Been quite ill: Since I stopped smoking... - No Smoking Day

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Been quite ill

nsd_user663_3874 profile image
9 Replies

Since I stopped smoking 3 months ago been quite ill both physically and mentally is this normal. Had every turn,cold and flu going since I stopped and am worn out. Also started sleep walking again something I haven't done for 30 years!!! Wife says it was better when I was smoking and it was her that drove me to stop.!!

No way do I intend to start again but bit alarmed by all this.



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nsd_user663_3874 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hello Toolpusher

I don't think I can be much help with this it seems to be quite common to start with the colds, etc maybe some of the others on here will be of more help but if you are worried go and see your doc. if nothing else will put your mind at rest

Glad you are not even thinking of starting again hang in there

bedt wishes

nsd_user663_3911 profile image

Yes, it's quite normal to be pretty messed up both physically and mentally.

But as always, if there's anything you're not sure about a visit to the G.P.'s in order.

Best of luck with the quit.

nsd_user663_3991 profile image


I am no where near month 3 (3 weeks today in fact and on my fourth week from tomorrow) but I have felt dreadful.

I have had everything from joint pain to bleeding gums to other issues that last week I ended up seeing my GP about and having a load of blood tests.

I am still not satisfied or feeling any better and mentally am not 100% at all. I have the worst anxiety ever about my health, its like a vicious circle

I stopped posting on one of the no smoking forums I was going on as I felt so negative about the whole quit process and although like you I dont intend to start smoking, I am finding it very hard to get my head round it

Have had my first cold this weekend as well!!!!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Sam

Well done on 3 weeks quit it really will start to get better hang in there

nsd_user663_3983 profile image

Like the others, it's less than three weeks since I quit - but I've already been very poorly twice - first with a throat and chest infection (oh, the irony!) and then a bladder infection (either it was the first bug that triggered it or the nasties from the cigarettes starting to leave my body).

Add to that the constipation, spots, vivid dreams, sleepless nights...

I too have been been determined not to return to cigs to 'cure' these problems. I got antibiotics from the doctor to clear up the infections in my chest and bladder and have also gone down the 'complementary' route. I'm taking a full range multi-vitamin and mineral every day, echinacea to ward off any more bugs and to sort out my temperamental tummy I'm taking probiotics (by Solgar - better strength and more effective than 'live' yogurts) and psyllium husks (you mix the powder in water and drink - it looks and tastes like wallpaper paste but is a gentle way to, erm, get things moving!).

This weekend I've finally started to feel a bit better. Reading posts like yours makes me aware that I might have a long battle ahead, but I feel in my bones that in the long run we will all come out fighting fit - and it's worth it, no matter how long that might take.

Hope you feel better soon.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Breaking Free

Glad you are feeling better now and well done on your quit Just hang in there

All the best

nsd_user663_4063 profile image


I am no where near month 3 (3 weeks today in fact and on my fourth week from tomorrow) but I have felt dreadful.

I have had everything from joint pain to bleeding gums to other issues that last week I ended up seeing my GP about and having a load of blood tests.

I am still not satisfied or feeling any better and mentally am not 100% at all. I have the worst anxiety ever about my health, its like a vicious circle

I stopped posting on one of the no smoking forums I was going on as I felt so negative about the whole quit process and although like you I dont intend to start smoking, I am finding it very hard to get my head round it

Have had my first cold this weekend as well!!!!

here we go the bleeding gums again.. I have the same thing.. i was looking for answers to this I guess its a sign of not smoking

nsd_user663_3810 profile image

Hi folks

just alittle info on bleeding gums albeit i'm no expert!!

Your gums are bleeding due to the fact the blood capillaries are re-emerging and forming in your gums, as smoking destroys these. They are very delicate to begin with, however toughen up after 3 months of forming, It is essential to have excellent oral hygiene, dont be alarmed if your gums look red or inflammed this is also a positive sign of blood flowing to the area.

This is the info i recieved off my dentist, a good scale and polish will be needed now you are all non smokers to remove the nicotine stains and also to prevent gum disease of your newly sensitve blood capillaries.

I know its tough and you can feel down and wonder why you have bothered to quit when health wise you feel crap-but remember you have spent many years inhaling tar and other poisons-coughs, colds sniffles, PND are all signs of the body excreting all these toxins.

Green tea-full of anti-oxidants is excellent for tissue regeneration

Milk thistle-excellent for the digestive system

Lavender oil in your bath helps with sleep problems

hope this helps xxxx

nsd_user663_4063 profile image

thanks so much.. i have a dentist app. on thursday...:)

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