Hi! Help wanted :): Hi! So glad I found... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hi! Help wanted :)

nsd_user663_4222 profile image
16 Replies


So glad I found this forum! My quit day is wednesday 11th March. Think my biggest worry is feeling anxious and unable to deal with silly problems without getting myself in a mood! ( you know that mood that only people who have tried to quit or have quit smoking experience? ;) ) Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with this? I would really appreciate the advice



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nsd_user663_4222 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_4196 profile image

hello kittylover, i too am quitting on wednesday and also starting to feel nervous, i have thought about what to do at that moment of panic and i am going to try differant things, putting music on and maybe dance, drinking fresh orange juice, coming on this forum and deep breathing, hopefully this will help, have you tried to quit before and are you using anything to help. tracy.

nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Don't panic, to be honest the panic you're feeling about quitting now is far worse than anything you will experience once you stop. That may not make sense but trust me the cravings aint that bad and you'll be so proud of yourself for the first while you won't even notice:D

Hope you're both starting to read up:D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Kitty & Tracy

Welcome to the forum as John say's there is no need to be nervous or panic it won't be even 1/2 as bad as you think and we will all be here to help you

Good Luck


nsd_user663_3810 profile image

I agree with johnt5

The thought of stopping smoking is actually far worse than doing it!!! It's not 'as bad' as you 'think' stay focused-and start to look forward to it--Fantastic-free from nicotine addiction-definately something to look forward to than dreading xxxxx:)

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi kitty and tracy,you are most well come to the site,,congrats on you quit on wednesday,its the best thing you will ever do in your life,,there is lots of help on here,, read all you can,,educate your self,,like john says its not that bad ,i promise you both,,just keep the faith tony keep:D:D:D

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Welcome Tracy and Kitty!! Those panic attacks can be a pain.... a lot don't have em but I sure did! I was prepared as hell for them though and had a whole list of interventions :) You make it through those first few days and anything after that comes along will be just fine.... keep busy, distract yourself, remind yourself of the great reasons to stop, remind yourself of the benefits of smoking NONE and keep going DAY by DAY.... come on here, read, make friends, and learn... you'll have bad days... yup.... just like if your were still smoking...... so much to look forward to!! Good luck to both of you. Remember to keep :):)

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Hiya Tracy and Kittylover. I wish I had found this forum before I quit. I had exactly the same feelings, frightened to death about trying to stop smoking, but, as the others have said it wont be nearly as bad as you think. I will be starting my sixteenth day in thirteen minutes and all that people say on here is true, because they have been through it themselves. Give it a good go on Wednesday, and stick with the winners, here. David

nsd_user663_4159 profile image

Hi Kitty,

On my first day, I decided to write down all the hours in my awake day. Basically from 7am till 11pm. Then as the day went on I ticked off the hours. For me it worked and got me through the first day, sometimes looking at the entire day may seem a daunting task, so to break it down into smaller achievement bits helps. This way when you do get a craving to have a ciggy you only have to wait at most an hour for your reward to tick off another hour. Then when you have completed an hour you will feel positive going into the next hour. Before you know it will be lunch time, dinner time and bed time and end of day 1.

Remember a craving only lasts for 2 mins, then you will be distracted by something. If it gets real bad, make a phone call to a colleague or friend, and you'll be just that bit closer to the next hour.

Day 2 is a great day, as you feel instantly better, pleased with yourself and very positive. Also you have broken all the routine habitual smoking habits from the previous day, e.g A fag with a cup of coffe etc.

Good luck, very inteterested to see how you get on, dont be scared it really aint that bad.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Welcome Both has the others have said things are no where near as bad as you think. Take things a little at a time you see improvments very fast. look forward to you day one its the start og a new life.xxxx Ps we are all here to give you support read read read. xxxxx

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

welcome to you both, good luck with quitting. Its not as bad as you think and so nice to get through each day as a non smoker and the fact that you have chosen to not smoke!!

as everyone says, read up and get your head in the right place and go for it. the support on here is great :)

nsd_user663_4166 profile image


Hi Tracy & Kitty,

No need to panic, just get your mindset right and say:

"I am not going to be a slave to ciggs anymore."

Throw everything out before you go to bed tonight. Get up with a positive attitude and anytime you feel a craving coming on drink plenty of water, keep busy, take deep breaths, scream if you have too and log in and read loads. This helped me,

Everyone on here have been a godsend to me. They are soooo wise in this area as they all have been through it and keep me going every day.

I know you can do it.

I am on day 15 and It feels great. It gets easier and easier as the days go on.

Wishing you all the very best for tomorrow.



nsd_user663_3983 profile image

Woo hoo! Only one day till you're free of nicotine forever! Seriously, it's the best thing you will ever do. I understand your concerns but, as everyone else has said, it's not half as bad as you think it will be... and if you feel angry or frustrated, just log-on to here and let it all out!

I found that in the first three days I felt very jumpy and grouchy - my way round it was keeping myself busy and, if possible, getting some exercise - preferably something where you can get rid of a bit of tension such as boxercise, tennis, tae bo - or anything where you can have a good hard punch, kick or hit! Failing that, getting out for a walk - one that really makes you work for it and sweat - is great. Just keep running the thought through your head that every step and breath you take is one step away from nicotine and another towards being fitter and healthier.

It's only 47 days since I quit and I can say with all honesty that my health has improved dramatically. I used to be tired all the time - now I have bags of energy, my skin was uneven and 'lifeless' - now my skin is glowing and the best it's ever been, and, best of all - I haven't had an asthma attack in weeks. Crazy to think that I carried an inhaler alongside my pack of 20 in my handbag.

If only I'd found this forum sooner... and had the courage to take the first step...

Let us know how you get on.

nsd_user663_4165 profile image

Day 1

Don't dread it like you're losing out on anything or giving anything up !! I'm only a week into this and overall it's total freedom and heaven to be smoke free. You're not losing anything except a habit-you'll all be gaining so so much and doing what you want to do not what your nicotine mind wants you to do. This forum is fab for support and encouragement and the people are lovely.. id love to know who started this and how many people have benefited from it !!

nsd_user663_2846 profile image

Tracy and Kitty

Good luck to you both for tomorrow. I will be joining you on Day 1 too.

I'm going to do what Big Lad suggests, tick off the hours in the early days. I've also got all the useful links I've got from forum members saved in my browser so that they can be pulled up quickly.

I'm off to treat my fridge to some healthy produce. My eating habits are poor to say the least. I eat very little, but that's about to change too.

nsd_user663_3983 profile image

Don't dread it like you're losing out on anything or giving anything up !! I'm only a week into this and overall it's total freedom and heaven to be smoke free. You're not losing anything except a habit-you'll all be gaining so so much and doing what you want to do not what your nicotine mind wants you to do. This forum is fab for support and encouragement and the people are lovely.. id love to know who started this and how many people have benefited from it !!

Oh Dee Dee - total nail-hitting on the head! I sometimes feel like I'm in the Allen Carr cult - but I totally believe what he said about it not being 'quitting' or 'giving up' because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain...

Well done on your first week - the worst is over and with that attitude you're a great asset to this forum! We alway need a few people with a positive attitude to cheer us all on at low points! :)

nsd_user663_4285 profile image

Greatest respect!

Hi folks, I'm a great believer in that we are all capable of a lot more than we believe, I'm sure each and every one of you has the courage, determination and persistence to achieve your goals of quitting. :)Remember one step at a time...my biggest tip to you is to imagine you have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other - give them names to make it fun. Dan the devil:mad: and Annie the Angel:D. When 'Dan' speaks up that he's 'craving' a cigarette, mentally switch your strength to 'Annie' and allow her to be loud and clear - "step into her" and tell her to shut 'Dan' up by giving all the reasons you're committed to giving up. Zx

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