Tell me I won't cave in!: Hi all - i'm on day... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Tell me I won't cave in!

nsd_user663_3849 profile image
20 Replies

Hi all - i'm on day 25 today and after a couple of shaky days, I feel really good today. Partly because I had to take the school running club due to the absence of the PE teacher. Running at the front with some very athletic 11 year-olds was a real test of fitness - there is NO way I could have done it three weeks ago!

I am just a little concerned about tomorrow night though. We have 2 friends coming for dinner. They are both smokers and of course my husband still smokes. So 3 out of 4 of us are smokers!

There will be plenty of wine sloshing about - tell me I won't be tempted PLEASE!

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nsd_user663_3849 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Jerry nooooooooooooooo you wont be tempted because you know how hard it has been getting to where you are now, 25 days is a great achievement and do you honestly want to go back to day you dont.

You are an absolutely star and do you think tomorrow when those 3 are going to be smoking that they are not going to be a bit jealous of you and the fact that you have chuck the dirty smelly habit in the bin, cause i bet they will be jealous, i know i was always envious of people that had managed to stop smoking.

You wont give in im 100% sure of it cause you know if you do then there is going to be an empty seat Jan 10 in the pent house and i know you want to be there as much as the rest of us.

Keep strong hun, i know you can do it and just think of how good you will feel at the end of it.

I will be thinking of you hun.



nsd_user663_3633 profile image

You will be tempted, sorry. Almost certainly.

I still am in situations like that.

Some things you can do.... ask them if they mind smoking in just one room for that evening, away from you.... or at least not at the table.

Limit your wine intake... by all means enjoy yourself, but it might be an idea to stay in control of your willpower.

It is just one of those situations you have to get through the first time to make it easier the next time...

I know you can do it... just don't smoke :D

nsd_user663_3849 profile image

Thanks guys - I know I won't smoke. I have got through 25 days without needing a ciggie so I won't cave in tomorrow.

It will be another achievement to get through the situation. I have been to quite a few social occasions since I stopped smoking but this is the first situation where I will be the only non-smoker.

I also know that I wouldn't even contemplated getting through tomorrow if it wasn't for all your help!

Hope someone will be about on here tomorrow night in case I need to come in if it does get a bit much!

nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Agree with Stuart, you will be tempted but where would the fun be if you weren't :rolleyes: you really should insist that smoking is outside though, fake a cough or something :cool:

Afraid I won't be about, I'm playing cards with - 4 smokers, thankfully where we're playing it's outside smoking :D

nsd_user663_3922 profile image

You are going to feel fantastic the next day. Don't let them get off lightly though, please tell them how hard you have tried (exaggerate) and how pleased you are with how well you have done, I know you won't want to make them feel uncomfortable but it is important they know. Then shut up about smoking or not smoking.

Have a lovely evening and enjoy the food and wine, which you will far more than them. The loveliest suppers used to only be an interval between fags for me before. And let us know how you get on. Good luck.:)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I have to agree with Stuart this it is most likely that you will be tempted.

However, in the few weeks you've been on here I think I know you well enough to know that you will choose not to act on that temptation.

That's right isn't it?

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hi Jerry I cant say you won`t be tempted but you could always do what I do. I send everybody who wants to smoke outside including the wife her sister and oh yeah the mother in law. stay strong and enjoy yourself.


nsd_user663_3828 profile image

Me too...

all smokers must go out and that includes my 80 year old Alzheimer sick Mum... even if the weather is -20.... I know that sounds cruel and horrible.... BUT... and she kindly offered... bless her soul....

nsd_user663_3922 profile image

steve, a little harsh, my 80 year old mother is the only person i know who is allowed to smoke wherever she likes

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

And I don't think Steve is being harsh at all. Even when I smoked, I never smoked at home for the sake of my son (and during the pregnancy after Mrs StuartH quit). I would go outside.

NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE... the Queen, the Pope... NO ONE smokes in my house.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE... the Queen, the Pope... NO ONE smokes in my house.

How about Mike Tyson???? :p:D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jerry-lee

You will almost certainly be tempted,But your husband at least knows how hard you have worked on this get him onside and keep to one room away from you, shouldn't be asking to much should it?

If they won't do this you could always move to another room everytime they light up until they get the message

Have fun

Love margaretxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3911 profile image

And I don't think Steve is being harsh at all. Even when I smoked, I never smoked at home for the sake of my son (and during the pregnancy after Mrs StuartH quit). I would go outside.

NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE... the Queen, the Pope... NO ONE smokes in my house.

Same for me I NEVER smoked in the house (even before the kids were born).

Bit of an irony though, had more respect for my wallpaper than I did for my lungs......:eek:

nsd_user663_3849 profile image

Thanks to you all! I had a really enjoyable evening and I the fantastic thing was - I genuinely DIDN'T WANT to smoke! I wasn't bothered by them all smoking at the table - I just looked across at my friend Helen who was smoking and I just thought how ridiculous it looks to be puffing on the end of the white stick!

My friends were most impressed by the fact I had stopped by cold turkey - and were a bit jealous I think!

Helen said she felt embarrassed that she was a smoker and she didn't want to smoke in front of me so she certainly didn't seem to smoke as much as she would normally!

I really feel so much more confident today now about my future without ciggies - but I know I wouldn't have got this far without all your support. Thank you so much.

I just need to get past the 6 week mark (2 weeks to go) as that is how long I quit for at my last attempt a couple of years ago!

nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Happy days JL, I made it through my card game ok too, felt a bit up tight but the stench coming off everyone else after they'd been out in the rain :D for a fag was enough to remind me that they are the one's missing out on something, not me ;)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Thanks to you all! I had a really enjoyable evening and I the fantastic thing was - I genuinely DIDN'T WANT to smoke! I wasn't bothered by them all smoking at the table - I just looked across at my friend Helen who was smoking and I just thought how ridiculous it looks to be puffing on the end of the white stick!

That is a great attitude and I bet you feel rightly proud.

Happy days JL, I made it through my card game ok too, felt a bit up tight but the stench coming off everyone else after they'd been out in the rain :D for a fag was enough to remind me that they are the one's missing out on something, not me ;)

Too true, and well done for getting though that. Did you win BTW? :D

The thought that for so long I was one of those "missing out" makes me quite embarrassed now :o

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Really glad you enjoyed your evening, well done :). Isn't it funny how non-smokers make the smokers feel self conscious and uncomfortable. As a smoker, I also envied the non-smoker. You should feel really proud.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image


So glad you enjoyed yourself isn't it a great feeling to find you really do not care when others light up

nsd_user663_3849 profile image

Yes - that's the great thing - it doesn't bother me when I see others smoking, in fact I'm getting to the stage where I feel a bit sorry for them. I do feel quite proud of myself - and so should you all for the getting this far.

I am sitting here now with my 4 month old nephew who I'm looking after for the day while my sister goes to the rugby. I don't have my own children so my nephew the next best thing. I SO want to see him grow up and I want to be here for him for a long time.

I can't understand how how any parent can smoke. How can you risk not being there for your kids? I would literally do anything for my little nephew.

I just feel sorry for folk who can't stop smoking when there are SO many reasons never to light up again!

nsd_user663_3849 profile image

Hi Jim,

Yes - I'm used to people smoking indoors so the smell doesn't affect me. What I really did notice though was the smell on my clothes when I came upstairs!

You see I'm not often in the same room as my husband when he smokes. Our sitting room is upstairs (where I am now!) and he only smokes in the kitchen/diner downstairs. And he has really cut down his smoking at home now since I have stopped. He will only have one after dinner then one more sometime in the evening (I'm sure he makes up for it at work though!).

He most certainly WON'T be smoking inside today anywhere in the house - while I have my little baby Jack here!

He is out shooting today - last one of the season so he'll no doubt he'll be fully nicotined up when he gets back!

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