Wtf: I'm sorry but i have to say peeps... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_3810 profile image
14 Replies

I'm sorry but i have to say peeps-although i have said my gooday y'all i have returned to have a nosey on how the forum is getting on and cannot believe you peeps following a self importance imbecile 'god like' twit like 'iquitjan blah blah blah forum member!!!

Hey -you lot it doesn't matter how you blooming quit smoking that cancer stick-gums inhalers patches champix-standing on your blooming head or drinking pissy herbal teas-you are all individuals (thank God)!!!!! Don't feel guilty using NRTs, and don't feel as if you have one upmanship if you have quit CT-we are all in it together beating this horrible addiction which makes us ill, feel crap, smell, makes us skint and social outcasts.

you do not need to be preached, belittled by anyone!!! willpower and education is the key!!!

Love to all of you-MMQs', Monkey ba-stewards, DFS, Nic, MummyM, Jerry-lee, Rebecca-buggerlugs and my GORGEOUS LITTLE MINX BB!!!

By the way BB-you met yer match, backward dragon is far superior to film and name that tune threads -hehe

well back at work next week, will pop in next month-to see how FABULOUS you are all doing-down with the nico-:eek:demons

MOD2 -great work by the way-some-one with some common sense xxxx


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nsd_user663_3810 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_4418 profile image

Lol thanks shabba

Its strange, I really liked some of his posts, I didnt read them all and I missed what happened this week.... but I did find some of his posts (plagirised or not) an inspiration

Yeh I dont agree with the way it all turned out .... hey ho ...:D

Didnt realise we had any mods lurking in here ... lol but we now know mod 2 is partial to a splash of the old alcinghol hic .... ;)

nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Brilliant Post.....

Quote Hey -you lot it doesn't matter how you blooming quit smoking that cancer stick-gums inhalers patches champix-standing on your blooming head or drinking pissy herbal teas-you are all individuals (thank God)!!!!! Don't feel guilty using NRTs, and don't feel as if you have one upmanship if you have quit CT-we are all in it together beating this horrible addiction which makes us ill, feel crap, smell, makes us skint and social outcasts.

you do not need to be preached, belittled by anyone!!! willpower and education is the key!!!Quote

Well Said Shabba, Am sure Tracy will back me on this one too.....

U are absolutely correct.... I think some statments have knocked some peoples confidence on this forum lately.Well I am 100% with u on this one.

We are all doing it our own way.... And yes we are all individuals and what works for one doesnt always work for another.....

Great post Take care Kaz :)

nsd_user663_3810 profile image

Hey Kaz!!!

I'm looking at 8months quit soon started with NRT gum, when my confidence built up stopped the gum with normal chewy after 10 weeks and feeling greaaat!!! you can all do it-bloody hell if i can (loved my fags!! they just didn't love me) ANY-ONE CAN xxx

all the best xx and love to Tracey xxx

nsd_user663_4367 profile image


8 months A massive Big Well Done to you Shabba, and on NRT to start with, well that has given me my confidence right back, Thanks for that, I now know I can do it again..... Just had a few doubts put into my head.....

Enjoy your wine, I cant trust myself to drink to much at the moment, but sure I will get there with that also.... Had 2 nights drinking last wkend and got through it, but didnt want to push my luck again .....

Ha ha Am only jealous...... LOL

Thanks again u have made me feel so much better Kaz xx:D

nsd_user663_4196 profile image

Hi , thanks Kaz and Shabba and also Fionacox, after a few tough days doubting my quit using nrt, i now feel positive again, i do know that eventually i will come off nrt, but for now im sticking with it, there was some of billys posts that i really thought were right but when i started doubting my own quit and my confidence dropped completely last night realy felt like my quit was wrong and gonna end in disaster, but thanks to all you lovely people who have helped me last night and tonight i am now back positive again!

Welldone shabba, your quit is fantastic and will inspire me now, and kaz we will do it, MMQ Crew:D quittrs we all in it together! x thanks again peeps:)

nsd_user663_4367 profile image


Well Tracy, that has made my night now, glad to hear u are positive again, and a big thanks to Shabba..... Your experience has defro helped us both.... Back on track Big Hugs xx:D:):cool:

nsd_user663_3810 profile image

BLOODY BIG group hug-we are all at different stages but we are all going through the same journey-WHAT A JOURNEY-fight for freedom is great !!!!!!!

nsd_user663_4196 profile image

Hi again, its only me, i know im a little slow, but after these last couple of days think im even slower, ive just read the day 4/7 forum and found a post thanking billy for all his help, moderator 2 got him, he was thanking himself and believes he is god! Well i feel a total prat now! well and truly, ive been stressing out over this last week thinking im quitting wrong and never gonna make it because of things i read in billys posts, and it turns out he is god! :eek:Well now ive got the giggles and cant stop laughing i thought my mind was screwed up!(HA HA HE HE), i need a drink! x


nsd_user663_4418 profile image

BLOODY BIG group hug-we are all at different stages but we are all going through the same journey-WHAT A JOURNEY-fight for freedom is great !!!!!!!

That says it all :D:D:D

nsd_user663_4196 profile image

Shabba, thanks for hug, nearly chocked on my drink, that would be a sign - give up smoking and die choking on a drink! (sorry bad i know just got the giggles) x

nsd_user663_4418 profile image

i need a drink! x


Shabba and I were having a few .... but shes signing out... ur welcome to join me ... im on the voddy now.... oh .... and Ive ate everything... theres no more munchies

nsd_user663_4196 profile image

Thanks greg, got a vodka in hand right now, after the last few days on here i definately need this one.

I aint got any munchies left either, must be a quitting thing, and oh i got the giggles, but im not smoking and thats all that matters!


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Shabba :D

Good to see you back if only for a visit



nsd_user663_4140 profile image

Hey shabba

Hey Shabba

I agree with you that it doesnt matter how we quit, as long as we do quit !!! Its a bloody hard road and one I have failed on time and time again....

I think 1quitJan is so pleased that he has managed to quit, he wants to share all his quit stratagies with everyone else. Not sure if hes smug and "god like" but who cares if he is helping people. Some of his postings make really good and interesting reading. But we all know it is down to us as individuals to sort our selves out, support along the way is great, but it is down to US !!!

You have come out of the journey on the other side and one day I hope to be in the same shoes as you, until then i will take all the help and support I can get !!



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