Big test today: Well I'm being well and truly... - No Smoking Day

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Big test today

nsd_user663_3200 profile image
15 Replies

Well I'm being well and truly tested today! YEsterday I decided to stop using the nicotine lozenges, and I had a pretty good day. I was a bit cranky, but I knew it and so kept myself to myself. All in all I did canny good.

Then I woke up this morning and discovered that some smelly skanky druggie decided to help himself to some of my electrical goods during the night whilst me and my 5 year old son were alseep. Luckily they only got away with my mobile phone. They tried to take the wii but couldn't untangle the wires and so gave up.

The upshot is that today I really feel like having a fag! It's a weird feeling cos I don't actually feel like I want one, just that I need one. It's hard to explain! I'm 99% certain that I won't actually have one, cos to be honest if I did, I would be even more pi$$ed off than I already am.

I may be popping in occasionally during the day to shout for help though!

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nsd_user663_3200 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hi Dave I cant say I am sruprised you are p***ed of any one would be:mad:, stay away from fags and come in to the forum and scream and shout as much as you like, someone will listen to you and possibly offer you some good advice.


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

No problem with popping in for a shout and scream, you seem to be holding it together really well under the circumstances.

Please remember one thing while you work through this difficult time...

That a cigarette will not help. It can't. The situation will still be what it is, but you smoked.

Also, you are 1/3 of the way to being clean of nicotine and it would be a shame to go back by using a lozenge.

Stay strong, you have already demonstrated that you can... so all you have to do is keep at it!

Best wishes,


nsd_user663_3728 profile image


No you do not need or want a fag

You only think you do because that would have been your natural reaction before your quit

Sorry you had unwanted visitors in the night b..........ds

well done on cutting out the lozenges

You are right this is a big test for you and think how much stronger you will feel after this

Good luck


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free


It’s a mantra that many of us have learnt…

No matter how bad the situation gets, a smoke won’t make it better.

In fact the smoke will just make the situation just that little bit worse.

The stress that the fag relieves is simply the stress of not having the fag.

Every situation we face smoke free is another round in the chamber of our fight.

Every battle gets a little easier because we end up with the tools and ammunition to fight it.

Stay strong. :)

nsd_user663_3849 profile image

Hi Dave,

What an awful thing to happen. But I agree with Margaret - you feel you need a ciggie because that WAS your immediate reaction when you were a smoker.

But - as we know - a cigarette won't actually make the situation better and it won't even make you feel better cos you'll be pi$$ed off that you had one.

I felt the same yesterday when my car broke down (I know it doesn't really compare) - I burst into tears and I felt I needed a ciggie! Now I don't really do crying - except the odd film but the whole situation I felt warranted a few tears!

I am SO glad that I didn't nick one of my hubby's fags. I know I can cope without the fags - if I'd have had a ciggie - I know the next time things didn't go right, I'd have another then another etc.

Keep strong and well done on getting this far!

nsd_user663_3996 profile image

Well I'm being well and truly tested today! YEsterday I decided to stop using the nicotine lozenges, and I had a pretty good day. I was a bit cranky, but I knew it and so kept myself to myself. All in all I did canny good.

Then I woke up this morning and discovered that some smelly skanky druggie decided to help himself to some of my electrical goods during the night whilst me and my 5 year old son were alseep. Luckily they only got away with my mobile phone. They tried to take the wii but couldn't untangle the wires and so gave up.

The upshot is that today I really feel like having a fag! It's a weird feeling cos I don't actually feel like I want one, just that I need one. It's hard to explain! I'm 99% certain that I won't actually have one, cos to be honest if I did, I would be even more pi$$ed off than I already am.

I may be popping in occasionally during the day to shout for help though!

Blimey you have done really well not to have the dreaded "fag". hope you and your son are both ok. keep us posted on your progress..... your doing really well.

nsd_user663_3707 profile image

how awful for you, dont let the b.......ds win twice over and smoke, you,d be so disappointed , stay strong, best of luck xx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi Dave

Sorry to hear that, glad they didn't get much.

Not much to add to what everyone else has said other than don't give in now or your quit will be another thing which that low life has stolen.

Best wishes,


nsd_user663_3200 profile image

Thanks everyone. Well I haven't smoked, I don't feel like I need to smoke, so I reckon everything's gonna be fine.

Oh yeah, this has really helped......about 10 minutes after the scene of crime officer left, my neighbour came and asked me if i would like him to give the video of 2 people breaking in to my house last night to the police!! Ha ha, caught bang to rights!!! Love it :D

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

One for good guy`s:D. I hope it nails the B******d`s.


Hope48 profile image

Hi Dave,

Im so sorry to hear about this,there are some low lives in the world!!:mad:

Keep strong and dont give in,I can understand the feeling you have,Ive had it too,It will pass and you will stronger for it;)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Dave

Well done for not having a fag

Hope your neighbours video nails them good and proper

nsd_user663_3200 profile image


The littl shit was arrested, his house was searched, and he was interviewed. My phone and watch weren't found in his house, and, funnily enough, he's denying burgling my house! He's been bailed till the end of march, and the police woman will watch the cctv 'sometime next week' when she's on nights. In the meantime I'm waiting for a brick thru my house or car window. What fun.....

But hey, still not smoking, and still not havin any NRT!!!! How good am I???? :cool: lmao

nsd_user663_3728 profile image


Well done for not giving in on what must be a stressful day hope the little vandal does not damage your property

You ask how good you are

you are truly very good

All the best


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

You are good Dave really good. xxxxxxxxxxx

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