The reason I gave up...for good this time!!!!! - No Smoking Day

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The reason I gave up...for good this time!!!!!

nsd_user663_3856 profile image
8 Replies

Ok, so I started smoking for the first time aged 11, I was encouraged by my sister and brother and as I came from a family of smokers I didn't think it was anything unusual.

I quit for the first time aged 18.... I gave up because I was having panic attacks and found that the cigarettes acted as a stimulant...did it cold turkey with no problems... but I was only smoking 5 a day.... this lasted 1 year before I relapsed

The second time I quit was aged 22 when I got pregnant with my daughter... didn't have any trouble giving up because I had morning sickness which made smoking phyically impossible.... I stayed off them for 7 years, I only started again because I played a joke on someone... this joke involved taking ONE drag of a fag.... within a week I had 4 lighters and was smoking 10 a day... this really broke my heart.

I gave up again at 31 for a year... dont remember what the motivator was... the reason I started again was because my friend left her cigarettes at my house... a little demon in my head was telling me to have one... BIG MISTAKE!!

So here we are... I'm three weeks in on cold turkey.... the reason I'm giving up is predominently to do with my children, they hate it... then there's my mum who has been fighting cancer, it seems somewhat insulting that she is fighting to live, and yet my dirty habit could kill me.... then there's the issue of money.... I was smoking over 10 a day, so my cigarette bill was well over £130 a month.... thats just CRAZY.

This time has been much harder... I hadn't planned to give up at that point ( was gonna give up early in the new year) but I had the flu and it turned into Bronchitis so I couldn't smoke because it hurt and burnt my chest everytime I tried.... I have had terrible moody moments, I'm eating like a pig and the cravings can be ridciulous at times... but I haven't caved.... and don't intend to.

I am determined not to let another cigarette touch my lips EVER AGAIN!!

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nsd_user663_3856 profile image
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8 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi Vicki Welcome.

Congrats to you your quit,

If you can get the right mental attitude then you will find it much easier and more importantly easier to stay quit!

You have shown that you can quit for long periods so you need to work on the feeling that smoking is a pleasure, and that by not doing so you are depriving yourself. If you can get it sorted in your mind that smoking is just feeding a nicotine addiction not a pleasure and that you remain addicted for the rest of your life so the only way to prevent being a smoker is to never take another puff!

But you know that!!

Best wishes


nsd_user663_3856 profile image

Hey thanks for the support...

I think there is something in the fact that this quit was an enforced one... although when I was at my GP getting antibiotics for the bronchitis my first thought was that I wouldn't have the chest infection if my lungs were healthy... that was smoking related, so I thought I need to get rid of them. I haven't had one since the doc's appointment.

I feel I do have the right mental attitude now... the determination I feel to stay away from the fags is more overwhelming than the cravings so I have stayed away from them entirely... also, my son got him from school this afternoon and his Taxi driver smoked while he is in the car ( not happy about that!!!) he reeked of them and that made me feel sick... so much so I made him take his clothes off so I could wash them.... it horrifies me to think thats what people could smell when then sat next to me. I dont want my house to smell like it did 3 days after I gave up ever again... to be honest, I feel repelled at the thought of smoking....I think its the ritual of it that's been that hardest part to break... and thats where the craving stem from.

I think the reason I have found it hard this time is because just before I got the Flu I was smoking like a trooper... 20 a day ( for me that's heavy)... so to go from that to nothing unplanned, made it feel MASSIVE to me... but to do that and not relapse is an accomplisment, and I'm proud of that... I feel I would let MYSELF down if I smoked now!

nsd_user663_3835 profile image

Good luck with the quit.

From my point of view, setting an example for the kids and making them proud is a great reason.

then there's the issue of money.... I was smoking over 10 a day, so my cigarette bill was well over £130 a month.... thats just CRAZY.

Is that right? Wow I left the UK a while ago and I had no idea. Its 1 pound 60 a pack of 20 where I am currently. How can it be over 3 times the price in the UK? That is a real burden.

nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Oh yeah we get ripped off massively for things still! I think the fact that the cost of cigarettes constantly going up could drive more people to quit, it's certainly swayed my decision heavily. I always used to say to myself that when a 20 deck costs over a fiver, then it's time to say good night to smoking. However, it was clearly easier said than done!

Vicki - that's pretty shocking what you said about the taxi driver, particularly that he/she smoked with a child in the car. Surely you can report him for that? What with it being against the law to smoke in the workplace now?


nsd_user663_3856 profile image

Oh yeah we get ripped off massively for things still! I think the fact that the cost of cigarettes constantly going up could drive more people to quit, it's certainly swayed my decision heavily. I always used to say to myself that when a 20 deck costs over a fiver, then it's time to say good night to smoking. However, it was clearly easier said than done!

Vicki - that's pretty shocking what you said about the taxi driver, particularly that he/she smoked with a child in the car. Surely you can report him for that? What with it being against the law to smoke in the workplace now?

RichYeah, any transport that is used as a source of income is supposted to be none smoking...I will have a chat with him... I dont want to get him into trouble... I'm sure he will stop if I ask him to.

nsd_user663_3856 profile image

Either that or your son will be 'treated' to a white-knuckle ride home every day unless he keeps schtum.

That is dreadful though, seriously - smoking in front of a child in a confined space like a car - presumably it's only a short-ish local drive - not like he couldn't wait until afterwards.its about a 45 minute ride to school... they guy could open to window if he cant wait... My son absolutely REEKED.

Mind you, I possibly noticed it more because my sense of smell is on over drive at the mo.

nsd_user663_3856 profile image

45 minutes - twice a day - 5 days a week - in London - that must cost you a small fortune !

It's still no excuse - can't you talk to the cab firm - ask for a non-smoker ?

Though that would still be dropping your current driver in it.

haha.. I dont have to pay for it, fortunately!!

the driver and I get on great... if I ask him to stop he would respect it... especially as he absolutely loves my son, they get on like a house on fire. I would rather avoid another driver if poss.

nsd_user663_3856 profile image

fair enough

sure you know it's best for your son to not see you smoking, now - so must also be better for him to not see the driver smoking.

go for it - he knows he shouldn't be smoking 'at work' - shouldn't be a problem - he hasn't got a valid argument - and you know that

good luck girl.

Sh*t - feel like some kind of non-smoking crusader !!


Jimlol.. you know that they all say EX smokers are the worst:D

Not what you're looking for?