Okay, I look like death and feel tired all ... - No Smoking Day

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Okay, I look like death and feel tired all the time

nsd_user663_3709 profile image
23 Replies

So I've stopped smoking 3 days ago, this is the 4th day, I stopped taking Champix yesterday, so far I've no real desire to smoke despite smoking for 10 years 30 a day. With stopping smoking I also decided to stop coffee/tee habits so as not to replace the smoking with caffeine addiction. So I've been drinking two litres of water a day, no smoking, and yet I'm looking awful, my eyes are tired and glazed, and I'm kinda tired a lot of the time. I'm a healthy weight and take every kind of vitamin supplement going. I don't know why I'm looking and feeling so bad but I'm hoping someone is going to tell me it's normal and that it'll will pass soon because I have some interviews lined up and if I'm going to be looking this bad I gotta be honest I feel like going and buy cigarettes right now, not because I feel like I want a cigarette that much but more because I don't want to look and feel awful.

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nsd_user663_3709 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

It will take a few days for the Champix to leave your body - why did you stop taking it so soon?

People do react in different ways to not smoking anymore, and I am willing to bet that you will be feeling and looking better very soon.

I was lucky, and had very few negative effects, and after a few days the positive effects started. The only real bad things I had were problems sleeping and a hacking cough for a while.

Other people get all kinds of strange symptoms temporarily, which last from a few days to a couple of weeks while their body's re-adjust.

You have put your body through a lot. First, Champix - start, adjust and then stop, adjust. No nicotine, more oxygen, less CO, Less poison. Then No Caffiene.

I honestly think it will go away once your body adjusts, but if you are in any way concerned then you should see a Doctor immediately.

Don't smoke though, that will only help on a very temporary basis - and you know that!

nsd_user663_3709 profile image

I stopped taking champix cause it did nothing. I wanted to smoke like hell for days 1 and 2, for 3 and 4 not bothered by it.

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

When I went on it the nurse said I could smoke if I wanted up to day 8 then I had to stop. By the 5th day I felt as though I didn't want to smoke as much and by the 8th not at all. I actually stopped on the 9th and haven't looked back since.

Do you not go to a smoking cessation nurse or group? Or are you doing this on your own?

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I stopped taking champix cause it did nothing. I wanted to smoke like hell for days 1 and 2, for 3 and 4 not bothered by it.

That's great, but Champix is a powerful drug - and it will take a few days to get out of your system.

I also stopped taking it early, and it did feel "odd" for a few days.

I honestly think you symptoms will pass, but if you are concerned - please see a Doctor rather than smoke :D

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

im on champix too and i feel like i could fall asleep walking!!!

however the tiredness and feeling crappy could be down to the lack of caffeine. you will prob sit there and say dont be silly. thats what i thought too until i had my teeth bleached a few months ago and i wasnt allowed to drink tea or coffee whilst in the process and jesus did i feel it! headaches, tiredness, grouchy etc...

id say drink your tea etc again until you have been off the fags for a bit longer and the champix, then slowly phase it out if you want to.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

sleepy time

The tiredness seems to affect most people trying to quit. Whether it is drug withdrawal or simply the body healing, just go with it. Sleep if you are tired. No point pushing yourself.

This too shall pass, it did for all of us old timers :)

nsd_user663_3675 profile image

I stopped taking champix cause it did nothing. I wanted to smoke like hell for days 1 and 2, for 3 and 4 not bothered by it.

That's how the Champix works, you take a low dose, gradually building up until you are taking 2mg per day and believe me, by day 8-10 you will no longer want to smoke!!

You need to give it time to get into your system which I assume is why they suggest that you set your quit date for between day 8 and 14.

I also think that the caffeine withdrawal could be as much to blame as trying to quit smoking and would try and give up one thing at a time. At first I found I couldn't drink as much coffee as I usually did but more because I wanted to break the association of "smoke and coffee"!

I hope that you re-consider quitting the Champix and giving it a bit more time!

nsd_user663_3602 profile image


I looked awful for a while, baggy eyes, dull hair, spots the lot. But now I look better than ever, the toxins working their way out of the body can make you look a bit poo for a while but hang in their it does pass. As for the champix thing, i am have been quit for 60 days with cold turkey and feel great, proof that it can be done without drugs or patches (for 60 days at least) however prepare yourself for a few cravings, if you commit to CT i think it can be very effective. Good luck



Also has anyone else noticed that they have whiter teeth, i am sure my teeth look better than before!?

nsd_user663_3602 profile image

Poo :)

the toxins working their way out of the body can make you look a bit poo for a while but hang in their it does pass.

ha no pun intended!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Also has anyone else noticed that they have whiter teeth, i am sure my teeth look better than before!?

Yes, mine are slowly whitening.

Reason, simple - they are slowly coming clean. When smoking you would clean some stains off and then have a smoke and put the stains back.

Now you're not putting it back, so years worth of stains are slowly coming off.

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

Also has anyone else noticed that they have whiter teeth, i am sure my teeth look better than before!?

i have but then i had my teeth whitened in august :D

spose that doesnt count lol

nsd_user663_3708 profile image

Ha...look awful...doh!!!

I wanted to give up for ages..met a woman i liked who didnt smoke and thought it was just the catalyst I needed.... lol.... having stopped she now she tells me I look bad and has stopped texting me..ha ha..still...I dont smoke anymore.. maybe she will come round in a week or so..lol

nsd_user663_3638 profile image

I wanted to give up for ages..met a woman i liked who didnt smoke and thought it was just the catalyst I needed.... lol.... having stopped she now she tells me I look bad and has stopped texting me..ha ha..still...I dont smoke anymore.. maybe she will come round in a week or so..lol

ok i have a couple of things to say about this...

FIRSTLY..... bloody well done for giving up, its not easy, we all know that and you should be very proud of yourself!

SECONDLY...if the girl doesn't like you because you look 'bad' for not smoking, its the wrong girl!!! i'd keep looking if i were you (we're not all that stupid or shallow!!!!!)


nickywalton profile image

ok i have a couple of things to say about this...

FIRSTLY..... bloody well done for giving up, its not easy, we all know that and you should be very proud of yourself!

SECONDLY...if the girl doesn't like you because you look 'bad' for not smoking, its the wrong girl!!! i'd keep looking if i were you (we're not all that stupid or shallow!!!!!)




nickywalton profile image

Also has anyone else noticed that they have whiter teeth, i am sure my teeth look better than before!?

Yes, teeth definitely whiter, and have stopped falling out:p even got praise from the hygienist last month...

Saving on toothpaste too as I was forever cleaning my teeth when I smoked!! Now, can be a normal twice a day person!!!!:cool:


nsd_user663_2216 profile image


hi meadow

i am currently taking champix and yes up to day 8 it done nothing for me and i still smoked but on day 9 i decided to change my attitude towards these little blue pills.

i assumed they would stop the cravings dead in their tracks but they don't ... we still have them but to a much lesser degree.

trust me when i say i have been a member here on and off for 14 months and have failed so many times that i nearly gave up trying to give up.

i was a very heavy smoker and i lived for the ciggies.

but i am on nearly day 4 and yes still having the odd cravings but i now feel confident that i am going to kick this habit for the first time in 30 years.


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

but i am on nearly day 4 and yes still having the odd cravings but i now feel confident that i am going to kick this habit for the first time in 30 years.

That confidence will serve you well.

Anyone CAN give up smoking. There is noone on this earth that CAN'T do it.

But. You have to really want to. You also have to beleive you can.

I reckon this could be your time Tim.

nsd_user663_2216 profile image

you right

hi stuart

yep you spot on

just a bit worried that when i come off the champix my cravings will come back to haunt me... how did you react when you came off champix mate


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

hi stuart

yep you spot on

just a bit worried that when i come off the champix my cravings will come back to haunt me... how did you react when you came off champix mate


No problem at all to be honest. It worried me too, and the first time I tried to wean myself off I got a bit dizzy and edgy... so I went back on. That was proved to be pshycological as I forgot to take one a week later and didn't even notice!!

4 days after that, I was off the pills completely with no ill effects!

However, take it at your own pace! If you prefer to do the 12 week course, do it. If you prefer 24 weeks, your Doctor can do that. The only suggestion I would make is that you don't stop all of a sudden, but lower the dose first.

By the time you come off the tablets you will be will past the physical cravings, any urges you have will be phsycological by then - and the education you will have gained will beat them for you ;)

nickywalton profile image

hi Tim and welcome to your latest and last quit...

Don't worry about coming off champix - by the time you are ready to do that you will be way way past any physical craving and will have done most of the work on the psychological (the difficult) bit...

Most people on here seem to get to a point where they forget to take a pill and realise that they have gone the whole day or night absolutely fine without it...and don't bother to go back to them. Most people seem to get to this stage before the recommended 12 weeks...but you will know when you are ready.

Personally I just cut down til I was taking half a low dose tablet once a day and then just forgot like everyone else. I still have a few in a pot somewhere "just in case":p

Hope this is THE quit with the magical Champix:D

But whatever happens, you must never quit quitting....:D


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Yep, people find Champix to be a wonder drug, coming off is not a big deal for most people, but as Stuart says there can be some psychological dependency on it. The same thing happens when coming of NRT, but to a greater degree as there is still some physical withdrawal to go through, even then its not a big deal for 95% of people.

The best way to stay quit though, is adopting a whole new way of thinking.

-Quitting s not a sacrifice.

-Cigarettes are not some forbidden pleasure.

-Smoking never makes anything better.



nsd_user663_2216 profile image

good advice all round

cheers guys

will stay on the course for at least another month

was a very heavy smoker and this is early days

but getting there

cheers guys x


nsd_user663_3734 profile image

When I reached my first week and didn't light any cigarette during that time, didn't take any drugs and stuff like that - it was horrible man. I couldn't eat properly, i couldn't sleep, nightmares and stuff like that. However, all that passed in a few days.

Seems like the smoking demon inside us is trying to convince you to smoke, but don't let him do it! :D

Charlie R

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