Wtf!: week 3 day 19 and Im trying to deal... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_4197 profile image
14 Replies

week 3 day 19 and Im trying to deal with why i have become a miserable short tempered cow! well I know why, because Im missing my old friends cigarettes.

I am NOT going to smoke because I really dont want to and I am really trying to educate my brain, just been on woofmag and been watching joels dvds. Im understanding why but i hate feeling like this.

Im trying not to blame every way I feel on giving up smoking and after I have posted this Im going to get a grip of myself and go out in the sunshine but arrgghhhhh!!!!!!:(

I spent the night last night hardly speaking to my boyfriend and went to bed early as I feel exhausted. It tires me out mentally getting my head in the right place to get through this.

i woke up this morning and have just felt like I could burst out crying at any minute. this is not like me.

im going for a mega session at the gym later and then going to give my boyf a massive hug

hope everyone else is doing ok x

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nsd_user663_4197 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Moog hun

sorry to hear your having a shit time hun. i remember having one or two day like this at the start you will feel better. Very good for having a read it do help. A lot of people find week three a bummer dont know why. I hope you feel better soon. tell your BF your sorry and why you feel down maybe he can think of something to take your mind off smoking. Wink wink HEHE.xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4391 profile image

I am in exactly the same boat, I am on day 25 now but for the past week I have felt like a completely different person, really moody, short tempered, everthing has started to irritate me from the way my bf eats to the way my sister talks, and I keep having to convince myself it is just the cigs and I don't want to dump my bf and disown my sister lol

I work in sales and my sales have gone down loads this week, and I know its because I am struggling to be nice to the customers whilst feeling so short tempered.

My mouth tastes worse that it did when I smoked (not sure if anyone else is finding that) ?? I keep telling myself its my body cleaning itself out. I hope it is that and not that I just have scabby mouth smoker or non smoker???

Despite all this I really have no urge to smoke whatsoever, and I am not even getting cravings! The smell of cigs on other people makes want to vomit. The thought of spending £5.60 a day on them makes me angry!!!

I have tried to stop about a million times, but this time feels completely different (I've never got passed 2 weeks before), and I think its because I have forced myself to have a really negative attititude to smoke and its stuck and really working.

This is awful (but it works) - everytime I walk past a really ugly, wrinkly, fat, badly dressed man with a cig - I tell myself that will be me if I have just one more drag lol

nsd_user663_4197 profile image


you have really hit the nail on the head, im moody and miserable but with no desire to smoke. im hoping it will pass!

well done for being on day 25 thats brilliant

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Sam :D

Sorry you feel done in the dumps today but it really will get better soon



nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Kevin :D

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Well done on 25 days quit tha's great well done and you are right about all those problems you are getting it really is your body healing after all the abuse it has had

Best Wishes


nsd_user663_3822 profile image

Hi Moog and Kevin,

I remember the feelings you have described very well,they will pass soon,stay strong and be proud of yourselves for having saved your lives by quitting smoking.

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

thanks everyone, starting to feel proud for resisting even when Ive been so tempted to go and buy a pack.

hoping tomorrow will be a better day xx

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Kevin, Moog.... I really think you guys will feel much better soon..... I almost cracked and gave in and after day 29 I started having good days..... everyone is different but after 1 month it happened for me. Hang in there.... it gets easier and you start to forget them!

nsd_user663_4397 profile image

im feeling SOOOOO much better after reading this.. im in the same situation i feel so angry 3 weeks ago i was happy planning my wedding and now after giving up smoking i feel like telling my Fiance to stick the wedding lol... i hate feeling like this but at the moment i feel like i hate everyone. i dont want to smoke and i know that i wont as i will feel like i have failed ( plus im saving money) but i feel like i would rather smoke then feel like this a mintue longer.

my Finace quit at the same time as me but it doesnt seem to be effecting him ( which just adds to my frustration)

will i ever feel happy again?????????????/

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

will i ever feel happy again?????????????/

You WILL feel happier again. :)

In fact you’ll start to feel more serene to the point where it dawns on you that you never once felt this relaxed or happy when you smoked. All smoking ever did was introduce additional worries (Where can I smoke? When can I smoke.? Shall I smoke.? Why can’t I smoke.?) on to the pile of existing worries that we all have.

One of the biggest challenges you face is the concept of not smoking forever.

As a habit it is so deeply entrenched that even quitters many years down the line have a sudden panic attack that they’ll never ever light up another cigarette ever...

Our re-education involves undertaking every task smoke-free. Some we tackle instantly like driving, drinking, chilling and other daily routines. The less frequent triggers like holidays, functions, births and deaths all have to be now tackled without a smoke.

The beauty is that the longer we stay clean the easier these challenges become.

I find for example that the sheer joy of international air travel without the stress of smoking is astounding.

The real sting in the tail is that when the desire to smoke overwhelms us and we succumb to that desperate fag not a single one of the problems goes away. Every little worry and niggle is still there staring at us with the added disaster that we’ve now smoked again.

Not smoking becomes a day by day, one foot after the other, expedition through the rest of our lives and it gets better day by day. Sadly there is no sudden recovery, no magic cure.

But, our rose-tinted-smoking goggles that once showed everything better in that smoky light are now found to be truly the work of the devil because as we experience life smoke-free we discover that the holiday WAS better, that gig WAS more enjoyable, that quiet dinner FAR more romantic when we did them without tobacco.

Coping with “now” can be tough but we learn by looking back that it IS a lot better.

Trust us…. ;)

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

You WILL feel happier again. :)

In fact you’ll start to feel more serene to the point where it dawns on you that you never once felt this relaxed or happy when you smoked. All smoking ever did was introduce additional worries (Where can I smoke? When can I smoke.? Shall I smoke.? Why can’t I smoke.?) on to the pile of existing worries that we all have.

One of the biggest challenges you face is the concept of not smoking forever.

As a habit it is so deeply entrenched that even quitters many years down the line have a sudden panic attack that they’ll never ever light up another cigarette ever...

Our re-education involves undertaking every task smoke-free. Some we tackle instantly like driving, drinking, chilling and other daily routines. The less frequent triggers like holidays, functions, births and deaths all have to be now tackled without a smoke.

The beauty is that the longer we stay clean the easier these challenges become.

I find for example that the sheer joy of international air travel without the stress of smoking is astounding.

The real sting in the tail is that when the desire to smoke overwhelms us and we succumb to that desperate fag not a single one of the problems goes away. Every little worry and niggle is still there staring at us with the added disaster that we’ve now smoked again.

Not smoking becomes a day by day, one foot after the other, expedition through the rest of our lives and it gets better day by day. Sadly there is no sudden recovery, no magic cure.

But, our rose-tinted-smoking goggles that once showed everything better in that smoky light are now found to be truly the work of the devil because as we experience life smoke-free we discover that the holiday WAS better, that gig WAS more enjoyable, that quiet dinner FAR more romantic when we did them without tobacco.

Coping with “now” can be tough but we learn by looking back that it IS a lot better.

Trust us…. ;)

Post of the day? No.

Post of the week? no.

One of the best and most positive posts I have ever read. Best of all, it's all true. Every word.

It not only gets better - but it's gets MUCH better. You will very soon feel better than you remember EVER feeling before. Getting control of your life back is such a huge thing, and it feels fantastic.

Very well said, Austin.

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

One of the best and most positive posts I have ever read. Best of all, it's all true. Every word.

Very well said, Austin.

I completely agree 100%


nsd_user663_4391 profile image

Thanks for your encouraging words everyone.

I'm finding the best way to deal with feeling like this is to make a big joke out of how moody you are being and see the funny side.

People who know you should understand that your short temper and moodyness is just a temporary characted while you give up them horrible cancer sticks.

My friends and bf are being really understanding but I have made it into a bit of a comedy act and rather than getting upset with me they are taking the mic out of me, which I would rather them do.

nsd_user663_4422 profile image

Thats me for sure

im feeling SOOOOO much better after reading this.. im in the same situation i feel so angry 3 weeks ago i was happy planning my wedding and now after giving up smoking i feel like telling my Fiance to stick the wedding lol... i hate feeling like this but at the moment i feel like i hate everyone. i dont want to smoke and i know that i wont as i will feel like i have failed ( plus im saving money) but i feel like i would rather smoke then feel like this a mintue longer.

my Finace quit at the same time as me but it doesnt seem to be effecting him ( which just adds to my frustration)

will i ever feel happy again?????????????/

OMG I am feeling the same! I just want to kill ppl!!! Not really, but its not helping me get along with ppl thats for sure!

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