My Reasons: I figured i'd have it on the... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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My Reasons

nsd_user663_3659 profile image
17 Replies

I figured i'd have it on the forum why i'm stopping, so i can look at it every time i have a day from hell like today!!

My main reason for stopping is my health. I'm 29 yet i can't run up the stairs anymore. I've 2 boys who are 12 and 8 and i exhaust myself playing footie with them cos i refuse to let them down but i'm so unfit i feel faint after only 10 minutes!! lol pathetic!! Slowly but surely over the past few years my smoking's increased and my energy levels have obviously decreased.

I watched my ex's mum (my boys gran) die slowly and horrendously from lung cancer 5 years ago, she was 65. I've lost both grandads to cancer and countless other relatives, all due to smoking :( I refuse to allow my boys to have to watch me go through that pain and suffering all because i was too weak and selfish to stop.

It'll also be nice not to feel paranoid that work colleages (mainly doctors lol) can smell smoke on me every day. Or that i've got bad breath when speaking to someone lol. I look forward to the shiny hair and better skin too that someone promised me if i stop lol. I look forward to all these things but the main one is not wondering in 10/20 years time if i'm riddled with cancer yet!!!!!

Oh and the money will be fab too but that's just a small bonus compared to life init!!

Cheers for reading ;)

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nsd_user663_3659 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

A lot of people put family in thier reasons, me included - but I'm glad to see that theres plenty about you in there too.

Some good reasons to stay motivated there - make sure you make your boys proud. I already notice the difference in my stamina when I play with my 2 year old. He can still run rings around me, but I can play for longer before I keel over!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Lovely Post Louise

I lost my mum to lung cancer also she was 59. How you feeling today are you a little better than yesterday. Hope you are stay strong Linda xxxx

nsd_user663_3659 profile image

A lot of people put family in thier reasons, me included - but I'm glad to see that theres plenty about you in there too.

Some good reasons to stay motivated there - make sure you make your boys proud.

I will do my very best Stuart :) thanks.

Hi Linda

Today's a better day, thanks hun.

We live next door to a shop and after a very stressful day yesterday i said i was going to get some cigs as i just couldn't do it anymore. The look of disappointment on my 8 year olds face was all it took to give me that huge kick up the arse i was seriously in need of yesterday. (I didn't buy the cigs).

I'm feeling much stronger today and have started with 'the cough' that everyone's warned me about lol which is awful but it has given me that extra boost to keep going with this and not to undo all my hard work.

How's everyone else getting on today?


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I'm doing very well thanks.

That cough is not fun is it? But it's a great reminder of your body's ability to heal after all that abuse. As your lungs start to heal and start to kick out all the cr@p you've been putting in there.

If you cough up stuff like I did for a few days, you will see just what was going in. It's enough to scare the bejesus out of you!

Just another sign you're doing the right thing.

Well done for not giving in - every battle won is a step nearer freedom.

nsd_user663_3659 profile image

I'm doing very well thanks.

That cough is not fun is it? But it's a great reminder of your body's ability to heal after all that abuse. As your lungs start to heal and start to kick out all the cr@p you've been putting in there.

If you cough up stuff like I did for a few days, you will see just what was going in. It's enough to scare the bejesus out of you!

Just another sign you're doing the right thing.

Well done for not giving in - every battle won is a step nearer freedom.

Your messages are always so positive and encouraging :D

I've been warned about the cr*p i'm likely to cough up, so i'm prepared for it and just want to get it over and done with. How long is it likely to last though? lol. I know when i was coughing first thing this morning i could hardly breathe when i'd stopped and that gave me an extra push to keep going cos if i'm like that at 29 imagine what i'll be like in another 20 years!!!!

Day off today though so it's slightly harder. I'd usually spend it round my best mates house drinking tea and smoking countless cigs but have just asked her to meet me at the supermarket cafe so we can drink tea in a public place where she can't smoke lol oh the things we do to avoid temptation!!!!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Positive? Thats because that's how I feel. Honestly, I feel like that everyday at the moment - even on the bad ones. I bet you will too :D

Encouraging? Why not? If I feel this good about me just by quitting smoking, I feel I should encourage people who are doing the same thing. It's only right.

The cough lasted about 4 days for me, but came on later than yours - on about day 8. It was gone entirely by the end of week 2.

Don't worry, it won't last long and by the time it's gone you will have cleared out so much junk you will feel like a different person!

nsd_user663_3659 profile image

It was gone entirely by the end of week 2.

Don't worry, it won't last long and by the time it's gone you will have cleared out so much junk you will feel like a different person!

I can't wait for that!!

I must admit i walked from the bottom of the town centre to the top this morning and although my legs were killing me i wasn't as out of breath as i'd usually be. I usually start feeling light headed lol i must look a right sight huffing and puffing like an old woman!! Oh well, fingers crossed those days are behind me now. Onwards and upwards!!

Cheers Stuart.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Personally I didn't get the cough as such and certainly no dark phlegm only an increase in normal phlegm which is reducing but is still there.

I did however get what seemed like a nasty cold and several people also seem to get the same, but it could have been a cold and could be coincidence.

It is easier to keep your mind off it when you are busy and I understand what you mean about days off being tougher.

Is today going better than yesterday?


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I can't wait for that!!

I must admit i walked from the bottom of the town centre to the top this morning and although my legs were killing me i wasn't as out of breath as i'd usually be. I usually start feeling light headed lol i must look a right sight huffing and puffing like an old woman!! Oh well, fingers crossed those days are behind me now. Onwards and upwards!!

Cheers Stuart.

It really doesn't take long to start noticing the difference does it? If it's like this so soon, (probably cos your blood has no carbon monoxide in now, so more oxygen) imagine how you will feel once your lungs are so much cleaner!

The only thing you need to do to let this amazing change happen? Don't smoke.

nsd_user663_3659 profile image

It is easier to keep your mind off it when you are busy and I understand what you mean about days off being tougher.

Is today going better than yesterday?


Hi Nic

Yeah today's been much easier, thanks for asking. I've had no cravings at all. I am still struggling with the habit part of the battle and am still eating way more than i used to :( but as i've said, i'll tackle that at a later date when i'm more on top of this one. Or when hubby drops hints that i've put on weight, whichever comes first :D

How are you getting along?

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I'm doing great, thanks.

You're right not to worry too much about the weight and it'll be easier to exercise, to get shot of the weight now you've quit too!



nsd_user663_3659 profile image

I'm doing great, thanks.

You're right not to worry too much about the weight and it'll be easier to exercise, to get shot of the weight now you've quit too!



Yeah that's what i was thinking, it's all good. Today is a good day for me :D

Glad you're doing so well with it too.

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Today is a good day for me :D

:D It's great that that's the case - it really is.

Remember, that the further you get into your quit the more good days there are. Very soon the bad days will be seperated by many, many good days.

Well done.

nsd_user663_3659 profile image

:o Thank you !!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hiya MrsR

It should be a week now so how does it feel!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Morning Lousie Congrats on one whole week. xxxx:D:D:D

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Is it really a week already?

Actually is must be 10 days by now!

Well done Mrs R.

Not what you're looking for?