help!: hi folks-i'v just joind u-i want... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_4437 profile image
15 Replies

hi folks-i'v just joind u-i want 2 quit smokn and just cant-the notion of a smoke gets inside my head and i just cant say no-i'm smokn now and i'v a patch on!i'm a hopeless case who knows how good it is 2 stop cause i did it b4 for a year and my own stupidity hookd me back on them-i hate it-help!

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nsd_user663_4437 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_4196 profile image

Hi johnlpc, the most important thing is that you want to quit and as you on here thats probably the case, once you make the decision which is the hardest step to take, there are lots of great people on here to offer you advice and help, there are link pages that the more experienced members will offer to you for you to read read and read it really is the best way to re-educate yourself and becoming a non smoker, good luck and im sure you will gets lots of other replys soon.


nsd_user663_4437 profile image

thanks dude

cheers dude-i'v 2 cigs 2 smoke and then i'm goin 4 it again-un never know it mite be 673rd time lucky-this mite be it-i know i shouldnt even smoke these 2 but i hav 2-if they vanishd now i'd prob break in2 th local shop and smoke a whole pack!or 10-i'll b joinin the ranks of the happy nonsmokers in about 10 mins-wish me luck and i'll do me best-i'v the patches(i'll need patches to get off the patches!) and the inhalor thing 4 my hardest times-first hour of the day and straight after work-i want 2 be as lucky as yous and live a bit longer-

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

I'm on day 9 now, and if I could pull you into day 9 and show you how you would feel, you would never smoke again!! and that is a promise!! and no doubt people that are on day 20/30/40/1000 are wishing they could show you how good they feel too!!! bare with it, you will feel,smell and look fantastic after such a short space of time.... and it's easy to do... just never light that cig ever again!!

nsd_user663_4437 profile image


cheers dudes-days, weeks, months?i'm now a nonsmoker and th first 2 mins have been okay-i'll clock in 2mor, all goin well-

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

Oh you have a good humour!!! you'll be just fine.... :D Just watch out on day 2 for the oxygen over dose.... it just has you giggling for no apparent reason... but its good fun :D

nsd_user663_3810 profile image

The thought of stopping is faaaaaaarrrrrrr worse than actually stopping-hang in there, you did it before so whats changed? good luck and keep us posted!

nsd_user663_4317 profile image

hi John, initially I did 5 mins at a time dont overwhelm yourself. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single stepLao-Tzu. Keep posting on here theres some good people wholl give you support every step of the way. Youve done a year, wow what an achievement so you know you can do it!! Keep coming back John and all the best for tomorrow :D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi John :)

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Good Luck


nsd_user663_3140 profile image

Morning John, welcome to the forum. It can certainly be tricky for the first week to 10 days but after that it tends to be much, much easier once the nicotine side of things is pretty much taken care of.

I'd suggest you spend a good amount of time looking through the links Marg has posted, read as much information as you can about the drug addiction that is smoking and if you can get hold of Allen Carr's book/cds I'd highly recommend that as well.

Also there are very many helpful people on this forum so any time you are feeling low, want a rant, have a question or cant decide what to watch on telly.. get on here and speak your mind.

Good luck for today!

nsd_user663_4398 profile image

Morning John,

I hope you decide to join us again today. Believe me......this is the best decision I have made in a long, long time. Day 5 now and I feel good. Yes quiting smoking is hard, but you can do it. Everybody here is so encouraging, and when you have a bad day we are all here to pick you up and set you right for the next day. Hang in there john, love J. x:D

nsd_user663_4437 profile image

wen ur a smoker ur mind is partly urs and then ther's the other bit that u dont hav total control of-i been checkn my support messages and that's wat i need to help me thro-

i been readn other posts in different degrees of panic and excitement-we all no we can succeed-we wer/are all as addictd as each other and the fact that others can live fre3e of suckn in tar, gunge and desease then so can i and so can u-

a mate of mine said to me once-"sooner or later u'r gona be told to stop smokn or die (the choice is gona b as stark as that), so u mite as well give it up b4 that and enjoy some benefits of a healthier life"

all the words of encouragement are great and make me feel that i can do it-roll on the end of my workn day so i can stare smokn straight in th eye and say stick ur badhealth up ur arsen venger!

thanks again dudes and hang in ther

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi John :D

Well said and welcome to the party

We will all give you all the help and support we can for as long as you need it. Post often have a rant or a moan pretty much anything goes on here we've all been where you are now after all and we all needed that help as well

Best Wishes

Marg x

nsd_user663_4437 profile image

thanks-one thing that helpd me get thro 2day was my joinen of this forum-i made a pact with meself to use this forum to stay stoppd and i have-that's my first day over and it was great-my oldest son and i walkd out along the river and waffled away-support's wats needed-this is it-i feel confident and hopeful that i'm gona succeed-hope u do to-

40 a day for 20 years-tobacco fags and the other stuff-cant wait to.....not waitn at all-i feel great already-

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

What a great post John!! ya sound great too ;) everyday makes you feel that bit better, keep up the good work x

nsd_user663_4437 profile image

that friday feeln!

aint it great!tomorrow's friday and i'm a non smoker-so far so great!

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