrt. I would never have gotten through those hard days without your messages of support.

I do however understand why you feel like its time to go, i too have not been coming on here since the return of advisor against nrt.

I will always be grateful to you and just for the record im still quit 71 days and proud even though i used nrt and still am just less of it!

take care, x


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Fi my love

Ssssssssssssssso very sorry to see you go please pop on from time to time if you can. 100 days OMG that time has passed so fast will miss you and thats for sure. love to you and your lot. linda xxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image


Hi Fiona. I have only been here for 12 days so have not spoken with you before. I have read your thread tonight & jusy wanted to say a BIG congratulations to you. I did not understand your reasons for leaving the forum but have put two & two together! Funnily enough I have almost been made to feel that because I am using patches & lozenges that I am in some wya cheating. Not from a personal attack but just an underlying message. My reasoning to myself is does it really matter so long as I am not smoking those dreadful cigs! Anyway hun, Congrats again & all the best. Love. G.xxx

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Ah Fi.... why am I always the last to hear :( Got your email so you can't escape me quit buddy..... I understand hubby wouldn't like you being on here posting day after day BUT do stop by and say hi here and there.... 100 days.... who would have though eye?!! I'm proud of us!! Hugs to you :) Will miss ya!!

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Funnily enough I have almost been made to feel that because I am using patches & lozenges that I am in some wya cheating. Not from a personal attack but just an underlying message. My reasoning to myself is does it really matter so long as I am not smoking those dreadful cigs!

Don't ever think that G, try anything, and if it works for you good. I know what you mean by what you say though. The odd CT poster does seem to think they are the creme de la creme, take no notice G we do it any way we want. David

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi guys,

Massive hugs and love to all who helped me. Marg and BB and Nic and Stu and MMQ and April showers and of course DFS to name but a few! Good luck to all in your quits xx

Fi quit using NRT and proud of it. xxx

Congrats on the century and its been a pleasure naming that tune etc :D

Don't be too much of a stranger, but I understand what you mean.


Nic (Fellow NRT quitter)

jackieinv profile image

Congratulations on your 100 days and sorry to hear you are moving on Fiona your posts will be missed.


nsd_user663_4197 profile image

I think I might have missed you but well done on 100 days!! fab!!!!!

so sorry to see you go and thanks for all your support xx

nsd_user663_4119 profile image

Oh Fi!!

I am genuinely upset to see you have left here. You never even waited for me to crash into Room Month 4/5!

I havent read the posts you refer to and its a shame they have had this impact on you.

I also have your email and will drop you a line (I am assuming you will have to a look in here).

Well done on your 100 days, I have mine circled on all my calendars!

nsd_user663_4051 profile image

Hi Fi, I've done the same amount of days as you so well done!! Come back and visit us soon:)

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

So going to miss you

Well done on 100 days make sure you pop in now and again to say hi X

nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Nice one Fiona, don't know if I've 'spoken' to you before, but well done anyway, I'm not on much anymore but seems like I have missed a di**head to have a pop at. Damn:p

Good luck girl.

nsd_user663_4214 profile image

Well done Fiona on reaching 100. I'll be joining the "100 club" soon.

Do pop in every now and then. Stay strong.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Lovely forum people

I pop back on to collect some messages and find a most funny artichoke thread and some more lovely messages. I fully intend to celebrate my quit buddies milestones so Sam I expect I will be seeing you in a couple of weeks!

Thank you for all your lovely messages again. xx

nsd_user663_4398 profile image

Hi Fi........ We love yoooooooooooooo..........you love us........don't let iquitidiot spoil a great relationship...........come back full time.........tell the "Boss" we need you. Ha ha. Love J. X:D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Fiona :D

I'm sorry I missed your 100 days but Congratulations any way

Also sorry to see you go but I do understand your reasons and hope you'll return now and then


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4082 profile image

Congratulations on 100 days!!

I stopped coming on this site a while ago because of 'the only way to quit is cold turkey' brigade. I am proud to say I am on day 104, I started off on patches, forgot to put them on one day in week 5 of my quit & never bothered after that.

It doesn't matter how you quit, all that matters is that you try your hardest to beat the weed & one day, you do.

My advice to everyone starting off on their quits would be - the first 2 weeks are the worse, try to keep away from smoking and situations where you would have smoked for the first few weeks if possible. Read up on the effects of smoking, knowledge is definately power, keep reminding yourself of why you quit in the first place

One day you'll wake up & your first thought WON'T be cig's - your now on the road! At this stage I started taking notice of smokers - outside shops, etc, standing in the rain & wind struggling to light their fags, I looked at them with pity! Then one day the sun shone & I knew, I would NEVER put another fag in my mouth as long as I lived & I felt sooooo happy.

This wasn't my first attempt, so if you slip up - try again.

I am now redecorating my house (it was only done 18 mths ago) this time when I paint my ceilings white, they should stay white! It's also great to put clean clothes on & later on that day still be able to smell the washing powder!

The pro's far outway the cons - well good luck everyone - congratulations to all the success stories, thanks to all who supported me during my first few weeks on this site & byeeeee xxxx

nsd_user663_4522 profile image

I have no doubt that the "best" way to quit is CT and education (it might even be easiest once past the first week or 2) but most quitters do not feel strong enough for that or have not been exposed to any real education.


Stuart cold turkey is not the best way to quit in my opinion. jesus I have tried dozens of times and it has been a nightmare. cravings galore. no help...not even thinking about forums...just thinking about fags....absolute nightmare..quitters need to have a focused quit plan..wether it is NRT, champix...or the dreaded CT (which doesnt work in my humble opinion...

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Wonderlungs :D

Congratulations on 104 days that's great well done you I hope you're proud of yourself

The C T Brigade is no longer around, so safe to come back if you want to


Marg xxxxxx

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