7 months: Well - 7 months under the belt now... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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7 months

nsd_user663_3633 profile image
20 Replies

Well - 7 months under the belt now! A belt, I might add, that (like all the rest of my posessions) does not smell of stale smoke.

I celebrated by cycling 31 miles this morning at an average speed of 17mph, not bad eh? Just another ride as part of my aim to keep fit and get ready for the 100 mile ride in a little under 2 months time.

Was a great ride, really enjoyed it.

After that, I cleaned the car - wash, wax, hoover, interior and under bonnet detail. Kind of a "pre show season inspection" if you like, to see how my daily driver/show car has survived the winter. Not bad, actually. A few stone chips and surface scratches need attention but nothing I can't sort before the first show next month.

Then out to the garden where I started levelling the piece of ground that my new shed will go on in a couple of weeks. Then water the new lawn (growing nicely) out the back and mow the old one out the front.

So, a hectic day... but what better way to celebrate 7 months quit? I got to breathe deep, work hard and enjoy my freedom. All without cravings, without having to feed my nicotine addiction and best of all......

Without taking a break every 30 minutes or less because I was out of breath.

Stay happy, and stay free everybody :D

*Does his little dance*

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nsd_user663_3633 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Big Well Done

Gosh Stuart, What a day.... Well done to you,,, I have had a really lazy day with a massive hangover, Not been out drinking since I quit so had a big night out last night with all my smoking mates... Was a real tester... Dont feel brill today but would feel 100 times worse if I smoked... Not use to this drinking now, but needed to do it to prove a point.....

You defro give me the encouragement to continue reading your posts....

Congratulations, so proud of you.. Kaz:p

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done stu hun.

you always make me smile cos you sound so up beat and on top form. So pleased to see you doing so well. Happy easter my friend to you and your lovely family. And bloody well done on your 7 months. CONGRATS.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Huge well done Stuart :) How good it feels to be able to do so much and not get breathless.

You must have the sun shining there today, we have grey clouds, very damp and dismall.

Happy Easter to you and your family.



nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Well done Stu! Another person I admire onwards and upwards! You always have good advice to pass on to us newbies!

nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Congratulations, Stuart!

nsd_user663_4464 profile image

Congratulations. 7 months that's great. Posts like yours make me really realise that it is possible to get free of the :eek:'s. You sound so busy and happy. I'm really pleased for you.

Stay Strong


nsd_user663_3822 profile image

Congratulations on reaching 7 months Stuart,your posts are an inspiration.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Stuart :D

My what a busy boy you've been all that work makes me tired just reading it HA HA

I am so very,very proud of you

I really don't have the words to tell how much


Mum xxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3704 profile image

Well done Stuart-7 months is great!

I always love reading your posts as I know I'm not too far behind you!

Sounds like you've had a really fulfilling day-the weather wasn't great down this way so I've been lazy but just got back from a meal with family-lovely not to have to keep nipping outside for a fag!

Good to hear the cycling is going so well-must dust my bike off-never know maybe I could manage the London-Brighton in a couple of months!

nsd_user663_3617 profile image

Congratulations Stuart, another month that we can "tick off".:D:D



nsd_user663_4421 profile image

7 month's... wow well done to you!! And I feel like I need a nap now just reading about your day :eek: Like you say though, it makes it soooo much easier when you're not out of breath.;)

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Thanks everyone - it feels so good not to have to think about it any more.

For a while, the quit and not smoking took up nearly all of my thoughts - so much so that at times I resented it a bit...

I filled in my quit journal everyday (I still do it when I remember - about once every 2 weeks lately!), I would come on here all the time just reading or chatting and trying to help others, I would read and re-read other websites.

All this and much, much more in the hope that by concentrating fully on what I had to do I was going to build a foundation that would be strong enough to last forever. That I would achieve my goal of being smoke free for the rest of my life if I put the work in.

Now, I'm not saying the job is done - far from it. I think I still have a lot to do, my re-education is still very much ongoing..... it's just that the need for it to take priority is gone. I have done the groundwork, the first floor is built and is strong enough to last forever provided I don't do something stupid. I have somewhere I can live while I build the rest of the house one brick at a time.

Happy Tuesday to you all.

jackieinv profile image

Congratulations Stuart - wow 7 months. You are a great help and inspiration to many of us on here maybe a chip of the old female block eh, she is great!!


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Congratulations Stuart - wow 7 months. You are a great help and inspiration to many of us on here maybe a chip of the old female block eh, she is great!!


Being compared to my Mum is not such a bad thing, no :D

I think I got her determination, if nothing else! But on this occasion she copied me and followed me here.... I couldn't be happier that she has managed to quit, and is doing so well too :D

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hello Stuart

Congratulations on your 7 months


nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Well done Stuart,I have no doubts you have won the battle.

Congrats on your 7 months+

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Good work Stu, only 5 months until the YouTube dance sensation is unleashed then ;)

Hope48 profile image

Great going Stuart:D

Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hi Stuart,

Congratulations on your 7 months - the penthouse is less than half a year away!


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Thank you everyone :D

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