Damn damn damn damn: :mad::mad: Ok guys a... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Damn damn damn damn

nsd_user663_4140 profile image
11 Replies


Ok guys a long story short. I went out last night bumped into the ex, I let him upset me and i went to the late night garage at 3am and bought a packet of fags.... I smoked 3 in a row.. which brings me back to square one !!!

I cant even include today as day one as i smoked in the early hours of the morning !!!

Im pissed off and really upset with myself, but I will be straighT back on board tomorrow i know i want this and i know i can do it... am staying out of pubs for a month !!!

EBT GIRL doesnt lie and this is a journey we are all sharing.....

A big up to all THE APRIL SHOWER crew and everyone else for BEING STRONG !! I was weak and you know what it solved, nothing absolutely nothing !!!




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nsd_user663_4140 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_4453 profile image


awww oh dear so sorry to hear that....But i think you come back stronger this time. you can do it.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi E B T Girl :D

I'm so sorry you had to bump into your ex last night and let him upset you what rotten luck

I can imagine how upset you are about this

It's good that you're coming straight back tomorrow I don't think you need to stay in just staying away from places he might be should do it

We'll all be here for you tomorrow


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Stay Strong

EBT I know what u mean, the drinking doesnt help, thats why I avoid at the moment, but u know what U keep trying and thats what I like about U...:D

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

So sorry EBTgirl, we will be here for you tomorrow x

nsd_user663_4473 profile image

So sorry to hear that you smoked.

What I found is that each time I failed to stay quit I learned something new, hopefully you will have found that smoking won't help during a stressful experience, it really won't make any difference.

What helped me during my last quit, whenever I felt like smoking I would wait for 3 minutes, and write down the reasons why I felt that smoking would help.

Usually I couldn't think of any!, by that time the craving passed.

I hope you start day 1 again tomorrow, and wish you the best luck starting a new quit.


nsd_user663_4140 profile image

Thanks all am feeliing really pissed off today

Hi All

I am feeling really peed off with myself today. Just wanted to say thanks for the support, i will get my head sorted out and be back with you all tmr..

This will not beat me....




nsd_user663_4453 profile image


Good to hear that EBT..... though dont beat yourself up about it to much.

lee x

nsd_user663_4437 profile image

pretend its now or never, and choose now!

hey dude thats such a bummer:mad:

ther's a guy who lives 10 doors from me who had to have a quadruple heart by pass last year cause of smokn-i'v spent the last 2 and a half years tryen to stop smokn-i musta went off the smoke over 300 times and failed each and everytime-i was goin round in circles! i asked him if ther was anything he could tell me to help me stop-he said "naw", but he lifted his top and showed me the scars:(

its time to stop now dude-i make a pact wi u now that i'm not smokn again no matter wat! u should do the same-th way i c it u have two choices-smoke urself sick or stop-

i think u should stop-th need to refill wi nicotine WILL go-and u'll feel great- show me ur strength EBT and do it:D

nsd_user663_4464 profile image

Sorry to hear that. You must be feeling bad, I know I am. Come on EBT, you and me. Let's join hands and get to week 2 together. I don't know about you but I'm SICK OF FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If anyone can go 6 days then I believe that it means they can go all the way.

We are capable of kicking this addiction up the bahookie (my polite name for arse) we've just got to sort our heads out.

Gum,CT,Champex,patches, lozengers, inhalors, a frontal labotomy if necessary!!!!!! I'M QUITTING. HOW ABOUT YOU?

You and I and all the others who keep on trying are all on a journey. I have to find my way out of this disgusting addiction and with the help of everyone who is able to stay patient with me, I will, you can, WE ALL CAN.


ps If I fail again I'm thinking of changing my name to HOPELESS. You will have to be a poodle. I Love English Bull Terriers. THEY ARE TOUGH AND STRONG. THEY ARE STRONG AND DETERMINED.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

I don't know about you but I'm SICK OF FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopeful and EBT girl, I don't think either of you are failing.... for many it takes a lot of attempts..... some learn important lessons, and some just get pissed and ready to ditch them smokes....... there is no perfect formula but I know you guys are NOT failing..... sure I want to tell you guys not to have those smokes but only because I know how determined both of you are and you are just prolonging the difficult part of the quit...... add all those tough days together and both of you would well be in the 'easier' part of the quit..... I HATE to see you guys suffering through those early difficult days....... it doesn't matter though...... we are here for both of you 1st, 2nd, or 23rd attempt....... I recommend making the next one THE quit as the first few days are just too big of a pain in the butt to repeat over and over...... both of you are so close!!!! Hugs to both of you XOXOX

nsd_user663_4290 profile image


Ok guys a long story short. I went out last night bumped into the ex, I let him upset me and i went to the late night garage at 3am and bought a packet of fags.... I smoked 3 in a row.. which brings me back to square one !!!

I cant even include today as day one as i smoked in the early hours of the morning !!!

Im pissed off and really upset with myself, but I will be straighT back on board tomorrow i know i want this and i know i can do it... am staying out of pubs for a month !!!

EBT GIRL doesnt lie and this is a journey we are all sharing.....

A big up to all THE APRIL SHOWER crew and everyone else for BEING STRONG !! I was weak and you know what it solved, nothing absolutely nothing !!!




If I'm not mistaken then this is not the first time that you're back on day 1. I think we should meet (highly unlikely) cos I've been through this on and of countless times b4 i signed up here.

Had i quit on the day i meant to I would have smoked today. Went to the uni for absolutely nothing cos of those street fights we got the holidays extended. The Thais knew but nobody told the white skins, for what actually, they'll notice, %$#$%%#@@

I'm sure you'll make long b4 I will simply because you'll (at least i did) get tiered of that misserable feeling of having failed yet again.

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