Newbie on day 3: I had my last roll up at... - No Smoking Day

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Newbie on day 3

nsd_user663_3862 profile image
14 Replies

I had my last roll up at 8.30am on Tuesday, so I am into day three now, I smoked around 40 a day mainly when I was driving to and from work and I was pretty much a chain smoker on an evening. I am not using NRT, I was going to use Zyban, but they made me feel emotional and spaced out, so I stopped taking them after a couple of days a few days ago. I have smoked for 17 years I did give up in OCT 2007, but stupidly fell into the smoking trap again in March 2008, I intend not to fall back into the trap again this time. I am not too bad I am female so I am a bit worried about weight gain.

It was Tuesday I stopped not Monday as I had originally stated. I meant NRT not HRT

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nsd_user663_3862 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Staying active and giving yourself something to do instead of eat is a great way of controlling any weight gain.

Getting to day 3 is quite an acheivment, as I am sure you know - but isn't it day 4 as it's Thursday today?

Well done either way, whatever day it is :D

nsd_user663_3862 profile image

Thank you :)

I did mean to say 8.30 Tuesday I stopped, doh, it is day 3 :o.

It's not a case of staying active unfortunately, my job is not very active :(,

I am not doing bad though, in fact it seems not to be bothering me much at all, I have the occasional "need a fag" but it's over in a matter of seconds.

nsd_user663_3862 profile image

Thanks my name is Tre, I drink a lot of water anyway so I am pretty good there, I just realised I have put in HRT I meant NRT haha, I am being a bit retarded today :o. I am not actually hungry or picking but the bit you get when you feel like you need a fag does feel similar to hunger, it's not getting the two confused I am worried about.

nsd_user663_3862 profile image

Hehe OK thanks Jim :D

nsd_user663_3679 profile image

Hi tre and a big welcome to the forum.

Congrats on what you have achieved so far , 3 days is great!!!

Drinking water helps to flush out the system and to deal with the cravings , keep that up.

You should take boiled sweets or some light snack with you in the car to replace what you did before , as you now have to replace the old habit. maybe just for the first few weeks of your quit.

In the evening i would advise keeping busy in some shape or form , make the effort to occupy yourself and you will have less cravings to deal with.

If you ever get the urge to light up...come on here first and post and vent what your feelings are , you might find by the end of your post your craving has vanished.

Good luck in your quit and keep up the good work.

stay strong!

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi tre. you are doing very well,,when you feel a crave coming on ,do some reading,lots of will help you to understand why we must not helped me so much and i am sure it helped lots of others on here....not being morbed...,but i read a lot about young people dying of cancer,so young ,my god.. why do we still smoke when we know it will kill a lots of people,,young and old...this is one of the main reasons i am not going to smoke any more..I AM AN NON SMOKER FOR LIFE...ops gone off on one again,, lot keep the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_3862 profile image

Thank you so much Chilly and Tony, tiz a great help to come on here and get support :D,

Although I don't want to replace smoking with food so may give the munchies a miss, as I don't want to gain any weight. I am just going to ride out the storm as best I can CT, to be honest other than a few vile sudden mood swings I am mostly ok :)

nsd_user663_3862 profile image

Thank you, off to have a look :)

nsd_user663_3679 profile image

Thank you so much Chilly and Tony, tiz a great help to come on here and get support :D,

Although I don't want to replace smoking with food so may give the munchies a miss, as I don't want to gain any weight. I am just going to ride out the storm as best I can CT, to be honest other than a few vile sudden mood swings I am mostly ok :)

Thats fair enough :) i used to keep a pack of sugar snap peas and tangerines in my car for the journey but i just suggested boiled sweets as they sound more appealing!!

Weight gain can be controlled , addiction to nicotine cant! But yeah if you can avoid the Munchie route then even better. Alot of people use lollipops when they stop , im no expert but i wouldnt expect much weight gain from lollipops . But if your coping with things then thats great ,no need for lollipops or sugar snap peas .

I hope you continue the good work and you are half way through your first week which is a terrific achievement! Lets get you to the end of your first week smoke free!!

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Well done on quitting hun:) you will feel so much better for it mentally and physically.

I need to find another source of food to munch out on that isnt going to make me pile on the weight, got a terrible hunger atm.:eek:



nsd_user663_3862 profile image

Thanks so much for your help guys, I am very grateful. I try to stick to very low calories, I eat between 500-800 calories a day (I gain weight very easily), I wouldn't actually eat sweets etc, nor do I eat fruit because of the sugar content :o, I am a bit weird. I checked out the sugar free gum last night, but that seems to say there was 160k per 100 grams :confused: is that right? I can't see how when you spit them out, needless to say they stayed on the shelve.

nsd_user663_3712 profile image

Sugar Free Gum

Hey Tre,

Re the gum, it's the coating thats sugar & you do consume it, however 100g is loads of packets so the calories content is negligable.

Hope you are okay since the posts in the other area :):)

I have food addictions that have been masked by the smoking so kind of know where you are coming from. I just need to learn the food control now I don't have the fags to do it.

PM if you want to talk offline.

nsd_user663_3862 profile image

Thank you I am feeling ok :), I have got into chewing gum now, it seems to have helped me loads.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I found gum and mints were very useful when I 1st quit and gradually didn't have as many, not a concious thing it just happened.

Airwaves gum gets recommended a lot here!

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