Still here...: ... and still not one puff... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Still here...

nsd_user663_3633 profile image
31 Replies

... and still not one puff.

Day 33 - I think... kind of losing track a bit :confused:

The last week has been so easy, it's scary - I don't recall a single crave.

If it wasn't for here and my diary to remind myself of the position I am in, theres a danger I could get complacent - with the inherent risk that brings.

No complacency - I know a crave could strike at anytime and I must be ready.

So, every day I still write a variation on...

I am a nicotine addict.

I cannot afford to feed that addiction, ever.

Therefore, today, I choose not to smoke.

It sounds dramatic, but it's not - I just have to be ready to say no if I need to.

Written by
nsd_user663_3633 profile image
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31 Replies
nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Stu Your defo a winner. Congrats

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

yep, doing great mate,

Keep writing, and keep not smoking :)



nsd_user663_3615 profile image

u r doing superb keep it up

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

5 weeks today - la la la la la

*does his little dance again*


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

You'll have to put that dance on youtube so we can all see it!

Well done StuartH keep up the good work.



nsd_user663_3633 profile image

You'll have to put that dance on youtube so we can all see it!

I'll put it online when I do it to celebrate 1 year. How about that?

Congrats also to you - 3 months complete today. Well done, mate.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I'll put it online when I do it to celebrate 1 year. How about that?

Duly noted, have entered a new task into outlook calendar - 12/09/09 Check StuartH's video dance is on youtube.


P.s. thanks for all the messages about the 3 months I'll start a new thread!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

P.s. thanks for all the messages about the 3 months I'll start a new thread!

All the messages... only 2 isn't it? Or am I getting old and forgetful?

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

All the messages... only 2 isn't it? Or am I getting old and forgetful?

Well 3 actually if you include the one yesterday :p, but sorry if it made you sound like a stalker :eek:



nsd_user663_3633 profile image

but sorry if it made you sound like a stalker :eek:

Don't worry, I just got worried that you had gotten wise to me!

nsd_user663_3679 profile image

Hey Stuart

A big congrats !!! You have really helped me in my first week of quitting.

Keep it up please :) Looking forward to that dance!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Hey Stuart

A big congrats !!! You have really helped me in my first week of quitting.

Keep it up please :) Looking forward to that dance!

lol The dance will be up for all to see on the big celebration :D

And I'm glad to have been of help - and to have been able to help.

Having moderate cravings right now - first for a while... over a week.

Nothing life threatening, nothing I can't deal with. But unexpected, and possibly (probably) related to skipping a tablet.

Not to worry, as long as they are easily dealt with I shall continue with the plan :D Hopefully I shall get used to the new "level" and they will go away again.

If not, pills are there in case I need them.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

lol The dance will be up for all to see on the big celebration :D

But, a lot to do before then ;)

Having moderate cravings right now - first for a while... over a week.

Nothing life threatening, nothing I can't deal with. But unexpected, and possibly (probably) related to skipping a tablet.

Not to worry, as long as they are easily dealt with I shall continue with the plan :D Hopefully I shall get used to the new "level" and they will go away again.

If not, pills are there in case I need them.

Stuart as you know I had a real nuisance day that started on the 30th Sept and ran through to 1st Oct, craving like mad.

I have no explanation why it just did, I didn't expect it and it pi$$ed me off big time that it could still catch me napping.

What it has taught me is that cravings may well crop up any time, like you there was no way it was going to knock me off my stride, but its a good reminder of what we are trying to achieve here.


All the best


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

[old song]

Ain't nothin' gonna break a my stride, ain't nothin' gonna slow me dowwwwnnn - oh no, I gotta keep on movin'

[/old song]

Yep, it could just simply be some unexpected cravings coming along and coincedence means they come at the same time I'm thinking more about the Champix.

Whatever, they will be dismissed for the pointless little trouble makers they are - and if need be, I will just go back on the full dose of tablets.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

[old song]

Ain't nothin' gonna break a my stride, ain't nothin' gonna slow me dowwwwnnn - oh no, I gotta keep on movin'

[/old song]

Men at work - Fantastic

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Feeling back to "normal" again today... no cravings and still taking only 1 pill a day... but still prepared to admit I am wrong and go back on the full dose rather than take a puff.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Feeling back to "normal" again today... no cravings and still taking only 1 pill a day... but still prepared to admit I am wrong and go back on the full dose rather than take a puff.

Good to hear it, but please remember that being male you are never, ever wrong. :D

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Good to hear it, but please remember that being male you are never, ever wrong. :D

Ok, new set of quit rules...

1) Never another puff

2) Stuart is NEVER wrong.

3) If Stuart is ever proved wrong, rule # 2 applies.

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Feeling back to "normal" again today... no cravings and still taking only 1 pill a day... but still prepared to admit I am wrong and go back on the full dose rather than take a puff.Stuart that is EXACTLY the right approach. It is important that you don't think of missing a tablet, as denying yourself. It is more a case of, "well, if l need a full dose today, so what, i've got them right here if l want one". The comfort of giving yourself permission to take the full dose, somehow relaxes you, and takes the craving away. This is why l said before, to keep getting your prescription. For me, the more l stockpiled, the easier it got.:D

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Right then, day 38 and time for a progress report.

1 Tablet a day since Thursday, so that's 4 days on half dose and no ill effects - I am putting the cravings I had on Thursday down to coincedence.

So... no tablet today yet and I will see how it goes. The pills are in my pocket if I need them though.

Still feeling good, so nothing to report on the actual quit... no news is great news.

Thanks for all the input on this subject folks - massively appreciated.

nsd_user663_3638 profile image

Hi Stuart, hope its going ok without the pills! bet you are really proud of yourself...and you should be!!!!! i guess it must be a frighteneing but empowering hurdle to overcome, all the best with it!

p.s. i got over my mini "slip up" only had a puff, hated it and not been tempted since!!! so trying to stay strong x

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Glad you're back on the wagon.

I've been off work today, torn the ligaments in the back of my knee. OW!

Hobbling around on crutches swearing under my breath because IT HURTS!!!!

Nothing they can do about it, so I just have to hobble around. And did I mention that IT REALLY HURTS!

Apart from that though, the PAIN and everything... I'm OK.

I surprised myself a bit today, didn't even think about smoking all the time I was in A&E. No Champix for 48 hours and no cravings or other symptoms to report - just another day ticked off :D

PS - My leg HURTS!!

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Glad you're back on the wagon.

I've been off work today, torn the ligaments in the back of my knee. OW!

Hobbling around on crutches swearing under my breath because IT HURTS!!!!

Nothing they can do about it, so I just have to hobble around. And did I mention that IT REALLY HURTS!

Apart from that though, the PAIN and everything... I'm OK.

I surprised myself a bit today, didn't even think about smoking all the time I was in A&E. No Champix for 48 hours and no cravings or other symptoms to report - just another day ticked off :D

PS - My leg HURTS!!

Sounds like a nasty injury, does it hurt?? you didn't say;)

Seriously though I did that when I was about 12-13 when I was skiing and it was really painful, so I feel for you.

Well done on the 38 days. I'm glad you keep count on yours, means I don't have to worry as I just take 2 days off yours lol

Sian x

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Sorry to hear that you're injured.

I don't cope well with injuries, get all uptight and angry about them. If I'd done that I'd be hopping mad :D

I've heard about ligament injuries and apparently they can cause some discomfort so I hope you've got some quality pain killers and a little bell to ring to call Mrs StuartH. :D

How long is it expected to take to heal?

On the positive side I'm glad the "experiment" is working as planned.



Hope48 profile image

Ouch!! Sorry about your Injury,I hope it eases soon.

Well Done on your progress,you really are well on the road now:)

nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Hi Stuart

sorry to hear you were injured but it cant still be hurting cos it has been hours since you said it was hurting!!!! :D

Is it still hurting by the way!!??

nsd_user663_3675 profile image

Oh dear, what a pain!! Hope it gets better soon and well done for weaning yourself off the Champix!

nsd_user663_3638 profile image

Glad you're back on the wagon.

I've been off work today, torn the ligaments in the back of my knee. OW!

Hobbling around on crutches swearing under my breath because IT HURTS!!!!

Nothing they can do about it, so I just have to hobble around. And did I mention that IT REALLY HURTS!

Apart from that though, the PAIN and everything... I'm OK.

I surprised myself a bit today, didn't even think about smoking all the time I was in A&E. No Champix for 48 hours and no cravings or other symptoms to report - just another day ticked off :D

PS - My leg HURTS!!

ooouuucchh!!! that does not sound good, you have my sympathy! if it makes you feel better i went a bit crazy on the wii fit and have injured both my ankles (embarrassing or what!) that hurts too :( hope the pain stops soon......

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Hello again, day 40 (so that's 38 for you, Levs - Well done!)... wow, that's come round quick.

Still no ill effects from the coming off Champix, and still no cravings as such. The experiment is a success :D So, that part of it is going really well.

Leg still hurts :( Really hurts. I rate it above broken bone pain, and I had an accident where I broke 1/3 of all my bones about 10 years ago.... this hurts more! Mainly because theres no escape, there is no way to get comfortable - it's constant.

Oh well, another stress to try and make me smoke that won't win.

No prescription painkillers, so have to rely on over the counter stuff. On the upside - Solpadiene(sp) which is Paracetamol and Codiene AND ibuprofen taken together seem to numb it for about an hour... so it could be much worse. At least I can get a little kip.

The Doctor said about 6 weeks to be completely healed but the pain should ease in week or so, meaning I can sleep and not have to completely rely on painkillers which will be great - you may have figured I don't like taking tablets!!!!!

The thing I'm really missing is the walking that I got into while quitting... was doing about 5 miles a day and really enjoying it:mad:

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Hehe, thank you for my progress report. I think we should both be very proud of each other and ourselves. Can't believe we will be at 6 wks this weekend (fri & Sun)


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I think we should both be very proud of each other and ourselves.

Couldn't have put it better myself :)

Can't believe we will be at 6 wks this weekend (fri & Sun)

I know - gone quick, hasn't it?

Not what you're looking for?